Source code for welltestpy.estimate.estimators

"""welltestpy subpackage providing classes for parameter estimation."""
import anaflow as ana

from . import steady_lib, transient_lib

__all__ = [

[docs]class ExtTheis3D(transient_lib.TransientPumping): """Class for an estimation of stochastic subsurface parameters. With this class you can run an estimation of statistical subsurface parameters. It utilizes the extended Theis solution in 3D which assumes a log-normal distributed conductivity field with a gaussian correlation function and an anisotropy ratio 0 < e <= 1. Available values for fitting: * ``cond_gmean``: geometric mean conductivity * ``var``: variance of log-conductivity * ``len_scale``: correlation length scale of log-conductivity * ``anis``: anisotropy between horizontal and vertical correlation length * ``storage``: storage Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` Name of the Estimation. campaign : :class:`` The pumping test campaign which should be used to estimate the parameters val_ranges : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing the fit-ranges for each value in the type-curve. Names should be as in the type-curve signature. Ranges should be a tuple containing min and max value. Will default to `default_ranges` val_fix : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing fixed values for the type-curve. Names should be as in the type-curve signature. Default: None val_fit_type : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing fitting transformation type for each value. Names should be as in the type-curve signature. val_fit_type can be "lin", "log", "exp", "sqrt", "quad", "inv" or a tuple of two callable functions where the first is the transformation and the second is its inverse. "log" is for example equivalent to ``(np.log, np.exp)``. By default, conductivity and storage will be fitted logarithmically and other values linearly. Default: None val_fit_name : :class:`dict`, optional Display name of the fitting transformation. Will be the val_fit_type string if it is a predefined one, or ``f`` if it is a given callable as default for each value. Default: None testinclude : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary of which tests should be included. If ``None`` is given, all available tests are included. Default: ``None`` generate : :class:`bool`, optional State if time stepping, processed observation data and estimation setup should be generated with default values. Default: ``False`` """ default_ranges = { "cond_gmean": (1e-7, 2e-1), "var": (0, 10), "len_scale": (1, 50), "storage": (2e-6, 4e-1), "anis": (0, 1), } """:class:`dict`: Default value ranges for the estimator.""" def __init__( self, name, campaign, val_ranges=None, val_fix=None, val_fit_type=None, val_fit_name=None, testinclude=None, generate=False, ): val_ranges = val_ranges or {} val_fix = val_fix or {} val_fix.setdefault("lat_ext", 1.0) for def_name, def_val in self.default_ranges.items(): val_ranges.setdefault(def_name, def_val) val_fit_type = val_fit_type or {} val_fit_type.setdefault("cond_gmean", "log") val_fit_type.setdefault("storage", "log") val_plot_names = { "cond_gmean": "$K_G$", "var": r"$\sigma^2$", "len_scale": r"$\ell$", "storage": "$S$", "anis": "$e$", } super().__init__( name=name, campaign=campaign, type_curve=ana.ext_theis_3d, val_ranges=val_ranges, val_fix=val_fix, val_fit_type=val_fit_type, val_fit_name=val_fit_name, val_plot_names=val_plot_names, testinclude=testinclude, generate=generate, )
[docs]class ExtTheis2D(transient_lib.TransientPumping): """Class for an estimation of stochastic subsurface parameters. With this class you can run an estimation of statistical subsurface parameters. It utilizes the extended Theis solution in 2D which assumes a log-normal distributed transmissivity field with a gaussian correlation function. Available values for fitting: * ``trans_gmean``: geometric mean transmissivity * ``var``: variance of log-transmissivity * ``len_scale``: correlation length scale of log-transmissivity * ``storage``: storage Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` Name of the Estimation. campaign : :class:`` The pumping test campaign which should be used to estimate the paramters val_ranges : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing the fit-ranges for each value in the type-curve. Names should be as in the type-curve signature. Ranges should be a tuple containing min and max value. Will default to `default_ranges` val_fix : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing fixed values for the type-curve. Names should be as in the type-curve signature. Default: None val_fit_type : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing fitting transformation type for each value. Names should be as in the type-curve signature. val_fit_type can be "lin", "log", "exp", "sqrt", "quad", "inv" or a tuple of two callable functions where the first is the transformation and the second is its inverse. "log" is for example equivalent to ``(np.log, np.exp)``. By default, transmissivity and storage will be fitted logarithmically and other values linearly. Default: None val_fit_name : :class:`dict`, optional Display name of the fitting transformation. Will be the val_fit_type string if it is a predefined one, or ``f`` if it is a given callable as default for each value. Default: None testinclude : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary of which tests should be included. If ``None`` is given, all available tests are included. Default: ``None`` generate : :class:`bool`, optional State if time stepping, processed observation data and estimation setup should be generated with default values. Default: ``False`` """ default_ranges = { "trans_gmean": (1e-7, 2e-1), "var": (0, 10), "len_scale": (1, 50), "storage": (2e-6, 4e-1), } """:class:`dict`: Default value ranges for the estimator.""" def __init__( self, name, campaign, val_ranges=None, val_fix=None, val_fit_type=None, val_fit_name=None, testinclude=None, generate=False, ): val_ranges = val_ranges or {} for def_name, def_val in self.default_ranges.items(): val_ranges.setdefault(def_name, def_val) val_fit_type = val_fit_type or {} val_fit_type.setdefault("trans_gmean", "log") val_fit_type.setdefault("storage", "log") val_plot_names = { "trans_gmean": "$T_G$", "var": r"$\sigma^2$", "len_scale": r"$\ell$", "storage": "$S$", } super().__init__( name=name, campaign=campaign, type_curve=ana.ext_theis_2d, val_ranges=val_ranges, val_fix=val_fix, val_fit_type=val_fit_type, val_fit_name=val_fit_name, val_plot_names=val_plot_names, testinclude=testinclude, generate=generate, )
[docs]class Neuman2004(transient_lib.TransientPumping): """Class for an estimation of stochastic subsurface parameters. With this class you can run an estimation of statistical subsurface parameters. It utilizes the apparent Transmissivity from Neuman 2004 which assumes a log-normal distributed transmissivity field with an exponential correlation function. Available values for fitting: * ``trans_gmean``: geometric mean transmissivity * ``var``: variance of log-transmissivity * ``len_scale``: correlation length scale of log-transmissivity * ``storage``: storage Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` Name of the Estimation. campaign : :class:`` The pumping test campaign which should be used to estimate the parameters val_ranges : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing the fit-ranges for each value in the type-curve. Names should be as in the type-curve signature. Ranges should be a tuple containing min and max value. Will default to `default_ranges` val_fix : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing fixed values for the type-curve. Names should be as in the type-curve signature. Default: None val_fit_type : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing fitting transformation type for each value. Names should be as in the type-curve signature. val_fit_type can be "lin", "log", "exp", "sqrt", "quad", "inv" or a tuple of two callable functions where the first is the transformation and the second is its inverse. "log" is for example equivalent to ``(np.log, np.exp)``. By default, transmissivity and storage will be fitted logarithmically and other values linearly. Default: None val_fit_name : :class:`dict`, optional Display name of the fitting transformation. Will be the val_fit_type string if it is a predefined one, or ``f`` if it is a given callable as default for each value. Default: None testinclude : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary of which tests should be included. If ``None`` is given, all available tests are included. Default: ``None`` generate : :class:`bool`, optional State if time stepping, processed observation data and estimation setup should be generated with default values. Default: ``False`` """ default_ranges = { "trans_gmean": (1e-7, 2e-1), "var": (0, 10), "len_scale": (1, 50), "storage": (2e-6, 4e-1), } """:class:`dict`: Default value ranges for the estimator.""" def __init__( self, name, campaign, val_ranges=None, val_fix=None, val_fit_type=None, val_fit_name=None, testinclude=None, generate=False, ): val_ranges = val_ranges or {} for def_name, def_val in self.default_ranges.items(): val_ranges.setdefault(def_name, def_val) val_fit_type = val_fit_type or {} val_fit_type.setdefault("trans_gmean", "log") val_fit_type.setdefault("storage", "log") val_plot_names = { "trans_gmean": "$T_G$", "var": r"$\sigma^2$", "len_scale": r"$\ell$", "storage": "$S$", } super().__init__( name=name, campaign=campaign, type_curve=ana.neuman2004, val_ranges=val_ranges, val_fix=val_fix, val_fit_type=val_fit_type, val_fit_name=val_fit_name, val_plot_names=val_plot_names, testinclude=testinclude, generate=generate, )
[docs]class Theis(transient_lib.TransientPumping): """Class for an estimation of homogeneous subsurface parameters. With this class you can run an estimation of homogeneous subsurface parameters. It utilizes the Theis solution. Available values for fitting: * ``transmissivity``: transmissivity * ``storage``: storage Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` Name of the Estimation. campaign : :class:`` The pumping test campaign which should be used to estimate the parameters val_ranges : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing the fit-ranges for each value in the type-curve. Names should be as in the type-curve signature. Ranges should be a tuple containing min and max value. Will default to `default_ranges` val_fix : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing fixed values for the type-curve. Names should be as in the type-curve signature. Default: None val_fit_type : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing fitting transformation type for each value. Names should be as in the type-curve signature. val_fit_type can be "lin", "log", "exp", "sqrt", "quad", "inv" or a tuple of two callable functions where the first is the transformation and the second is its inverse. "log" is for example equivalent to ``(np.log, np.exp)``. By default, transmissivity and storage will be fitted logarithmically. Default: None val_fit_name : :class:`dict`, optional Display name of the fitting transformation. Will be the val_fit_type string if it is a predefined one, or ``f`` if it is a given callable as default for each value. Default: None testinclude : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary of which tests should be included. If ``None`` is given, all available tests are included. Default: ``None`` generate : :class:`bool`, optional State if time stepping, processed observation data and estimation setup should be generated with default values. Default: ``False`` """ default_ranges = {"transmissivity": (1e-7, 2e-1), "storage": (2e-6, 4e-1)} """:class:`dict`: Default value ranges for the estimator.""" def __init__( self, name, campaign, val_ranges=None, val_fix=None, val_fit_type=None, val_fit_name=None, testinclude=None, generate=False, ): val_ranges = val_ranges or {} for def_name, def_val in self.default_ranges.items(): val_ranges.setdefault(def_name, def_val) val_fit_type = val_fit_type or {} val_fit_type.setdefault("transmissivity", "log") val_fit_type.setdefault("storage", "log") val_plot_names = {"transmissivity": "$T$", "storage": "$S$"} super().__init__( name=name, campaign=campaign, type_curve=ana.theis, val_ranges=val_ranges, val_fix=val_fix, val_fit_type=val_fit_type, val_fit_name=val_fit_name, val_plot_names=val_plot_names, testinclude=testinclude, generate=generate, )
[docs]class ExtThiem3D(steady_lib.SteadyPumping): """Class for an estimation of stochastic subsurface parameters. With this class you can run an estimation of statistical subsurface parameters. It utilizes the extended Thiem solution in 3D which assumes a log-normal distributed conductivity field with a gaussian correlation function and an anisotropy ratio 0 < e <= 1. Available values for fitting: * ``cond_gmean``: geometric mean conductivity * ``var``: variance of log-conductivity * ``len_scale``: correlation length scale of log-conductivity * ``anis``: anisotropy between horizontal and vertical correlation length Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` Name of the Estimation. campaign : :class:`` The pumping test campaign which should be used to estimate the parameters make_steady : :class:`bool`, optional State if the tests should be converted to steady observations. See: :any:`PumpingTest.make_steady`. Default: True val_ranges : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing the fit-ranges for each value in the type-curve. Names should be as in the type-curve signature. Ranges should be a tuple containing min and max value. Will default to `default_ranges` val_fix : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing fixed values for the type-curve. Names should be as in the type-curve signature. Default: None val_fit_type : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing fitting transformation type for each value. Names should be as in the type-curve signature. val_fit_type can be "lin", "log", "exp", "sqrt", "quad", "inv" or a tuple of two callable functions where the first is the transformation and the second is its inverse. "log" is for example equivalent to ``(np.log, np.exp)``. By default, conductivity will be fitted logarithmically and other values linearly. Default: None val_fit_name : :class:`dict`, optional Display name of the fitting transformation. Will be the val_fit_type string if it is a predefined one, or ``f`` if it is a given callable as default for each value. Default: None testinclude : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary of which tests should be included. If ``None`` is given, all available tests are included. Default: ``None`` generate : :class:`bool`, optional State if time stepping, processed observation data and estimation setup should be generated with default values. Default: ``False`` """ default_ranges = { "cond_gmean": (1e-7, 2e-1), "var": (0, 10), "len_scale": (1, 50), "anis": (0, 1), } """:class:`dict`: Default value ranges for the estimator.""" def __init__( self, name, campaign, make_steady=True, val_ranges=None, val_fix=None, val_fit_type=None, val_fit_name=None, testinclude=None, generate=False, ): val_ranges = val_ranges or {} val_fix = val_fix or {} val_fix.setdefault("lat_ext", 1.0) for def_name, def_val in self.default_ranges.items(): val_ranges.setdefault(def_name, def_val) val_fit_type = val_fit_type or {} val_fit_type.setdefault("cond_gmean", "log") val_plot_names = { "cond_gmean": "$K_G$", "var": r"$\sigma^2$", "len_scale": r"$\ell$", "anis": "$e$", } super().__init__( name=name, campaign=campaign, type_curve=ana.ext_thiem_3d, val_ranges=val_ranges, make_steady=make_steady, val_fix=val_fix, val_fit_type=val_fit_type, val_fit_name=val_fit_name, val_plot_names=val_plot_names, testinclude=testinclude, generate=generate, )
[docs]class ExtThiem2D(steady_lib.SteadyPumping): """Class for an estimation of stochastic subsurface parameters. With this class you can run an estimation of statistical subsurface parameters. It utilizes the extended Thiem solution in 2D which assumes a log-normal distributed transmissivity field with a gaussian correlation function. Available values for fitting: * ``trans_gmean``: geometric mean transmissivity * ``var``: variance of log-transmissivity * ``len_scale``: correlation length scale of log-transmissivity Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` Name of the Estimation. campaign : :class:`` The pumping test campaign which should be used to estimate the parameters make_steady : :class:`bool`, optional State if the tests should be converted to steady observations. See: :any:`PumpingTest.make_steady`. Default: True val_ranges : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing the fit-ranges for each value in the type-curve. Names should be as in the type-curve signature. Ranges should be a tuple containing min and max value. Will default to `default_ranges` val_fix : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing fixed values for the type-curve. Names should be as in the type-curve signature. Default: None val_fit_type : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing fitting transformation type for each value. Names should be as in the type-curve signature. val_fit_type can be "lin", "log", "exp", "sqrt", "quad", "inv" or a tuple of two callable functions where the first is the transformation and the second is its inverse. "log" is for example equivalent to ``(np.log, np.exp)``. By default, transmissivity will be fitted logarithmically and other values linearly. Default: None val_fit_name : :class:`dict`, optional Display name of the fitting transformation. Will be the val_fit_type string if it is a predefined one, or ``f`` if it is a given callable as default for each value. Default: None testinclude : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary of which tests should be included. If ``None`` is given, all available tests are included. Default: ``None`` generate : :class:`bool`, optional State if time stepping, processed observation data and estimation setup should be generated with default values. Default: ``False`` """ default_ranges = { "trans_gmean": (1e-7, 2e-1), "var": (0, 10), "len_scale": (1, 50), } """:class:`dict`: Default value ranges for the estimator.""" def __init__( self, name, campaign, make_steady=True, val_ranges=None, val_fix=None, val_fit_type=None, val_fit_name=None, testinclude=None, generate=False, ): val_ranges = val_ranges or {} for def_name, def_val in self.default_ranges.items(): val_ranges.setdefault(def_name, def_val) val_fit_type = val_fit_type or {} val_fit_type.setdefault("trans_gmean", "log") val_plot_names = { "trans_gmean": "$T_G$", "var": r"$\sigma^2$", "len_scale": r"$\ell$", } super().__init__( name=name, campaign=campaign, make_steady=make_steady, type_curve=ana.ext_thiem_2d, val_ranges=val_ranges, val_fix=val_fix, val_fit_type=val_fit_type, val_fit_name=val_fit_name, val_plot_names=val_plot_names, testinclude=testinclude, generate=generate, )
[docs]class Neuman2004Steady(steady_lib.SteadyPumping): """Class for an estimation of stochastic subsurface parameters. With this class you can run an estimation of statistical subsurface parameters from steady drawdown. It utilizes the apparent Transmissivity from Neuman 2004 which assumes a log-normal distributed transmissivity field with an exponential correlation function. Available values for fitting: * ``trans_gmean``: geometric mean transmissivity * ``var``: variance of log-transmissivity * ``len_scale``: correlation length scale of log-transmissivity Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` Name of the Estimation. campaign : :class:`` The pumping test campaign which should be used to estimate the parameters make_steady : :class:`bool`, optional State if the tests should be converted to steady observations. See: :any:`PumpingTest.make_steady`. Default: True val_ranges : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing the fit-ranges for each value in the type-curve. Names should be as in the type-curve signature. Ranges should be a tuple containing min and max value. Will default to `default_ranges` val_fix : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing fixed values for the type-curve. Names should be as in the type-curve signature. Default: None val_fit_type : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing fitting transformation type for each value. Names should be as in the type-curve signature. val_fit_type can be "lin", "log", "exp", "sqrt", "quad", "inv" or a tuple of two callable functions where the first is the transformation and the second is its inverse. "log" is for example equivalent to ``(np.log, np.exp)``. By default, transmissivity will be fitted logarithmically and other values linearly. Default: None val_fit_name : :class:`dict`, optional Display name of the fitting transformation. Will be the val_fit_type string if it is a predefined one, or ``f`` if it is a given callable as default for each value. Default: None testinclude : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary of which tests should be included. If ``None`` is given, all available tests are included. Default: ``None`` generate : :class:`bool`, optional State if time stepping, processed observation data and estimation setup should be generated with default values. Default: ``False`` """ default_ranges = { "trans_gmean": (1e-7, 2e-1), "var": (0, 10), "len_scale": (1, 50), } """:class:`dict`: Default value ranges for the estimator.""" def __init__( self, name, campaign, make_steady=True, val_ranges=None, val_fix=None, val_fit_type=None, val_fit_name=None, testinclude=None, generate=False, ): val_ranges = val_ranges or {} for def_name, def_val in self.default_ranges.items(): val_ranges.setdefault(def_name, def_val) val_fit_type = val_fit_type or {} val_fit_type.setdefault("trans_gmean", "log") val_plot_names = { "trans_gmean": "$T_G$", "var": r"$\sigma^2$", "len_scale": r"$\ell$", } super().__init__( name=name, campaign=campaign, make_steady=make_steady, type_curve=ana.neuman2004_steady, val_ranges=val_ranges, val_fix=val_fix, val_fit_type=val_fit_type, val_fit_name=val_fit_name, val_plot_names=val_plot_names, testinclude=testinclude, generate=generate, )
[docs]class Thiem(steady_lib.SteadyPumping): """Class for an estimation of homogeneous subsurface parameters. With this class you can run an estimation of homogeneous subsurface parameters. It utilizes the Thiem solution. Available values for fitting: * ``transmissivity``: transmissivity Parameters ---------- name : :class:`str` Name of the Estimation. campaign : :class:`` The pumping test campaign which should be used to estimate the parameters make_steady : :class:`bool`, optional State if the tests should be converted to steady observations. See: :any:`PumpingTest.make_steady`. Default: True val_ranges : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing the fit-ranges for each value in the type-curve. Names should be as in the type-curve signature. Ranges should be a tuple containing min and max value. Will default to `default_ranges` val_fix : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing fixed values for the type-curve. Names should be as in the type-curve signature. Default: None val_fit_type : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary containing fitting transformation type for each value. Names should be as in the type-curve signature. val_fit_type can be "lin", "log", "exp", "sqrt", "quad", "inv" or a tuple of two callable functions where the first is the transformation and the second is its inverse. "log" is for example equivalent to ``(np.log, np.exp)``. By default, transmissivity will be fitted logarithmically. Default: None val_fit_name : :class:`dict`, optional Display name of the fitting transformation. Will be the val_fit_type string if it is a predefined one, or ``f`` if it is a given callable as default for each value. Default: None testinclude : :class:`dict`, optional Dictionary of which tests should be included. If ``None`` is given, all available tests are included. Default: ``None`` generate : :class:`bool`, optional State if time stepping, processed observation data and estimation setup should be generated with default values. Default: ``False`` """ default_ranges = {"transmissivity": (1e-7, 2e-1)} """:class:`dict`: Default value ranges for the estimator.""" def __init__( self, name, campaign, make_steady=True, val_ranges=None, val_fix=None, val_fit_type=None, val_fit_name=None, testinclude=None, generate=False, ): val_ranges = val_ranges or {} for def_name, def_val in self.default_ranges.items(): val_ranges.setdefault(def_name, def_val) val_fit_type = val_fit_type or {} val_fit_type.setdefault("transmissivity", "log") val_plot_names = {"transmissivity": "$T$"} super().__init__( name=name, campaign=campaign, type_curve=ana.thiem, val_ranges=val_ranges, make_steady=make_steady, val_fix=val_fix, val_fit_type=val_fit_type, val_fit_name=val_fit_name, val_plot_names=val_plot_names, testinclude=testinclude, generate=generate, )