Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Anaflow subpackage providing functions concerning the laplace transformation.

.. currentmodule::

The following functions are provided

.. autosummary::

from math import floor, factorial
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad

__all__ = ["get_lap", "lap_trans", "get_lap_inv", "stehfest"]

[docs]def get_lap(func, arg_dict=None, **kwargs): """ Callable Laplace transform. Get the Laplace transform of a given function as a callable function. Parameters ---------- func : :any:`callable` function that shall be transformed. The first argument needs to be the time-variable: ``func(t, **kwargs)`` `func` should be capable of taking numpy arrays as input for `s` and the first shape component of the output of `func` should match the shape of `s`. arg_dict : :class:`dict` or :any:`None`, optional Keyword-arguments given as a dictionary that are forwarded to the function given in ``func``. Will be merged with ``**kwargs`` This is designed for overlapping keywords. Default: ``None`` **kwargs Keyword-arguments that are forwarded to the function given in ``func``. Will be merged with ``arg_dict``. Returns ------- :any:`callable` The Laplace transformed of the given function. Raises ------ ValueError If `func` is not callable. """ # check the input if not callable(func): raise ValueError("The given function needs to be callable") # define the returned function def ret_func(phase): """Return function for the Laplace transformed.""" return lap_trans(func, phase, arg_dict=arg_dict, **kwargs) return ret_func
[docs]def lap_trans(func, phase, arg_dict=None, **kwargs): """ The laplace transform. Parameters ---------- func : :any:`callable` function that shall be transformed. The first argument needs to be the time-variable: ``func(s, **kwargs)`` `func` should be capable of taking numpy arrays as input for `s` and the first shape component of the output of `func` should match the shape of `s`. phase : :class:`float` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` phase-points to evaluate the transformed function at arg_dict : :class:`dict` or :any:`None`, optional Keyword-arguments given as a dictionary that are forwarded to the function given in ``func``. Will be merged with ``**kwargs`` This is designed for overlapping keywords in ``stehfest`` and ``func``.Default: ``None`` **kwargs Keyword-arguments that are forwarded to the function given in ``func``. Will be merged with ``arg_dict`` Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array with all evaluations in phase-space. Raises ------ ValueError If `func` is not callable. """ # check the input if not callable(func): raise ValueError("The given function needs to be callable") arg_dict = {} if arg_dict is None else arg_dict kwargs.update(arg_dict) # check and save if phase is scalar is_scal = np.isscalar(phase) phase = np.array(phase, dtype=float) result = np.zeros_like(phase) def make_integrand(phase): def integrand(val): """Integrand for the laplace transform.""" return np.exp(-phase * val) * func(val, **kwargs) return integrand for phase_i, phase_e in np.ndenumerate(phase): integ = make_integrand(phase_e) result[phase_i] = quad(integ, 0, np.inf)[0] if is_scal: result = result.item() return result
[docs]def get_lap_inv( func, method="stehfest", method_dict=None, arg_dict=None, **kwargs ): """ Callable Laplace inversion. Get the Laplace inversion of a given function as a callable function. Parameters ---------- func : :any:`callable` function in laplace-space that shall be inverted. The first argument needs to be the laplace-variable: ``func(s, **kwargs)`` `func` should be capable of taking numpy arrays as input for `s` and the first shape component of the output of `func` should match the shape of `s`. method : :class:`str` Method that should be used to calculate the inverse. One can choose between * ``"stehfest"``: for the stehfest algorithm Default: ``"stehfest"`` method_dict : :class:`dict` or :any:`None`, optional Keyword arguments for the used method. arg_dict : :class:`dict` or :any:`None`, optional Keyword-arguments given as a dictionary that are forwarded to the function given in ``func``. Will be merged with ``**kwargs`` This is designed for overlapping keywords. Default: ``None`` **kwargs Keyword-arguments that are forwarded to the function given in ``func``. Will be merged with ``arg_dict``. Returns ------- :any:`callable` The Laplace inverse of the given function. Raises ------ ValueError If `func` is not callable. ValueError If `method` is unknown. """ # dict with all implemented methods method_avail = {"stehfest": stehfest} # check the input if not callable(func): raise ValueError("The given function needs to be callable") if method not in method_avail: raise ValueError("The given method is unknown: " + str(method)) # assign the used method used_meth = method_avail[method] # update kwargs if method_dict is None: method_dict = {} kwargs.update(method_dict) kwargs["arg_dict"] = arg_dict # define the returned function def ret_func(time): """Return function for the Laplace inversion.""" return used_meth(func, time, **kwargs) return ret_func
[docs]def stehfest(func, time, bound=12, arg_dict=None, **kwargs): r""" The stehfest-algorithm for numerical laplace inversion. The Inversion was derivide in ''Stehfest 1970''[R1]_ and is given by the formula .. math:: f\left(t\right) &=\frac{\ln2}{t}\sum_{n=1}^{N}c_{n}\cdot\tilde{f} \left(n\cdot\frac{\ln2}{t}\right)\\ c_{n} &=\left(-1\right)^{n+\frac{N}{2}}\cdot \sum_{k=\left\lfloor \frac{n+1}{2}\right\rfloor } ^{\min\left\{ n,\frac{N}{2}\right\} } \frac{k^{\frac{N}{2}+1}\cdot\binom{2k}{k}} {\left(\frac{N}{2}-k\right)!\cdot\left(n-k\right)! \cdot\left(2k-n\right)!} In the algorithm :math:`N` corresponds to ``bound``, :math:`\tilde{f}` to ``func`` and :math:`t` to ``time``. Parameters ---------- func : :any:`callable` function in laplace-space that shall be inverted. The first argument needs to be the laplace-variable: ``func(s, **kwargs)`` `func` should be capable of taking numpy arrays as input for `s` and the first shape component of the output of `func` should match the shape of `s`. time : :class:`float` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` time-points to evaluate the function at bound : :class:`int`, optional Here you can specify the number of interations within this algorithm. Default: ``12`` arg_dict : :class:`dict` or :any:`None`, optional Keyword-arguments given as a dictionary that are forwarded to the function given in ``func``. Will be merged with ``**kwargs`` This is designed for overlapping keywords in ``stehfest`` and ``func``.Default: ``None`` **kwargs Keyword-arguments that are forwarded to the function given in ``func``. Will be merged with ``arg_dict`` Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array with all evaluations in Time-space. Raises ------ ValueError If `func` is not callable. ValueError If `time` is not positive. ValueError If `bound` is not positive. ValueError If `bound` is not even. References ---------- .. [R1] Stehfest, H., ''Algorithm 368: Numerical inversion of laplace transforms [d5].'' Communications of the ACM, 13(1):47-49, 1970 Notes ----- The parameter ``time`` needs to be strictly positiv. The algorithm gets unstable for ``bound`` values above 20. Examples -------- >>> f = lambda x: x**-1 >>> stehfest(f, [1,10,100]) array([ 1., 1., 1.]) """ arg_dict = {} if arg_dict is None else arg_dict kwargs.update(arg_dict) # ensure that t is handled as an 1d-array time = np.array(time, dtype=float).reshape(-1) # check the input if not callable(func): raise ValueError("The given function needs to be callable") if not np.all(time > 0.0): raise ValueError( "The time-values need to be positiv for the stehfest-algorithm" ) if bound <= 1: raise ValueError( "The boundary needs to be >1 for the stehfest-algorithm" ) if bound % 2 != 0: raise ValueError( "The boundary needs to be even for the stehfest-algorithm" ) # get all coefficient factors at once c_fac = c_array(bound) t_fac = np.log(2.0) / time # store every function-argument needed in one array fargs = np.einsum("i,j->ij", t_fac, np.arange(1, bound + 1)) # get every function-value needed with one call of 'func' lap_val = func(fargs.reshape(-1), **kwargs) # reshape again for further summation lap_val = lap_val.reshape(fargs.shape + lap_val.shape[1:]) # sumation of c*f res = np.einsum("ij...,j->i...", lap_val, c_fac) # multiply with ln(2)/t res = np.einsum("i...,i->i...", res, t_fac) return res
def c_array(bound=12): """ Array of coefficients for the stehfest-algorithm. Parameters ---------- bound : :class:`int`, optional The number of interations. Default: ``12`` Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array with all coefficinets needed. """ c_lookup = { 2: np.array([2.000000000000000000e00, -2.000000000000000000e00]), 4: np.array( [ -2.000000000000000000e00, 2.600000000000000000e01, -4.800000000000000000e01, 2.400000000000000000e01, ] ), 6: np.array( [ 1.000000000000000000e00, -4.900000000000000000e01, 3.660000000000000000e02, -8.580000000000000000e02, 8.100000000000000000e02, -2.700000000000000000e02, ] ), 8: np.array( [ -3.333333333333333148e-01, 4.833333333333333570e01, -9.060000000000000000e02, 5.464666666666666060e03, -1.437666666666666606e04, 1.873000000000000000e04, -1.194666666666666606e04, 2.986666666666666515e03, ] ), 10: np.array( [ 8.333333333333332871e-02, -3.208333333333333570e01, 1.279000000000000000e03, -1.562366666666666606e04, 8.424416666666665697e04, -2.369575000000000000e05, 3.759116666666666861e05, -3.400716666666666861e05, 1.640625000000000000e05, -3.281250000000000000e04, ] ), 12: np.array( [ -1.666666666666666644e-02, 1.601666666666666572e01, -1.247000000000000000e03, 2.755433333333333212e04, -2.632808333333333139e05, 1.324138699999999953e06, -3.891705533333333209e06, 7.053286333333333023e06, -8.005336500000000000e06, 5.552830500000000000e06, -2.155507200000000186e06, 3.592512000000000116e05, ] ), 14: np.array( [ 2.777777777777777884e-03, -6.402777777777778567e00, 9.240499999999999545e02, -3.459792777777777519e04, 5.403211111111111240e05, -4.398346366666667163e06, 2.108759177777777612e07, -6.394491304444444180e07, 1.275975795499999970e08, -1.701371880833333433e08, 1.503274670333333313e08, -8.459216150000000000e07, 2.747888476666666567e07, -3.925554966666666791e06, ] ), 16: np.array( [ -3.968253968253968251e-04, 2.133730158730158699e00, -5.510166666666666515e02, 3.350016111111111240e04, -8.126651111111111240e05, 1.007618376666666567e07, -7.324138297777777910e07, 3.390596320730158687e08, -1.052539536278571367e09, 2.259013328583333492e09, -3.399701984433333397e09, 3.582450461699999809e09, -2.591494081366666794e09, 1.227049828766666651e09, -3.427345554285714030e08, 4.284181942857142538e07, ] ), } if bound in c_lookup: return c_lookup[bound] return _carr(bound) def _carr(bound): res = np.zeros(bound) for i in range(1, bound + 1): res[i - 1] = _c(i, bound) return res def _c(i, bound): res = 0.0 for k in range(int(floor((i + 1) / 2.0)), min(i, bound // 2) + 1): res += _d(k, i, bound) res *= (-1) ** (i + bound / 2) return res def _d(k, i, bound): res = ((float(k)) ** (bound / 2 + 1)) * (factorial(2 * k)) res /= ( (factorial(bound / 2 - k)) * (factorial(i - k)) * (factorial(2 * k - i)) ) res /= factorial(k) ** 2 return res if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()