Source code for anaflow.flow.laplace

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Anaflow subpackage providing flow solutions in laplace space.

.. currentmodule:: anaflow.flow.laplace

The following functions are provided

.. autosummary::
# pylint: disable=C0103
import warnings

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import kv, iv, gamma, erfcx
from pentapy import solve
from import sph_surf

__all__ = ["grf_laplace"]

def constant(s):
    """Constant pumping."""
    return 1.0 / s

def periodic(s, a=0):
    Periodic pumping.

    Q(t) = Q * cos(a * t)
    if np.isclose(a, 0):
        return constant(s)
    return 1.0 / (s + a ** 2 / s)

def slug(s):
    """Slug test."""
    return np.ones_like(s)

def interval(s, a=np.inf):
    """Interval pumping in [0, t]."""
    if np.isposinf(a):
        return constant(s)
    return (1.0 - np.exp(-s * a)) / s

def accruing(s, a=0):
    """Accruing pumping with time scale t."""
    return erfcx((s * a) / 2.0) / s

PUMP_COND = {0: constant, 1: periodic, 2: slug, 3: interval, 4: accruing}

[docs]def grf_laplace( s, rad=None, S_part=None, K_part=None, R_part=None, dim=2, lat_ext=1.0, rate=None, K_well=None, cut_off_prec=1e-20, cond=0, cond_kw=None, ): """ The extended GRF-model for transient flow in Laplace-space. The General Radial Flow (GRF) Model allowes fractured dimensions for transient flow under a pumping condition in a confined aquifer. The solutions assumes concentric annuli around the pumpingwell, where each annulus has its own conductivity and storativity value. Parameters ---------- s : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array with all Laplace-space-points where the function should be evaluated rad : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array with all radii where the function should be evaluated S_part : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of length N Given storativity values for each disk K_part : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of length N Given conductivity values for each disk R_part : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of length N+1 Given radii separating the disks as well as starting- and endpoints dim : :class:`float` Flow dimension. Default: 3 lat_ext : :class:`float` The lateral extend of the flow-domain, used in `L^(3-dim)`. Default: 1 rate : :class:`float` Pumpingrate at the well K_well : :class:`float`, optional Conductivity at the well. Default: ``K_part[0]`` cut_off_prec : :class:`float`, optional Define a cut-off precision for the calculation to select the disks included in the calculation. Default ``1e-20`` cond : :class:`int`, optional Type of the pumping condition: * 0 : constant * 1 : periodic (needs "w" as cond_kw) * 2 : slug (rate will be interpreted as slug-volume) * 3 : interval (needs "t" as cond_kw) * callable: laplace-transformation of the transient pumping-rate Default: 0 cond_kw : :class:`dict` optional Keyword args for the pumping condition. Default: None Returns ------- grf_laplace : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array with all values in laplace-space Examples -------- >>> grf_laplace([5,10],[1,2,3],[1e-3,1e-3],[1e-3,2e-3],[0,2,10], 2, 1, -1) array([[-2.71359196e+00, -1.66671965e-01, -2.82986917e-02], [-4.58447458e-01, -1.12056319e-02, -9.85673855e-04]]) """ cond_kw = {} if cond_kw is None else cond_kw cond = cond if callable(cond) else PUMP_COND[cond] # ensure that input is treated as arrays s = np.squeeze(s).reshape(-1) rad = np.squeeze(rad).reshape(-1) S_part = np.squeeze(S_part).reshape(-1) K_part = np.squeeze(K_part).reshape(-1) R_part = np.squeeze(R_part).reshape(-1) # the dimension is used by nu in the literature (See Barker 88) dim = float(dim) nu = 1.0 - dim / 2.0 nu1 = nu - 1 # the lateral extend is a bit subtle in fractured dimension lat_ext = float(lat_ext) rate = float(rate) # get the number of partitions parts = len(K_part) # set the conductivity at the well K_well = K_part[0] if K_well is None else float(K_well) # check the input if not len(R_part) - 1 == len(S_part) == len(K_part) > 0: raise ValueError("R_part, S_part and K_part need matching lengths.") if R_part[0] < 0.0: raise ValueError("The wellradius needs to be >= 0.") if not all([r1 < r2 for r1, r2 in zip(R_part[:-1], R_part[1:])]): raise ValueError("The radii values need to be sorted.") if not np.min(rad) > R_part[0] or np.max(rad) > R_part[-1]: raise ValueError("The given radii need to be in the given range.") if not all([con > 0 for con in K_part]): raise ValueError("The Conductivity needs to be positiv.") if not all([stor > 0 for stor in S_part]): raise ValueError("The Storage needs to be positiv.") if not dim > 0.0 or dim > 3.0: raise ValueError("The dimension needs to be positiv and <= 3.") if not lat_ext > 0.0: raise ValueError("The lateral extend needs to be positiv.") if not K_well > 0: raise ValueError("The well conductivity needs to be positiv.") # initialize the result res = np.zeros(s.shape + rad.shape) # the first sqrt of the diffusivity values diff_sr0 = np.sqrt(S_part[0] / K_part[0]) # set the general pumping-condtion depending on the well-radius if R_part[0] > 0.0: Qs = -(s ** (-0.5)) / diff_sr0 * R_part[0] ** nu1 * cond(s, **cond_kw) else: Qs = -((2 / diff_sr0) ** nu) * s ** (-nu / 2) * cond(s, **cond_kw) # if there is a homgeneouse aquifer, compute the result by hand if parts == 1: # initialize the equation system V = np.zeros(2, dtype=float) M = np.array([[-gamma(1 - nu), 2.0 / gamma(nu)], [0, 1]]) for si, se in enumerate(s): Cs = np.sqrt(se) * diff_sr0 # set the pumping-condition at the well V[0] = Qs[si] # incorporate the boundary-conditions if R_part[0] > 0.0: M[0, :] = [-kv(nu1, Cs * R_part[0]), iv(nu1, Cs * R_part[0])] if R_part[-1] < np.inf: M[1, :] = [kv(nu, Cs * R_part[-1]), iv(nu, Cs * R_part[-1])] else: M[0, 1] = 0 # Bs is 0 in this case either way # solve the equation system As, Bs = np.linalg.solve(M, V) # calculate the head for ri, re in enumerate(rad): if re < R_part[-1]: res[si, ri] = re ** nu * ( As * kv(nu, Cs * re) + Bs * iv(nu, Cs * re) ) # if there is more than one partition, create an equation system else: # initialize LHS and RHS for the linear equation system # Mb is the banded matrix for the Eq-System V = np.zeros(2 * parts) Mb = np.zeros((5, 2 * parts)) X = np.zeros(2 * parts) # set the standard boundary conditions for rwell=0.0 and rinf=np.inf Mb[2, 0] = -gamma(1 - nu) Mb[1, 1] = 2.0 / gamma(nu) Mb[2, -1] = 1.0 # calculate the consecutive fractions of the conductivities Kfrac = K_part[:-1] / K_part[1:] # calculate the square-root of the diffusivities difsr = np.sqrt(S_part / K_part) # calculate a temporal substitution (factor from mass-conservation) tmp = Kfrac * difsr[:-1] / difsr[1:] # match the radii to the different disks pos = np.searchsorted(R_part, rad) - 1 # iterate over the laplace-variable for si, se in enumerate(s): Cs = np.sqrt(se) * difsr # set the pumping-condition at the well # --> implement other pumping conditions V[0] = Qs[si] # generate the equation system as banded matrix for i in range(parts - 1): Mb[0, 2 * i + 3] = -iv(nu, Cs[i + 1] * R_part[i + 1]) Mb[1, 2 * i + 2 : 2 * i + 4] = [ -kv(nu, Cs[i + 1] * R_part[i + 1]), -iv(nu1, Cs[i + 1] * R_part[i + 1]), ] Mb[2, 2 * i + 1 : 2 * i + 3] = [ iv(nu, Cs[i] * R_part[i + 1]), kv(nu1, Cs[i + 1] * R_part[i + 1]), ] Mb[3, 2 * i : 2 * i + 2] = [ kv(nu, Cs[i] * R_part[i + 1]), tmp[i] * iv(nu1, Cs[i] * R_part[i + 1]), ] Mb[4, 2 * i] = -tmp[i] * kv(nu1, Cs[i] * R_part[i + 1]) # set the boundary-conditions if needed if R_part[0] > 0.0: Mb[2, 0] = -kv(nu1, Cs[0] * R_part[0]) Mb[1, 1] = iv(nu1, Cs[0] * R_part[0]) if R_part[-1] < np.inf: Mb[-2, -2] = kv(nu, Cs[-1] * R_part[-1]) Mb[2, -1] = iv(nu, Cs[-1] * R_part[-1]) else: # erase the last row, since X[-1] will be 0 Mb[0, -1] = 0 Mb[1, -1] = 0 # find first disk which has no impact Mb_cond = np.max(np.abs(Mb), axis=0) Mb_cond_lo = Mb_cond < cut_off_prec Mb_cond_hi = Mb_cond > 1 / cut_off_prec Mb_cond = np.logical_or(Mb_cond_lo, Mb_cond_hi) cond = np.where(Mb_cond)[0] found = cond.shape[0] > 0 first = cond[0] // 2 if found else parts # initialize coefficients X[2 * first :] = 0.0 # only the first disk has an impact if first <= 1: M_sgl = np.eye(2, dtype=float) M_sgl[:, 0] = Mb[2:4, 0] M_sgl[:, 1] = Mb[1:3, 1] # solve the equation system try: X[:2] = np.linalg.solve(M_sgl, V[:2]) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: # set 0 if matrix singular X[:2] = 0 elif first > 1: # shrink the matrix M_sgl = Mb[:, : 2 * first] if first < parts: M_sgl[-1, -1] = 0 M_sgl[-2, -1] = 0 M_sgl[-1, -2] = 0 X[: 2 * first] = solve( M_sgl, V[: 2 * first], is_flat=True, index_row_wise=False ) np.nan_to_num(X, copy=False) # calculate the head (ignore small values) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RuntimeWarning) k0_sub = X[2 * pos] * kv(nu, Cs[pos] * rad) k0_sub[np.abs(X[2 * pos]) < cut_off_prec] = 0 i0_sub = X[2 * pos + 1] * iv(nu, Cs[pos] * rad) i0_sub[np.abs(X[2 * pos + 1]) < cut_off_prec] = 0 res[si, :] = rad ** nu * (k0_sub + i0_sub) # set problematic values to 0 # --> the algorithm tends to violate small values, # therefore this approach is suitable np.nan_to_num(res, copy=False) # scale to pumpingrate res *= rate / (K_well * sph_surf(dim) * lat_ext ** (3.0 - dim)) return res
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()