
GStools subpackage providing transformations to post-process normal fields.


apply(fld, method[, field, store, process])

Apply field transformation.

Field Transformations

binary(fld[, divide, upper, lower, field, ...])

Binary transformation.

discrete(fld, values[, thresholds, field, ...])

Discrete transformation.

boxcox(fld[, lmbda, shift, field, store, ...])

(Inverse) Box-Cox transformation to denormalize data.

zinnharvey(fld[, conn, field, store, ...])

Zinn and Harvey transformation to connect low or high values.

normal_force_moments(fld[, field, store, ...])

Force moments of a normal distributed field.

normal_to_lognormal(fld[, field, store, ...])

Transform normal distribution to log-normal distribution.

normal_to_uniform(fld[, field, store, ...])

Transform normal distribution to uniform distribution on [0, 1].

normal_to_arcsin(fld[, a, b, field, store, ...])

Transform normal distribution to the bimodal arcsin distribution.

normal_to_uquad(fld[, a, b, field, store, ...])

Transform normal distribution to U-quadratic distribution.

apply_function(fld, function[, field, ...])

Apply function as field transformation.

Array Transformations

array_discrete(field, values[, thresholds, ...])

Discrete transformation.

array_boxcox(field[, lmbda, shift])

(Inverse) Box-Cox transformation to denormalize data.

array_zinnharvey(field[, conn, mean, var])

Zinn and Harvey transformation to connect low or high values.

array_force_moments(field[, mean, var])

Force moments of a normal distributed field.


Transform normal distribution to log-normal distribution.

array_to_uniform(field[, mean, var])

Transform normal distribution to uniform distribution on [0, 1].

array_to_arcsin(field[, mean, var, a, b])

Transform normal distribution to arcsin distribution.

array_to_uquad(field[, mean, var, a, b])

Transform normal distribution to U-quadratic distribution.