Source code for

Anaflow subpackage providing special functions.

.. currentmodule::

The following functions are provided

.. autosummary::

# pylint: disable=C0103,R0903
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import exp1, expn, gamma, gammaincc, hyp2f1

__all__ = [

[docs]class Shaper: """ A class to reshape radius-time input-output in a good way. Parameters ---------- time : :class:`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`float`, optional Array with all time-points where the function should be evaluated. Default: 0 rad : :class:`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`float`, optional Array with all radii where the function should be evaluated. Default: 0 struc_grid : :class:`bool`, optional If this is set to ``False``, the `rad` and `time` array will be merged and interpreted as single, r-t points. In this case they need to have the same shapes. Otherwise a structured t-r grid is created. Default: ``True`` """ def __init__(self, time=0, rad=0, struc_grid=True): self.time_scalar = np.isscalar(time) self.rad_scalar = np.isscalar(rad) self.time = np.array(time) self.rad = np.array(rad) self.struc_grid = struc_grid self.time_shape = self.time.shape self.rad_shape = self.rad.shape self.time = self.time.reshape(-1) self.rad = self.rad.reshape(-1) self.time_no = self.time.shape[0] self.rad_no = self.rad.shape[0] self.time_min = np.min(self.time) self.time_max = np.max(self.time) self.rad_min = np.min(self.rad) self.rad_max = np.max(self.rad) self.time_gz = self.time > 0 self.time_mat = np.outer( self.time[self.time_gz], np.ones_like(self.rad) ) self.rad_mat = np.outer( np.ones_like(self.time[self.time_gz]), self.rad ) if not self.struc_grid and self.rad_shape != self.time_shape: raise ValueError("No struc_grid: shape of time & radius differ") if np.any(self.time < 0.0): raise ValueError("The given times need to be positive.") if np.any(self.rad <= 0.0): raise ValueError("The given radii need to be non-negative.")
[docs] def reshape(self, result): """Reshape a time-rad result according to the input shape.""" np.asanyarray(result) if self.struc_grid: result = result.reshape(self.time_shape + self.rad_shape) elif self.rad_shape: result = np.diag(result).reshape(self.rad_shape) if self.time_scalar and self.rad_scalar: result = result.item() return result
[docs]def step_f(rad, r_part, f_part): """Callalbe step function.""" return np.piecewise( np.array(rad), [ np.logical_and(r1 <= rad, rad < r2) for r1, r2 in zip(r_part[:-1], r_part[1:]) ], f_part, )
[docs]def sph_surf(dim): """Surface of the d-dimensional sphere.""" return 2.0 * np.sqrt(np.pi) ** dim / gamma(dim / 2.0)
[docs]def specialrange(val_min, val_max, steps, typ="exp"): """ Calculation of special point ranges. Parameters ---------- val_min : :class:`float` Starting value. val_max : :class:`float` Ending value steps : :class:`int` Number of steps. typ : :class:`str` or :class:`float`, optional Setting the kind of range-distribution. One can choose between * ``"exp"``: for exponential behavior * ``"log"``: for logarithmic behavior * ``"geo"``: for geometric behavior * ``"lin"``: for linear behavior * ``"quad"``: for quadratic behavior * ``"cub"``: for cubic behavior * :class:`float`: here you can specifi any exponent ("quad" would be equivalent to 2) Default: ``"exp"`` Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array containing the special range Examples -------- >>> specialrange(1,10,4) array([ 1. , 2.53034834, 5.23167968, 10. ]) """ if typ in ["exponential", "exp"]: rng = np.expm1( np.linspace(np.log1p(val_min), np.log1p(val_max), steps) ) elif typ in ["logarithmic", "log"]: rng = np.log(np.linspace(np.exp(val_min), np.exp(val_max), steps)) elif typ in ["geometric", "geo", "geom"]: rng = np.geomspace(val_min, val_max, steps) elif typ in ["linear", "lin"]: rng = np.linspace(val_min, val_max, steps) elif typ in ["quadratic", "quad"]: rng = (np.linspace(np.sqrt(val_min), np.sqrt(val_max), steps)) ** 2 elif typ in ["cubic", "cub"]: rng = ( np.linspace( np.power(val_min, 1 / 3.0), np.power(val_max, 1 / 3.0), steps ) ) ** 3 elif isinstance(typ, (float, int)): rng = ( np.linspace( np.power(val_min, 1.0 / typ), np.power(val_max, 1.0 / typ), steps, ) ) ** typ else: print(f"specialrange: unknown typ '{typ}'. Using linear range") rng = np.linspace(val_min, val_max, steps) return rng
[docs]def specialrange_cut(val_min, val_max, steps, val_cut=None, typ="exp"): """ Calculation of special point ranges. Calculation of special point ranges with a cut-off value. Parameters ---------- val_min : :class:`float` Starting value. val_max : :class:`float` Ending value steps : :class:`int` Number of steps. val_cut : :class:`float`, optional Cutting value, if val_max is bigger than this value, the last interval will be between val_cut and val_max. Default: 100.0 typ : :class:`str` or :class:`float`, optional Setting the kind of range-distribution. One can choose between * ``"exp"``: for exponential behavior * ``"log"``: for logarithmic behavior * ``"geo"``: for geometric behavior * ``"lin"``: for linear behavior * ``"quad"``: for quadratic behavior * ``"cub"``: for cubic behavior * :class:`float`: here you can specifi any exponent ("quad" would be equivalent to 2) Default: ``"exp"`` Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array containing the special range Examples -------- >>> specialrange_cut(1,10,4) array([ 1. , 2.53034834, 5.23167968, 10. ]) """ val_cut = 100.0 if val_cut is None else val_cut if val_max > val_cut: rng = specialrange(val_min, val_cut, steps - 1, typ) return np.hstack((rng, val_max)) return specialrange(val_min, val_max, steps, typ)
[docs]def aniso(e): """ The anisotropy function. Known from ''Dagan (1989)''[R2]_. Parameters ---------- e : :class:`float` Anisotropy-ratio of the vertical and horizontal corralation-lengths Returns ------- aniso : :class:`float` Value of the anisotropy function for the given value. Raises ------ ValueError If the Anisotropy-ratio ``e`` is not within 0 and 1. References ---------- .. [R2] Dagan, G., ''Flow and Transport on Porous Formations'', Springer Verlag, New York, 1989. Examples -------- >>> aniso(0.5) 0.2363998587187151 """ if e < 0 or e > 1: raise ValueError("Anisotropy ratio 'e' must be within 0 and 1") if np.isclose(e, 1): res = 1.0 / 3.0 elif np.isclose(e, 0): res = 0.0 else: res = e / (2 * (1.0 - e**2)) res *= ( 1.0 / np.sqrt(1.0 - e**2) * np.arctan(np.sqrt(1.0 / e**2 - 1.0)) - e ) return res
[docs]def well_solution( time, rad, storage, transmissivity, rate=-1e-4, h_bound=0.0, struc_grid=True, ): """ The classical Theis solution. The classical Theis solution for transient flow under a pumping condition in a confined and homogeneous aquifer. This solution was presented in ''Theis 1935''[R9]_. Parameters ---------- time : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array with all time-points where the function should be evaluated. rad : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array with all radii where the function should be evaluated. storage : :class:`float` Storage of the aquifer. transmissivity : :class:`float` Transmissivity of the aquifer. rate : :class:`float`, optional Pumpingrate at the well. Default: -1e-4 h_bound : :class:`float`, optional Reference head at the outer boundary at infinity. Default: ``0.0`` struc_grid : :class:`bool`, optional If this is set to "False", the "rad" and "time" array will be merged and interpreted as single, r-t points. In this case they need to have the same shapes. Otherwise a structured r-t grid is created. Default: ``True`` Returns ------- head : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array with all heads at the given radii and time-points. Raises ------ ValueError If ``rad`` is not positiv. ValueError If ``time`` is negative. ValueError If shape of ``rad`` and ``time`` differ in case of ``struc_grid`` is ``True``. ValueError If ``transmissivity`` is not positiv. ValueError If ``storage`` is not positiv. References ---------- .. [R9] Theis, C., ''The relation between the lowering of the piezometric surface and the rate and duration of discharge of a well using groundwater storage'', Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 16, 519-524, 1935 Notes ----- The parameters ``rad``, ``T`` and ``S`` will be checked for positivity. If you want to use cartesian coordiantes, just use the formula ``r = sqrt(x**2 + y**2)`` Examples -------- >>> well_solution([10,100], [1,2,3], 0.001, 0.001, -0.001) array([[-0.24959541, -0.14506368, -0.08971485], [-0.43105106, -0.32132823, -0.25778313]]) """ Input = Shaper(time, rad, struc_grid) if not transmissivity > 0.0: raise ValueError("The Transmissivity needs to be positive.") if not storage > 0.0: raise ValueError("The Storage needs to be positive.") time_mat = Input.time_mat rad_mat = Input.rad_mat res = np.zeros((Input.time_no, Input.rad_no)) res[Input.time_gz, :] = ( rate / (4.0 * np.pi * transmissivity) * exp1(rad_mat**2 * storage / (4 * transmissivity * time_mat)) ) res = Input.reshape(res) if rate > 0: res = np.maximum(res, 0) else: res = np.minimum(res, 0) # add the reference head res += h_bound return res
[docs]def grf_solution( time, rad, storage, conductivity, dim=2, lat_ext=1.0, rate=-1e-4, h_bound=0.0, struc_grid=True, ): """ The general radial flow (GRF) model for a pumping test. Parameters ---------- time : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array with all time-points where the function should be evaluated. rad : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array with all radii where the function should be evaluated. storage : :class:`float` Storage coefficient of the aquifer. conductivity : :class:`float` Conductivity of the aquifer. dim : :class:`float`, optional Fractional dimension of the aquifer. Default: ``2.0`` lat_ext : :class:`float`, optional Lateral extend of the aquifer. Default: ``1.0`` rate : :class:`float`, optional Pumpingrate at the well. Default: -1e-4 h_bound : :class:`float`, optional Reference head at the outer boundary at infinity. Default: ``0.0`` struc_grid : :class:`bool`, optional If this is set to "False", the "rad" and "time" array will be merged and interpreted as single, r-t points. In this case they need to have the same shapes. Otherwise a structured r-t grid is created. Default: ``True`` Returns ------- head : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array with all heads at the given radii and time-points. Raises ------ ValueError If ``rad`` is not positiv. ValueError If ``time`` is negative. ValueError If shape of ``rad`` and ``time`` differ in case of ``struc_grid`` is ``True``. ValueError If ``conductivity`` is not positiv. ValueError If ``storage`` is not positiv. """ Input = Shaper(time, rad, struc_grid) if not conductivity > 0.0: raise ValueError("The Conductivity needs to be positive.") if not storage > 0.0: raise ValueError("The Storage needs to be positive.") time_mat = Input.time_mat rad_mat = Input.rad_mat u = storage * rad_mat**2 / (4 * conductivity * time_mat) nu = 1.0 - dim / 2.0 res = np.zeros((Input.time_no, Input.rad_no)) res[Input.time_gz, :] = inc_gamma(-nu, u) res[Input.time_gz, :] *= ( rate / (4.0 * np.pi ** (1 - nu) * conductivity * lat_ext ** (3.0 - dim)) * rad_mat ** (2 * nu) ) res = Input.reshape(res) if rate > 0: res = np.maximum(res, 0) else: res = np.minimum(res, 0) # add the reference head res += h_bound return res
[docs]def inc_gamma(s, x): r"""The (upper) incomplete gamma function. Given by: :math:`\Gamma(s,x) = \int_x^{\infty} t^{s-1}\,e^{-t}\,{\rm d}t` Parameters ---------- s : :class:`float` exponent in the integral x : :class:`numpy.ndarray` input values """ if np.isclose(s, 0): return exp1(x) if np.isclose(s, np.around(s)) and s < -0.5: return x ** (s - 1) * expn(int(1 - np.around(s)), x) if s < 0: return (inc_gamma(s + 1, x) - x**s * np.exp(-x)) / s return gamma(s) * gammaincc(s, x)
[docs]def tpl_hyp(rad, dim, hurst, corr, prop): """Hyp_2F1 for the TPL CG model.""" x = 1.0 / (1.0 + (prop * rad / corr) ** 2) return x ** (dim / 2.0) * hyp2f1(dim / 2.0, 1, dim / 2.0 + 1 + hurst, x)
[docs]def neuman2004_trans(rad, trans_gmean, var, len_scale): r"""The apparent transmissivity from Neuman 2004. Parameters ---------- rad : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array with all radii where the function should be evaluated trans_gmean : :class:`float` Geometric-mean transmissivity. var : :class:`float` Variance of log-transmissivity. len_scale : :class:`float` Correlation-length of log-transmissivity. """ t_h = trans_gmean * np.exp(-var / 2) return t_h + (trans_gmean - t_h) * neuman2004_phi(0.5 * rad / len_scale)
def neuman2004_phi(alpha): r"""The phi function from Neuman 2004. Parameters ---------- alpha : :class:`numpy.ndarray` The ratio r/(2l) """ alpha = np.array(np.abs(alpha), dtype=np.double) a_lo = alpha < 1 res = np.ones_like(alpha) res[a_lo] = 3 * alpha[a_lo] ** 2 - 2 * alpha[a_lo] ** 3 return res if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()