Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Tools for ogs5py output files (independent from VTK package).

.. currentmodule::


.. autosummary::

import glob
import os
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

import numpy as np

from import PCS_TYP

# retrieve infos from ogs-filenames

[docs]def split_pnt_path( infile, task_id=None, pnt_name=None, PCS_name=None, split_extra=False, guess_PCS=False, ): """ Retrive ogs-infos from filename for tecplot-polyline output. {id}_time_{pnt}[_{PCS+extra}].tec """ # create a workaround for empty PCS string (which is valid) if PCS_name == "": temp_id, temp_pnt, temp_PCS, __ = split_pnt_path( infile=infile, task_id=task_id, pnt_name=None, PCS_name=None, split_extra=False, guess_PCS=False, ) if temp_id is None: return 4 * (None,) endstring = temp_pnt + temp_PCS PCS = "" if pnt_name is None: if split_extra: # here we have to guess the POINT name and maybe an extra suf # POINT name is guessed as a name without "_" # the rest will be set as extra split_pnt = endstring.find("_") if split_pnt > -1: pnt = endstring[: endstring.find("_")] extra = endstring[endstring.find("_") + 1 :] else: pnt = endstring extra = "" else: pnt = endstring extra = "" else: if endstring.startswith(pnt_name): pnt = pnt_name extra = endstring[len(pnt) :] if not split_extra and extra != "": return 4 * (None,) return temp_id, pnt, PCS, extra # remove the directory-part from the filepath to get the basename name = os.path.basename(infile) # search for the suffix (aka file ending) suffix_pat = re.compile(r"\.tec$") suffix_match = # check for the task_id if task_id is None: prefix_pat = re.compile("_time_") prefix_match = if prefix_match is None: return 4 * (None,) id_name = name[: prefix_match.span()[0]] else: prefix_pat = re.compile("^" + re.escape(task_id) + "_time_") id_name = task_id prefix_match = if prefix_match is None: return 4 * (None,) if pnt_name is not None: midtrm_pat = re.compile( "^" + re.escape(id_name) + "_time_" + re.escape(pnt_name) + r"+[\._]" ) midtrm_match = if midtrm_match is None: return 4 * (None,) PCS = name[midtrm_match.span()[1] : suffix_match.span()[0]] # check PCS if PCS_name is None: pcs_found = False for pcs_sgl in PCS_TYP[1:]: if PCS.startswith(pcs_sgl): pcs_found = True extra = PCS[len(pcs_sgl) :] PCS = pcs_sgl break if not pcs_found: extra = "" else: if PCS.startswith(PCS_name): extra = PCS[len(PCS_name) :] PCS = PCS_name if not split_extra and extra != "": return 4 * (None,) else: return 4 * (None,) else: # serch for the PCS if PCS_name is None: pcs_found = False for pcs_sgl in PCS_TYP[1:]: # create a pattern to search the actual pcs_type midtrm_pat = re.compile( "^" + re.escape(id_name) + "_time_[^_]+.*_" + re.escape(pcs_sgl) ) midtrm_match = # if found retrive the PCS name if midtrm_match is not None: pcs_found = True PCS = name[ midtrm_match.span()[1] - len(pcs_sgl) : suffix_match.span()[0] ] # cut off extra suffix from PCS extra = PCS[len(pcs_sgl) :] PCS = PCS[: len(pcs_sgl)] # retrive the pnt name from the file-path PCS_pat = re.compile( "_" + re.escape(PCS + extra) + r"\.tec$" ) PCS_match = pnt = name[prefix_match.span()[1] : PCS_match.span()[0]] break if not pcs_found: if guess_PCS: # here we have to guess the POINT name and maybe a PCS type # POINT name is guessed as a name without "_" # the rest will be set as PCS midtrm_pat = re.compile( "^" + re.escape(id_name) + r"_time_[^_]+[\._]" ) midtrm_match = if midtrm_match is None: return 4 * (None,) pnt = name[ prefix_match.span()[1] : midtrm_match.span()[1] - 1 ] PCS = name[midtrm_match.span()[1] : suffix_match.span()[0]] extra = "" else: pnt = name[prefix_match.span()[1] : suffix_match.span()[0]] PCS = "" extra = "" else: PCS_pat = re.compile("_" + re.escape(PCS_name)) # +".*\.tec$") PCS_match = if PCS_match is None: return 4 * (None,) pnt = name[prefix_match.span()[1] : PCS_match.span()[0]] extra = name[PCS_match.span()[1] : suffix_match.span()[0]] # PCS was given, extras should not be split and extra != "" # thus we get a contradiction if (not split_extra) and extra != "": return 4 * (None,) if not split_extra: PCS = PCS + extra extra = "" elif extra.startswith("_"): extra = extra[1:] elif extra != "": # if PCS starts with given PCS but there's an extra suffix not # separated by an "_" return None return 4 * (None,) return id_name, pnt, PCS, extra
[docs]def split_ply_path( infile, task_id=None, line_name=None, PCS_name=None, split_extra=False ): """ Retrive ogs-infos from filename for tecplot-polyline output. {id}_ply_{line}_t{n}[_{PCS+extra}].tec """ # remove the directory-part from the filepath to get the basename name = os.path.basename(infile) # check for the task_id if task_id is None: prefix_pat = re.compile("_ply_") id_name = name[:[0]] else: prefix_pat = re.compile("^" + re.escape(task_id) + "_ply_") id_name = task_id # search for different parts in the string midtrm_pat = re.compile(r"_t\d+[\._]") suffix_pat = re.compile(r"\.tec$") prefix_match = midtrm_match = suffix_match = # if anything was not found, return None for everything if prefix_match is None or midtrm_match is None or suffix_match is None: return 5 * (None,) # get the infos from the file-name line = name[prefix_match.span()[1] : midtrm_match.span()[0]] step = int(name[midtrm_match.span()[0] + 2 : midtrm_match.span()[1] - 1]) PCS = name[midtrm_match.span()[1] : suffix_match.span()[0]] if line_name is not None and line_name != line: return 5 * (None,) if PCS_name is None: pcs_found = False for pcs_sgl in PCS_TYP[1:]: if PCS.startswith(pcs_sgl): pcs_found = True extra = PCS[len(pcs_sgl) :] PCS = pcs_sgl break if not pcs_found: extra = "" else: if PCS.startswith(PCS_name): extra = PCS[len(PCS_name) :] PCS = PCS_name if not split_extra and extra != "": return 5 * (None,) else: return 5 * (None,) if not split_extra: PCS = PCS + extra if PCS_name is not None and extra != "": return 5 * (None,) extra = "" elif extra.startswith("_"): extra = extra[1:] elif extra != "" and PCS_name != "": # if PCS starts with given PCS (not "") but there's an extra suffix not # separated by an "_" return None return 5 * (None,) return id_name, line, step, PCS, extra
[docs]def readpvd_single(infile): """ Read a paraview pvd file. Convert all concerned files to a dictionary containing their data. """ output = {} # read the pvd file as XML and extract the needed file infos if not os.path.isfile(infile): return output info_root = ET.parse(infile).getroot() pvd_info = info_root.attrib files = [] infos = [] # iterate through the data collection for dataset in info_root[0]: files.append(dataset.attrib["file"]) infos.append(dataset.attrib) del infos[-1]["file"] if "timestep" in infos[-1]: infos[-1]["timestep"] = float(infos[-1]["timestep"]) if "part" in infos[-1]: infos[-1]["part"] = int(infos[-1]["part"]) output["pvd_info"] = pvd_info output["files"] = files output["infos"] = infos return output
[docs]def get_output_files(task_root, task_id, pcs=None, typ="VTK", element=None): r""" Get a list of output file paths. Parameters ---------- task_root : string string containing the path to the directory containing the ogs output task_id : string string containing the file name of the ogs task without extension pcs : string or None, optional specify the PCS type that should be collected Possible values are: - None/"" (no PCS_TYPE specified in \*.out) - "NO_PCS" - "GROUNDWATER_FLOW" - "LIQUID_FLOW" - "RICHARDS_FLOW" - "AIR_FLOW" - "MULTI_PHASE_FLOW" - "PS_GLOBAL" - "HEAT_TRANSPORT" - "DEFORMATION" - "MASS_TRANSPORT" - "OVERLAND_FLOW" - "FLUID_MOMENTUM" - "RANDOM_WALK" Default : None typ : string, optional Type of the output ("VTK", "PVD", "TEC_POINT" or "TEC_POLYLINE"). Default : "VTK" element : string or None, optional For tecplot output you can specify the name of the output element. (Point-name of Line-name from GLI file) Default: None """ typ = typ.upper() if pcs is None: pcs = "" # if pcs is "ALL" iterate over all known PCS types if pcs == "ALL": raise ValueError("get_output_files: specifiy a single PCS not 'ALL'.") # format task_root proper as directory path task_root = os.path.normpath(task_root) if typ == "VTK": # in the filename, there is a underscore before the PCS-type if pcs != "": pcs = "_" + pcs # YEAHAA.. inconsistency if pcs == "_RANDOM_WALK": pcs = "_RWPT" # get a list of all output files "{id}0000.vtk" ... "{id}999[...]9.vtk" # if pcs is RWPT the name-sheme is different if pcs == "_RWPT": files = glob.glob( os.path.join( task_root, task_id + pcs + "_[0-9]*.particles.vtk" ) ) else: files = glob.glob( os.path.join( task_root, task_id + pcs + "[0-9][0-9][0-9]*[0-9].vtk" ) ) files.sort() elif typ == "PVD": # in the filename, there is a underscore before the PCS-type if pcs != "": pcs = "_" + pcs infile = os.path.join(task_root, task_id + pcs + ".pvd") # get the pvd information about the concerned files pvd_info = readpvd_single(infile) # if pvd is empty: return if not pvd_info: return [] # initialize output-time time = [] for info in pvd_info["infos"]: time.append(info["timestep"]) time = np.array(time) time_sort = np.argsort(time) files = [] for new_pos in time_sort: files.append(pvd_info["files"][new_pos]) elif typ == "TEC_POINT": # find point output by keyword "time" infiles = glob.glob( os.path.join(task_root, task_id + "_time_*." + "tec") ) infiles.sort() files = [] for infile in infiles: # get the information from the file-name _, pnt_name, file_pcs, _ = split_pnt_path(infile, task_id) # check if the given PCS type matches, else skip the file if file_pcs == pcs and (element is None or element == pnt_name): files.append(infile) elif typ == "TEC_POLYLINE": infiles = glob.glob( os.path.join(task_root, task_id + "_ply_?*_t[0-9]*.tec") ) # sort the infiles by name to sort it by timestep (pitfall!!!) infiles.sort() files = [] for infile in infiles: # get the information from the file-name _, line_name, _, file_pcs, _ = split_ply_path(infile, task_id) # check if the given PCS type matches, else skip the file if file_pcs == pcs and (element is None or element == line_name): files.append(infile) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown output typ: '{typ}'") return files