Source code for gstools.field.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
GStools subpackage providing a base class for spatial fields.

.. currentmodule:: gstools.field.base

The following classes are provided

.. autosummary::
# pylint: disable=C0103, C0415
from import Iterable
from copy import copy
from functools import partial

import numpy as np

from gstools.covmodel.base import CovModel
from import (
from import _check_normalizer, apply_mean_norm_trend
from import format_struct_pos_dim, generate_grid
from gstools.transform.field import apply

__all__ = ["Field"]

VALUE_TYPES = ["scalar", "vector"]
""":class:`list` of :class:`str`: valid field value types."""

def _pos_equal(pos1, pos2):
    if pos1 is None or pos2 is None:
        return False
    if len(pos1) != len(pos2):
        return False
    for p1, p2 in zip(pos1, pos2):
        if len(p1) != len(p2):
            return False
        if not np.allclose(p1, p2):
            return False
    return True

def _set_mean_trend(value, dim):
    if callable(value) or value is None:
        return value
    value = np.asarray(value, dtype=np.double).ravel()
    if value.size > 1 and value.size != dim:  # vector mean
        raise ValueError(f"Mean/Trend: Wrong size ({value})")
    return value if value.size > 1 else value.item()

[docs]class Field: """A base class for random fields, kriging fields, etc. Parameters ---------- model : :any:`CovModel`, optional Covariance Model related to the field. value_type : :class:`str`, optional Value type of the field. Either "scalar" or "vector". The default is "scalar". mean : :any:`None` or :class:`float` or :any:`callable`, optional Mean of the field if wanted. Could also be a callable. The default is None. normalizer : :any:`None` or :any:`Normalizer`, optional Normalizer to be applied to the field. The default is None. trend : :any:`None` or :class:`float` or :any:`callable`, optional Trend of the denormalized fields. If no normalizer is applied, this behaves equal to 'mean'. The default is None. dim : :any:`None` or :class:`int`, optional Dimension of the field if no model is given. """ default_field_names = ["field"] """:class:`list`: Default field names.""" def __init__( self, model=None, value_type="scalar", mean=None, normalizer=None, trend=None, dim=None, ): # initialize attributes self._mesh_type = "unstructured" # default self._pos = None self._field_shape = None self._field_names = [] self._model = None self._value_type = None self._mean = None self._normalizer = None self._trend = None self._dim = dim if dim is None else int(dim) # set properties self.model = model self.value_type = value_type self.mean = mean self.normalizer = normalizer self.trend = trend def __len__(self): return len(self.field_names) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.field_names def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self.field_names: return getattr(self, key) if isinstance(key, int): return self[self.field_names[key]] if isinstance(key, slice): return [self[f] for f in self.field_names[key]] if isinstance(key, Iterable) and not isinstance(key, str): return [self[f] for f in key] raise KeyError(f"{}: requested field '{key}' not present") def __delitem__(self, key): names = [] if key in self.field_names: names = [key] elif isinstance(key, int): names = [self.field_names[key]] elif isinstance(key, slice): names = self.field_names[key] elif isinstance(key, Iterable) and not isinstance(key, str): for k in key: k = self.field_names[k] if isinstance(key, int) else k names.append(k) else: raise KeyError(f"{}: requested field '{key}' not present") for name in names: if name not in self.field_names: raise KeyError( f"{}: requested field '{name}' not present" ) delattr(self, name) del self._field_names[self._field_names.index(name)]
[docs] def __call__( self, pos=None, field=None, mesh_type="unstructured", post_process=True, store=True, ): """Generate the field. Parameters ---------- pos : :class:`list`, optional the position tuple, containing main direction and transversal directions field : :class:`numpy.ndarray` or :any:`None`, optional the field values. Will be all zeros if :any:`None` is given. mesh_type : :class:`str`, optional 'structured' / 'unstructured'. Default: 'unstructured' post_process : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to apply mean, normalizer and trend to the field. Default: `True` store : :class:`str` or :class:`bool`, optional Whether to store field (True/False) with default name or with specified name. The default is :any:`True` for default name "field". Returns ------- field : :class:`numpy.ndarray` the field values. """ name, save = self.get_store_config(store) pos, shape = self.pre_pos(pos, mesh_type) if field is None: field = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.double) else: field = np.asarray(field, dtype=np.double).reshape(shape) return self.post_field(field, name, post_process, save)
[docs] def structured(self, *args, **kwargs): """Generate a field on a structured mesh. See :any:`__call__` """ if self.pos is None: self.mesh_type = "structured" if not (args or "pos" in kwargs) and self.mesh_type == "unstructured": raise ValueError("Field.structured: can't reuse present 'pos'") call = partial(self.__call__, mesh_type="structured") return call(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def unstructured(self, *args, **kwargs): """Generate a field on an unstructured mesh. See :any:`__call__` """ if self.pos is None: self.mesh_type = "unstructured" if not (args or "pos" in kwargs) and self.mesh_type != "unstructured": raise ValueError("Field.unstructured: can't reuse present 'pos'") call = partial(self.__call__, mesh_type="unstructured") return call(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def mesh( self, mesh, points="centroids", direction="all", name="field", **kwargs ): """Generate a field on a given meshio, ogs5py or PyVista mesh. Parameters ---------- mesh : meshio.Mesh or ogs5py.MSH or PyVista mesh The given mesh points : :class:`str`, optional The points to evaluate the field at. Either the "centroids" of the mesh cells (calculated as mean of the cell vertices) or the "points" of the given mesh. Default: "centroids" direction : :class:`str` or :class:`list`, optional Here you can state which direction should be choosen for lower dimension. For example, if you got a 2D mesh in xz direction, you have to pass "xz". By default, all directions are used. One can also pass a list of indices. Default: "all" name : :class:`str` or :class:`list` of :class:`str`, optional Name(s) to store the field(s) in the given mesh as point_data or cell_data. If to few names are given, digits will be appended. Default: "field" **kwargs Keyword arguments forwarded to :any:`__call__`. Notes ----- This will store the field in the given mesh under the given name, if a meshio or PyVista mesh was given. See: - meshio: - ogs5py: - PyVista: """ return generate_on_mesh(self, mesh, points, direction, name, **kwargs)
[docs] def pre_pos(self, pos=None, mesh_type="unstructured", info=False): """ Preprocessing positions and mesh_type. Parameters ---------- pos : :any:`iterable` the position tuple, containing main direction and transversal directions mesh_type : :class:`str`, optional 'structured' / 'unstructured' Default: `"unstructured"` info : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to return information Returns ------- iso_pos : (d, n), :class:`numpy.ndarray` Isometrized position tuple. shape : :class:`tuple` Shape of the resulting field. info : :class:`dict`, optional Information about settings. Warnings -------- When setting a new position tuple that differs from the present one, all stored fields will be deleted. """ info_ret = {"deleted": False} if pos is None: if self.pos is None: raise ValueError("Field: no position tuple 'pos' present") else: info_ret = self.set_pos(pos, mesh_type, info=True) if self.mesh_type != "unstructured": pos = generate_grid(self.pos) else: pos = self.pos # return isometrized pos tuple, field shape and possible info info_ret = (info_ret,) if self.model is None: return (pos, self.field_shape) + info * info_ret return (self.model.isometrize(pos), self.field_shape) + info * info_ret
[docs] def post_field(self, field, name="field", process=True, save=True): """ Postprocessing field values. Parameters ---------- field : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Field values. name : :class:`str`, optional Name. to store the field. The default is "field". process : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to process field to apply mean, normalizer and trend. The default is True. save : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to store the field under the given name. The default is True. Returns ------- field : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Processed field values. """ if self.field_shape is None: raise ValueError("post_field: no 'field_shape' present.") field = np.asarray(field, dtype=np.double).reshape(self.field_shape) if process: field = apply_mean_norm_trend( pos=self.pos, field=field, mesh_type=self.mesh_type, value_type=self.value_type, mean=self.mean, normalizer=self.normalizer, trend=self.trend, check_shape=False, stacked=False, ) if save: name = str(name) if not name.isidentifier() or ( name not in self.field_names and name in dir(self) ): raise ValueError( f"Field: given field name '{name}' is not valid" ) # allow resetting present fields if name not in self._field_names: self._field_names.append(name) setattr(self, name, field) return field
[docs] def delete_fields(self, select=None): """Delete selected fields.""" del self[self.field_names if select is None else select]
[docs] def transform( self, method, field="field", store=True, process=False, **kwargs ): """ Apply field transformation. Parameters ---------- method : :class:`str` Method to use. See :any:`gstools.transform` for available transformations. field : :class:`str`, optional Name of field to be transformed. The default is "field". store : :class:`str` or :class:`bool`, optional Whether to store field inplace (True/False) or under a given name. The default is True. process : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to process in/out fields with trend, normalizer and mean of given Field instance. The default is False. **kwargs Keyword arguments forwarded to selected method. Raises ------ ValueError When method is unknown. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Transformed field. """ return apply( self, method, field=field, store=store, process=process, **kwargs )
[docs] def to_pyvista( self, field_select="field", fieldname="field" ): # pragma: no cover """Create a VTK/PyVista grid of the stored field. Parameters ---------- field_select : :class:`str`, optional Field that should be stored. Can be: "field", "raw_field", "krige_field", "err_field" or "krige_var". Default: "field" fieldname : :class:`str`, optional Name of the field in the VTK file. Default: "field" """ grid = to_vtk_helper( self, filename=None, field_select=field_select, fieldname=fieldname ) return grid
[docs] def vtk_export( self, filename, field_select="field", fieldname="field" ): # pragma: no cover """Export the stored field to vtk. Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` Filename of the file to be saved, including the path. Note that an ending (.vtr or .vtu) will be added to the name. field_select : :class:`str`, optional Field that should be stored. Can be: "field", "raw_field", "krige_field", "err_field" or "krige_var". Default: "field" fieldname : :class:`str`, optional Name of the field in the VTK file. Default: "field" """ if not isinstance(filename, str): raise TypeError("Please use a string filename.") return to_vtk_helper( self, filename=filename, field_select=field_select, fieldname=fieldname, )
[docs] def plot( self, field="field", fig=None, ax=None, **kwargs ): # pragma: no cover """ Plot the spatial random field. Parameters ---------- field : :class:`str`, optional Field that should be plotted. Default: "field" fig : :class:`Figure` or :any:`None` Figure to plot the axes on. If `None`, a new one will be created. Default: `None` ax : :class:`Axes` or :any:`None` Axes to plot on. If `None`, a new one will be added to the figure. Default: `None` **kwargs Forwarded to the plotting routine. """ # just import if needed; matplotlib is not required by setup from gstools.field.plot import plot_field, plot_vec_field if self.value_type is None: raise ValueError( "Field value type not set! " "Specify 'scalar' or 'vector' before plotting." ) if self.value_type == "scalar": r = plot_field(self, field, fig, ax, **kwargs) elif self.value_type == "vector": if self.dim == 2: r = plot_vec_field(self, field, fig, ax, **kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Streamflow plotting only supported for 2d case." ) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown field value type: {self.value_type}") return r
[docs] def set_pos(self, pos, mesh_type="unstructured", info=False): """ Set positions and mesh_type. Parameters ---------- pos : :any:`iterable` the position tuple, containing main direction and transversal directions mesh_type : :class:`str`, optional 'structured' / 'unstructured' Default: `"unstructured"` info : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to return information Returns ------- info : :class:`dict`, optional Information about settings. Warnings -------- When setting a new position tuple that differs from the present one, all stored fields will be deleted. """ info_ret = {"deleted": False} old_type = copy(self.mesh_type) old_pos = copy(self.pos) # save pos and mesh-type self.mesh_type = mesh_type self.pos = pos # remove present fields if new pos is different from current if old_type != self.mesh_type or not _pos_equal(old_pos, self.pos): self.delete_fields() info_ret["deleted"] = True del old_pos return info_ret if info else None
[docs] def get_store_config(self, store, default=None, fld_cnt=None): """ Get storage configuration from given selection. Parameters ---------- store : :class:`str` or :class:`bool` or :class:`list`, optional Whether to store fields (True/False) with default names or with specified names. The default is :any:`True` for default names. default : :class:`str` or :class:`list`, optional Default field names. The default is "field". fld_cnt : :any:`None` or :class:`int`, optional Number of fields when using lists. The default is None. Returns ------- name : :class:`str` or :class:`list` Name(s) of field. save : :class:`bool` or :class:`list` Whether to save field(s). """ if default is None: if fld_cnt is None: default = self.default_field_names[0] else: default = self.default_field_names # single field if fld_cnt is None: save = isinstance(store, str) or bool(store) name = store if isinstance(store, str) else default return name, save # multiple fields default = _names(default, fld_cnt) save = [True] * fld_cnt if isinstance(store, str): store = [store] if isinstance(store, Iterable): store = list(store)[:fld_cnt] store += [True] * (fld_cnt - len(store)) name = [None] * fld_cnt for i, val in enumerate(store): save[i] = isinstance(val, str) or bool(val) name[i] = val if isinstance(val, str) else default[i] else: save = [bool(store)] * fld_cnt name = copy(default) return name, save
@property def pos(self): """:class:`tuple`: The position tuple of the field.""" return self._pos @pos.setter def pos(self, pos): if self.mesh_type == "unstructured": self._pos = np.asarray(pos, dtype=np.double).reshape(self.dim, -1) self._field_shape = np.shape(self._pos[0]) else: self._pos, self._field_shape = format_struct_pos_dim(pos, self.dim) # prepend dimension if we have a vector field if self.value_type == "vector": self._field_shape = (self.dim,) + self._field_shape if self.latlon: raise ValueError("Field: Vector fields not allowed for latlon") @property def all_fields(self): """:class:`list`: All fields as stacked list.""" return self[self.field_names] @property def field_names(self): """:class:`list`: Names of present fields.""" return self._field_names @field_names.deleter def field_names(self): self.delete_fields() @property def field_shape(self): """:class:`tuple`: The shape of the field.""" return self._field_shape @property def mesh_type(self): """:class:`str`: The mesh type of the field.""" return self._mesh_type @mesh_type.setter def mesh_type(self, mesh_type): self._mesh_type = str(mesh_type) @property def model(self): """:any:`CovModel`: The covariance model of the field.""" return self._model @model.setter def model(self, model): if model is not None: if not isinstance(model, CovModel): raise ValueError( "Field: 'model' is not an instance of 'gstools.CovModel'" ) self._model = model self._dim = None elif self._dim is None: raise ValueError("Field: either needs 'model' or 'dim'.") else: self._model = None @property def mean(self): """:class:`float` or :any:`callable`: The mean of the field.""" return self._mean @mean.setter def mean(self, mean): self._mean = _set_mean_trend(mean, self.dim) @property def normalizer(self): """:any:`Normalizer`: Normalizer of the field.""" return self._normalizer @normalizer.setter def normalizer(self, normalizer): self._normalizer = _check_normalizer(normalizer) @property def trend(self): """:class:`float` or :any:`callable`: The trend of the field.""" return self._trend @trend.setter def trend(self, trend): self._trend = _set_mean_trend(trend, self.dim) @property def value_type(self): """:class:`str`: Type of the field values (scalar, vector).""" return self._value_type @value_type.setter def value_type(self, value_type): if value_type not in VALUE_TYPES: raise ValueError(f"Field: value type not in {VALUE_TYPES}") self._value_type = value_type @property def dim(self): """:class:`int`: Dimension of the field.""" return self._dim if self.model is None else self.model.field_dim @property def latlon(self): """:class:`bool`: Whether the field depends on geographical coords.""" return False if self.model is None else self.model.latlon @property def name(self): """:class:`str`: The name of the class.""" return self.__class__.__name__ def _fmt_mean_norm_trend(self): # fmt_mean_norm_trend for all child classes return fmt_mean_norm_trend(self) def __repr__(self): """Return String representation.""" if self.model is None: dim_str = f"dim={self.dim}" else: dim_str = f"model={}" return ( f"{}({dim_str}, " f"value_type='{self.value_type}'{self._fmt_mean_norm_trend()})" )