Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
welltestpy subpackage providing plotting routines.

.. currentmodule::

The following classes and functions are provided

.. autosummary::
# pylint: disable=C0103
import copy
import warnings
import functools as ft

import numpy as np

from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker

def _get_fig_ax(
):  # pragma: no cover
    # ax_case: 0->None (create one) or given, 1->False, 2->True
    ax_case = 1 + int(ax) if isinstance(ax, bool) else 0
    sub_args = (111,) if sub_args is None else sub_args
    sub_kwargs = {} if sub_kwargs is None else sub_kwargs
    sub_kwargs["projection"] = ax_name
    if ax_case == 0:
        if fig is None:
            fig = plt.figure(**fig_kwargs) if ax is None else ax.get_figure()
        if ax is None:
            ax = fig.add_subplot(*sub_args, **sub_kwargs)
        assert == ax_name
        assert ax.get_figure() is fig
        return fig, ax
    # if ax=False we only want a figure
    if ax_case == 1:
        return plt.figure(**fig_kwargs) if fig is None else fig
    # if ax=True we want the current axis of the given figure
    assert fig is not None
    return fig, fig.gca()

def _sort_lgd(ax, **kwargs):
    """Show legend and sort it by names."""
    handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
    # sort both labels and handles by labels
    labels, handles = zip(*sorted(zip(labels, handles), key=lambda t: t[0]))
    ax.legend(handles, labels, **kwargs)

def dashes(i=1, max_n=12, width=1):
    Dashes for matplotlib.

    i : int, optional
        Number of dots. The default is 1.
    max_n : int, optional
        Maximal Number of dots. The default is 12.
    width : float, optional
        Linewidth. The default is 1.

        dashes list for matplotlib.

    return i * [width, width] + [max_n * 2 * width - 2 * i * width, width]

[docs]def fadeline(ax, x, y, label=None, color=None, steps=20, **kwargs): """Fading line for matplotlib. This is a workaround to produce a fading line. Parameters ---------- ax : axis Axis to plot on. x : :class:`list` start and end value of x components of the line y : :class:`list` start and end value of y components of the line label : :class:`str`, optional label for the legend. Default: ``None`` color : MPL color, optional color of the line Default: ``None`` steps : :class:`int`, optional steps of fading Default: ``20`` **kwargs keyword arguments that are forwarded to `plt.plot` """ xarr = np.linspace(x[0], x[1], steps + 1) yarr = np.linspace(y[0], y[1], steps + 1) kwargs.pop("label", None) kwargs.pop("alpha", None) kwargs["color"] = color kwargs["solid_capstyle"] = "butt" for i in range(steps): kwargs["label"] = label if i == 0 else None kwargs["alpha"] = (steps - i) * (1.0 / steps) * 0.9 + 0.1 ax.plot([xarr[i], xarr[i + 1]], [yarr[i], yarr[i + 1]], **kwargs)
[docs]def campaign_plot(campaign, select_test=None, fig=None, style="WTP", **kwargs): """ Plot an overview of the tests within the campaign. Parameters ---------- campaign : :class:`Campaign` The campaign to be plotted. select_test : dict, optional The selected tests to be added to the plot. The default is None. fig : Figure, optional Matplotlib figure to plot on. The default is None. style : str, optional Plot stlye. The default is "WTP". **kwargs : TYPE Keyword arguments forwarded to the tests plotting routines. Returns ------- fig : Figure The created matplotlib figure. """ if select_test is None: tests = list(campaign.tests.keys()) else: tests = select_test tests.sort() nroftests = len(tests) style = copy.deepcopy(plt.rcParams) if style is None else style keep_fs = False if style == "WTP": style = "ggplot" font_size = plt.rcParams.get("font.size", 10.0) keep_fs = True with if keep_fs: plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": font_size}) fig = _get_fig_ax(fig, ax=False, dpi=75, figsize=[8, 3 * nroftests]) for n, t in enumerate(tests): ax = fig.add_subplot(nroftests, 1, n + 1) # call the plotting routine of the test campaign.tests[t].plot(wells=campaign.wells, ax=ax, **kwargs) fig.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def campaign_well_plot( campaign, plot_tests=True, plot_well_names=True, fig=None, style="WTP" ): """ Plot of the well constellation within the campaign. Parameters ---------- campaign : :class:`Campaign` The campaign to be plotted. plot_tests : bool, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is True. plot_well_names : TYPE, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is True. fig : Figure, optional Matplotlib figure to plot on. The default is None. style : str, optional Plot stlye. The default is "WTP". Returns ------- ax : Axes The created matplotlib axes. """ well_const0 = [] names = [] for w in campaign.wells: well_const0.append( [campaign.wells[w].pos[0], campaign.wells[w].pos[1]] ) names.append(w) well_const = [well_const0] fig = plot_well_pos( well_const, names, plot_well_names=plot_well_names, fig=fig, style=style, ) style = copy.deepcopy(plt.rcParams) if style is None else style keep_fs = False if style == "WTP": style = "ggplot" font_size = plt.rcParams.get("font.size", 10.0) keep_fs = True with if keep_fs: plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": font_size}) clrs = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"] clr_n = len(clrs) fig, ax = _get_fig_ax(fig, ax=True) if plot_tests: testlist = list(campaign.tests.keys()) testlist.sort() for i, t in enumerate(testlist): p_well = campaign.tests[t].pumpingwell for j, obs in enumerate(campaign.tests[t].observations): x0 = campaign.wells[p_well].pos[0] y0 = campaign.wells[p_well].pos[1] x1 = campaign.wells[obs].pos[0] y1 = campaign.wells[obs].pos[1] label = "'{}'".format(t) if j == 0 else None fadeline( ax=ax, x=[x0, x1], y=[y0, y1], label=label, color=clrs[(i + 2) % clr_n], linewidth=3, zorder=10, ) # get equal axis (for realism) ax.axis("equal") ax.legend(title="Tests", loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1)) fig.tight_layout() return ax
def plot_pump_test( pump_test, wells, exclude=None, fig=None, ax=None, style="WTP", **kwargs ): """Plot a pumping test. Parameters ---------- pump_test: :class:`PumpingTest` Pumping test class that should be plotted. wells : :class:`dict` Dictonary containing the well classes sorted by name. exclude: :class:`list`, optional List of wells that should be excluded from the plot. Default: ``None`` fig : Figure, optional Matplotlib figure to plot on. The default is None. ax : :class:`Axes` Matplotlib axes to plot on. The default is None. style : str, optional Plot stlye. The default is "WTP". Returns ------- ax : Axes The created matplotlib axes. Notes ----- This will be used by the Campaign class. """ style = copy.deepcopy(plt.rcParams) if style is None else style keep_fs = False if style == "WTP": style = "ggplot" font_size = plt.rcParams.get("font.size", 10.0) keep_fs = True with if keep_fs: plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": font_size}) clrs = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"] clr_n = len(clrs) fig, ax = _get_fig_ax(fig, ax) exclude = set() if exclude is None else set(exclude) well_set = set(wells) test_wells = set(pump_test.observationwells) plot_wells = list((well_set & test_wells) - exclude) # sort by radius plot_wells.sort(key=lambda x: wells[x] - wells[pump_test.pumpingwell]) state = pump_test.state(wells=plot_wells) steady_guide_x = [] steady_guide_y = [] # label for absolute values abslab = "abs. " if ("abs_val" in kwargs and kwargs["abs_val"]) else "" if state == "mixed": ax1 = ax ax2 = ax1.twiny() elif state == "transient": ax1 = ax ax2 = None elif state == "steady": ax1 = None ax2 = ax else: raise ValueError("plot_pump_test: unknow state of pumping test.") for i, k in enumerate(plot_wells): if k != pump_test.pumpingwell: dist = wells[k] - wells[pump_test.pumpingwell] else: dist = wells[pump_test.pumpingwell].radius if pump_test.observations[k].state == "transient": if abslab: displace = np.abs(pump_test.observations[k].value[0]) else: displace = pump_test.observations[k].value[0] ax1.plot( pump_test.observations[k].value[1], displace, linewidth=2, color=clrs[i % clr_n], label=( pump_test.observations[k].name + " r={:1.2f}".format(dist) ), ) ax1.set_xlabel(pump_test.observations[k].labels[0]) ax1.set_ylabel( abslab + "{}".format(pump_test.observations[k].labels[1]) ) else: if abslab: displace = np.abs(pump_test.observations[k].value) else: displace = pump_test.observations[k].value steady_guide_x.append(dist) steady_guide_y.append(displace) label = pump_test.observations[k].name + " r={:1.2f}".format( dist ) color = "C{}".format(i % 10) ax2.scatter( dist, displace, color=color, label=label, ) ax2.set_xlabel("r in {}".format(wells[k].coordinates.units)) ax2.set_ylabel( abslab + "{}".format(pump_test.observations[k].labels) ) if state != "transient": steady_guide_x = np.array(steady_guide_x, dtype=float) steady_guide_y = np.array(steady_guide_y, dtype=float) arg = np.argsort(steady_guide_x) steady_guide_x = steady_guide_x[arg] steady_guide_y = steady_guide_y[arg] ax2.plot(steady_guide_x, steady_guide_y, color="k", alpha=0.1) if "title" not in kwargs or not kwargs["title"] is False: ax.set_title(repr(pump_test)) if "xscale" in kwargs: ax.set_xscale(kwargs["xscale"]) if "yscale" in kwargs: ax.set_yscale(kwargs["yscale"]) ax.legend( title="Pumping test '{}'".format(, loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), ) if state == "mixed": # add a second legend ax2.legend(loc="upper right", fancybox=True, framealpha=0.75) return ax ####
[docs]def plot_well_pos( well_const, names=None, title="", filename=None, plot_well_names=True, ticks_set="auto", fig=None, style="WTP", ): """ Plot all well constellations and label the points with the names. Parameters ---------- well_const : list List of well constellations. names : list of str, optional Names for the wells. The default is None. title : str, optional Plot title. The default is "". filename : str, optional Filename if the result should be saved. The default is None. plot_well_names : bool, optional Whether to plot the well-names. The default is True. ticks_set : int or str, optional Tick spacing in the plot. The default is "auto". fig : Figure, optional Matplotlib figure to plot on. The default is None. style : str, optional Plot stlye. The default is "WTP". Returns ------- fig : Figure The created matplotlib figure. """ # calculate Column- and Row-count for quadratic shape of the plot # total number of plots total_n = len(well_const) # columns near the square-root but tendentially wider than tall col_n = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(total_n))) # enough rows to catch all plots row_n = int(np.ceil(total_n / col_n)) # Possition numbers as array pos_tuple = np.arange(total_n) + 1 # generate names for points if undefined if names is None: names = [] for i in range(len(well_const[0])): names.append("p" + str(i)) # genearte commen borders for all plots xmax = -np.inf xmin = np.inf ymax = -np.inf ymin = np.inf for i in well_const: for j in i: xmax = max(j[0], xmax) xmin = min(j[0], xmin) ymax = max(j[1], ymax) ymin = min(j[1], ymin) # add some space around the points in the plot space = 0.1 * max(abs(xmax - xmin), abs(ymax - ymin)) xspace = yspace = space if ticks_set == "auto": # bit hacky auto-ticking to be more pleasant for the eyes tick_list = [1, 2, 5, 10] tk_space = space * 10 / 7 # assume about 7 ticks scaling = np.log10(tk_space) if np.log10(0.4) < scaling < 1: # if space is less 10, choose nearest value in tick_list (by log) ticks_set = min(tick_list, key=lambda x: abs(np.log(x / tk_space))) else: # k * 10 ** n as ticks (0.1, 0.2, ..., 10, 20, ..., 100, 200, ...) space_pot = 10 ** int(np.floor(scaling)) ticks_set = space_pot * int(np.around(tk_space / space_pot)) style = copy.deepcopy(plt.rcParams) if style is None else style keep_fs = False if style == "WTP": style = "ggplot" font_size = plt.rcParams.get("font.size", 10.0) keep_fs = True with if keep_fs: plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": font_size}) fig = _get_fig_ax( fig, ax=False, dpi=100, figsize=[9 * col_n, 5 * row_n] ) for i, wells in enumerate(well_const): ax = fig.add_subplot(row_n, col_n, pos_tuple[i]) ax.set_xlim([xmin - xspace, xmax + xspace]) ax.set_ylim([ymin - yspace, ymax + yspace]) ax.set_aspect("equal") for j, name in enumerate(names): ax.scatter(wells[j][0], wells[j][1], color="k", zorder=100) if plot_well_names: ax.annotate( " " + name, (wells[j][0], wells[j][1]), zorder=100 ) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(ticks_set)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(ticks_set)) ax.set_xlabel("x distance in $[m]$") ax.set_ylabel("y distance in $[m]$") if total_n > 1: ax.set_title("Result {}".format(i)) if title: fig.suptitle(title) fig.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 1, 0.95]) if filename is not None: fig.savefig(filename, format="pdf") return fig
###### # Estimation plotting
[docs]def plotfit_transient( setup, data, para, rad, time, radnames, extra, plotname=None, fig=None, ax=None, style="WTP", ): """Plot of transient estimation fitting.""" style = copy.deepcopy(plt.rcParams) if style is None else style keep_fs = False if style == "WTP": style1 = "ggplot" style2 = "default" font_size = plt.rcParams.get("font.size", 10.0) keep_fs = True else: style1 = style2 = style with clrs = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"] clr_n = len(clrs) with if keep_fs: plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": font_size}) fig, ax = _get_fig_ax(fig, ax,, figsize=(12, 8)) val_fix = setup.val_fix for kwarg in ["time", "rad"]: val_fix.pop(extra[kwarg], None) para_ordered = np.empty(len(setup.para_names)) for i, name in enumerate(setup.para_names): para_ordered[i] = para[name] para_kw = setup.get_sim_kwargs(para_ordered) val_fix.update(para_kw) plot_f = ft.partial(setup.func, **val_fix) radarr = np.linspace(rad.min(), rad.max(), 100) timarr = np.linspace(time.min(), time.max(), 100) t_gen = np.ones_like(radarr) r_gen = np.ones_like(time) r_gen1 = np.ones_like(timarr) xydir = np.zeros_like(time) test_name = list(np.unique(radnames[:, 0])) test_name.sort() __, rad_un_idx = np.unique(rad, return_index=True) for ri, re in enumerate(rad): r1 = re * r_gen r11 = re * r_gen1 h = plot_f(**{extra["time"]: time, extra["rad"]: re}).reshape(-1) h1 = data[:, ri] h2 = plot_f(**{extra["time"]: timarr, extra["rad"]: re}).reshape( -1 ) color = clrs[(test_name.index(radnames[ri, 0]) + 2) % clr_n] alpha = 0.3 * (1 - (re - min(rad)) / (max(rad) - min(rad))) + 0.3 zord = 100 * (len(rad) - ri) if radnames[ri, 0] == radnames[ri, 1]: label = "test at '{}'".format(radnames[ri, 0]) label_eff = "fitted type curve" eff_zord = zord + 100 # first line should be on top else: label = None label_eff = None eff_zord = 1 if ri in rad_un_idx: ax.plot( r11, timarr, h2, zorder=eff_zord, color="k", alpha=alpha, label=label_eff, ) ax.quiver( r1, time, h, xydir, xydir, h1 - h, alpha=0.6, arrow_length_ratio=0.0, color=color, zorder=zord + 30, ) ax.scatter( r1, time, h1, depthshade=False, zorder=zord + 60, color=color, label=label, ) for te in time: t11 = te * t_gen h = plot_f(**{extra["time"]: te, extra["rad"]: radarr}).reshape(-1) ax.plot(radarr, t11, h, color="k", alpha=0.1, linestyle="--") ax.view_init(elev=40, azim=125) ax.set_xlabel(r"$r$ in $\left[\mathrm{m}\right]$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$t$ in $\left[\mathrm{s}\right]$") ax.set_zlabel(r"$\tilde{h}$ in $\left[\mathrm{m}\right]$") _sort_lgd(ax, loc="upper right", markerscale=2) fig.tight_layout() if plotname is not None: fig.savefig(plotname, format="pdf") return ax
[docs]def plotfit_steady( setup, data, para, rad, radnames, extra, plotname=None, ax_ins=True, fig=None, ax=None, style="WTP", ): """Plot of steady estimation fitting.""" val_fix = setup.val_fix val_fix.pop(extra["rad"], None) para_ordered = np.empty(len(setup.para_names)) for i, name in enumerate(setup.para_names): para_ordered[i] = para[name] para_kw = setup.get_sim_kwargs(para_ordered) val_fix.update(para_kw) plot_f = ft.partial(setup.func, **val_fix) radarr = np.linspace(rad.min(), rad.max(), 100) test_name = list(np.unique(radnames[:, 0])) test_name.sort() style = copy.deepcopy(plt.rcParams) if style is None else style keep_fs = False if style == "WTP": style = "ggplot" font_size = plt.rcParams.get("font.size", 10.0) keep_fs = True with if keep_fs: plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": font_size}) clrs = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"] clr_n = len(clrs) fig, ax = _get_fig_ax(fig, ax, figsize=(9, 6)) if ax_ins: axins = ax.inset_axes([0.4, 0.07, 0.57, 0.5]) axins.plot( radarr, plot_f(**{extra["rad"]: radarr}), alpha=0.6, color="k", zorder=200, ) axins.set_xscale("log") axins.set_facecolor("w") axins.text( 0.975, 0.025, "log-radius plot", ha="right", va="bottom", bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", ec="k", fc="w"), transform=axins.transAxes, ) for ri, re in enumerate(rad): h = plot_f(**{extra["rad"]: re}).reshape(-1) h1 = data[ri] color = clrs[(test_name.index(radnames[ri, 0]) + 2) % clr_n] if radnames[ri, 0] == radnames[ri, 1]: label = "test at '{}'".format(radnames[ri, 0]) else: label = None ax.plot([re, re], [h, h1], alpha=0.6, color=color, zorder=100) ax.scatter(re, data[ri], color=color, label=label, zorder=300) if ax_ins: axins.plot( [re, re], [h, h1], alpha=0.6, color=color, zorder=100 ) axins.scatter(re, data[ri], color=color, zorder=300) ax.plot( radarr, plot_f(**{extra["rad"]: radarr}), alpha=0.6, color="k", zorder=200, label="fitted type curve", ) ax.set_xlabel(r"$r$ in $\left[\mathrm{m}\right]$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\tilde{h}$ in $\left[\mathrm{m}\right]$") _sort_lgd(ax, loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), markerscale=2) fig.tight_layout() if plotname is not None: fig.savefig(plotname, format="pdf") return ax
[docs]def plotparainteract(result, paranames, plotname=None, fig=None, style="WTP"): """Plot of parameter interaction.""" import pandas as pd style = copy.deepcopy(plt.rcParams) if style is None else style keep_fs = False if style == "WTP": style = "default" font_size = plt.rcParams.get("font.size", 10.0) keep_fs = True with if keep_fs: plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": font_size}) fig, ax = _get_fig_ax(fig, ax=None, figsize=(12, 12)) fields = [par for par in result.dtype.names if par.startswith("par")] parameterdistribtion = result[fields] df = pd.DataFrame( np.asarray(parameterdistribtion).T.tolist(), columns=paranames ) with warnings.catch_warnings(): # We know that fig is resetted, but we need to give ax to set fig warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning) if len(paranames) > 1: pd.plotting.scatter_matrix( df, alpha=0.2, ax=ax, diagonal="kde" ) else: df.plot.kde(ax=ax) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, wspace=0, bottom=0.1) if plotname is not None: fig.savefig(plotname, format="pdf") return fig
[docs]def plotparatrace( result, parameternames=None, parameterlabels=None, xticks=None, stdvalues=None, plotname=None, fig=None, style="WTP", ): """Plot of parameter trace.""" rep = len(result) rows = len(parameternames) style = copy.deepcopy(plt.rcParams) if style is None else style keep_fs = False if style == "WTP": style = "ggplot" font_size = plt.rcParams.get("font.size", 10.0) keep_fs = True with if keep_fs: plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": font_size}) clrs = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"] fig = _get_fig_ax(fig, ax=False, figsize=(15, 3 * rows)) for j in range(rows): ax = fig.add_subplot(rows, 1, 1 + j) data = result["par" + parameternames[j]] ax.plot(data, "-", color=clrs[0]) if stdvalues is not None: ax.plot( [stdvalues[parameternames[j]]] * rep, "--", label="best value: {:04.2f}".format( stdvalues[parameternames[j]] ), color="k", alpha=0.7, ) ax.legend() if xticks is None: xticks = np.linspace(0, 1, 11) * len(data) ax.set_xlim(0, rep) ax.set_ylim( np.min(data) - 0.1 * np.max(abs(data)), np.max(data) + 0.1 * np.max(abs(data)), ) ax.xaxis.set_ticks(xticks) ax.set_ylabel( parameterlabels[j], rotation=0, fontsize="large", labelpad=10 ) fig.tight_layout() if plotname is not None: fig.savefig(plotname, format="pdf", bbox_inches="tight") return fig
[docs]def plotsensitivity( paralabels, sensitivities, plotname=None, fig=None, ax=None, style="WTP" ): """Plot of sensitivity results.""" style = copy.deepcopy(plt.rcParams) if style is None else style keep_fs = False if style == "WTP": style = "ggplot" font_size = plt.rcParams.get("font.size", 10.0) keep_fs = True with if keep_fs: plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": font_size}) fig, ax = _get_fig_ax(fig, ax) w_props = {"linewidth": 1, "edgecolor": "w", "width": 0.5} wedges, __ = ax.pie( sensitivities["ST"], wedgeprops=w_props, startangle=90 ) lgd = ax.legend( wedges, paralabels, title="Parameters", loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0, 0.5, 1), ) ax.axis("equal") fig.suptitle("FAST total sensitivity shares", fontsize="large") fig.tight_layout() if plotname is not None: fig.savefig( plotname, format="pdf", bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches="tight", ) return ax