Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
welltestpy subpackage providing routines for triangulation.

.. currentmodule::

The following functions are provided

.. autosummary::
# pylint: disable=C0103
from copy import deepcopy as dcopy
import numpy as np

__all__ = ["triangulate", "sym"]

[docs]def triangulate(distances, prec, all_pos=False): """Triangulate points by given distances. try to triangulate points by given distances within a symmetric matrix 'distances' with ``distances[i,j] = |pi-pj|`` thereby ``p0`` will be set to the origin ``(0,0)`` and ``p1`` to ``(|p0-p1|,0)`` Parameters ---------- distances : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Given distances among the point to be triangulated. It hat to be a symmetric matrix with a vanishing diagonal and ``distances[i,j] = |pi-pj|`` If a distance is unknown, you can set it to ``-1``. prec : :class:`float` Given Precision to be used within the algorithm. This can be used to smooth away messure errors all_pos : :class:`bool`, optional If `True` all possible constellations will be calculated. Otherwise, the first possibility will be returned. Default: False """ if not _distvalid(distances, prec / 3.0): raise ValueError("Given distances are not valid") pntscount = np.shape(distances)[0] res = [] # try to triangulate with all posible starting-point constellations for n in range(pntscount - 1): for m in range(n + 1, pntscount): print("") print("Startingconstelation {} {}".format(n, m)) tmpres = _triangulatesgl(distances, n, m, prec) for i in tmpres: res.append(i) if res and not all_pos: break if res and not all_pos: break if res == []: print("no possible or unique constellation") return [] res = _rotate(res) print("number of overall results: {}".format(len(res))) sol = [res[0]] for i in range(1, len(res)): addable = True for j in sol: addable &= not _solequal(res[i], j, prec) if addable: sol.append(res[i]) return sol
def _triangulatesgl(distances, sp1, sp2, prec): """ Try to triangulate points. With startingpoints sp1 and sp2 and a given precicion. Thereby sp1 will be at the origin (0,0) and sp2 will be at (|sp2-sp1|,0). """ res = [] if distances[sp1, sp2] < -0.5: return res pntscount = np.shape(distances)[0] res = [pntscount * [0]] dis = distances[sp1, sp2] res[0][sp1] = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) res[0][sp2] = np.array([dis, 0.0]) for i in range(pntscount - 2): print("add point {}".format(i)) iterres = [] for sglres in res: tmpres, state = _addpoints(sglres, distances, prec) if state == 0: for k in tmpres: iterres.append(dcopy(k)) if iterres == []: return [] res = dcopy(iterres) print("number of temporal results: {}".format(len(res))) return res def _addpoints(sol, distances, prec): """ Try for each point to add it to a given solution-approach. gives all possibilties and a status about the solution: state = 0: possibilities found state = 1: no possibilities state = 2: solution-approach has a contradiction with a point """ res = [] posfound = False # generate all missing points in the solution approach pleft = [] for n, m in enumerate(sol): if np.ndim(m) == 0: pleft.append(n) # try each point to add to the given solution-approach for i in pleft: ires, state = _addpoint(sol, i, distances, prec) # if a point is addable, add new solution-approach to the result if state == 0: posfound = True for j in ires: res.append(dcopy(j)) # if one point gives a contradiction, return empty result and state 2 elif state == 2: return [], 2 # if no point is addable, return empty result and state 1 if posfound: return res, 0 return res, 1 def _addpoint(sol, i, distances, prec): """ Try to add point i to a given solution-approach. gives all possibilties and a status about the solution: state = 0: possibilities found state = 1: no possibilities but no contradiction state = 2: solution-approach has a contradiction with point i """ res = [] # if i is already part of the solution return it if np.ndim(sol[i]) != 0: return [sol], 0 # collect the points already present in the solution solpnts = [] for n, m in enumerate(sol): if np.ndim(m) != 0: solpnts.append(n) # number of present points pntscount = len(solpnts) # try to add the point in all possible constellations for n in range(pntscount - 1): for m in range(n + 1, pntscount): tmppnt, state = _pntcoord( sol, i, solpnts[n], solpnts[m], distances, prec ) # if possiblities are found, add them (at most 2! (think about)) if state == 0: for pnt in tmppnt: res.append(dcopy(sol)) res[-1][i] = pnt # if one possiblity or a contradiction is found, return the result if state != 1: return res, state # if the state remaind 1, return empty result and no contradiction return res, state def _pntcoord(sol, i, n, m, distances, prec): """ Generate coordinates for point i in constellation to points m and n. Check if these coordinates are valid with all other points in the solution. """ tmppnt = [] state = 1 pntscount = len(sol) # if no distances known, return empty result and the unknown-state if distances[i, n] < -0.5 or distances[i, m] < -0.5: return tmppnt, state # if the Triangle inequality is not fullfilled give a contradiction if distances[i, n] + distances[i, m] < _dist(sol[n], sol[m]): state = 2 return tmppnt, state # generate the affine rotation to bring the points in the right place g = _affinef(*_invtranmat(*_tranmat(sol[n], sol[m]))) # generate the coordinates x = _xvalue(distances[i, n], distances[i, m], _dist(sol[n], sol[m])) y1, y2 = _yvalue(distances[i, n], distances[i, m], _dist(sol[n], sol[m])) # generate the possible positons pos1 = g(np.array([x, y1])) pos2 = g(np.array([x, y2])) valid1 = True valid2 = True # check if the possible positions are valid for k in range(pntscount): if np.ndim(sol[k]) != 0 and distances[i, k] > -0.5: valid1 &= abs(_dist(sol[k], pos1) - distances[i, k]) < prec valid2 &= abs(_dist(sol[k], pos2) - distances[i, k]) < prec # if any position is valid, add it to the result if valid1 or valid2: state = 0 same = abs(y1 - y2) < prec / 4.0 if valid1: tmppnt.append(dcopy(pos1)) if valid2 and not same: tmppnt.append(dcopy(pos2)) # if the positions are not valid, give a contradiction else: state = 2 return tmppnt, state def _solequal(sol1, sol2, prec): """ Compare two different solutions with a given precicion. Return True if they equal. """ res = True for sol_1, sol_2 in zip(sol1, sol2): if np.ndim(sol_1) != 0 and np.ndim(sol_2) != 0: res &= _dist(sol_1, sol_2) < prec elif np.ndim(sol_1) != 0 and np.ndim(sol_2) == 0: return False elif np.ndim(sol_1) == 0 and np.ndim(sol_2) != 0: return False return res def _distvalid(dis, err=0.0, verbose=True): """ Check if the given distances between the points are valid. I.e. if they fullfill the triangle-equation. """ valid = True valid &= np.all(dis == dis.T) valid &= np.all(dis.diagonal() == 0.0) pntscount = np.shape(dis)[0] for i in range(pntscount - 2): for j in range(i + 1, pntscount - 1): for k in range(j + 1, pntscount): if dis[i, j] > -0.5 and dis[i, k] > -0.5 and dis[j, k] > -0.5: valid &= dis[i, j] + dis[j, k] >= dis[i, k] - abs(err) valid &= dis[i, k] + dis[k, j] >= dis[i, j] - abs(err) valid &= dis[j, i] + dis[i, k] >= dis[j, k] - abs(err) if verbose and not dis[i, j] + dis[j, k] >= dis[i, k]: print("{} {} {} for {}{}".format(i, j, k, i, k)) if verbose and not dis[i, k] + dis[k, j] >= dis[i, j]: print("{} {} {} for {}{}".format(i, j, k, i, j)) if verbose and not dis[j, i] + dis[i, k] >= dis[j, k]: print("{} {} {} for {}{}".format(i, j, k, j, k)) return valid def _xvalue(a, b, c): """ Get the x-value for the upper point of a triangle. where c is the length of the down side starting in the origin and lying on the x-axes, a is the distance of the unknown point to the origen and b is the distance of the unknown point to the righter given point """ return (a ** 2 + c ** 2 - b ** 2) / (2 * c) def _yvalue(b, a, c): """ Get the two possible y-values for the upper point of a triangle. where c is the length of the down side starting in the origin and lying on the x-axes, a is the distance of the unknown point to the origen and b is the distance of the unknown point to the righter given point """ # ckeck flatness to eliminate numerical errors when the triangle is flat if a + b <= c or a + c <= b or b + c <= a: return 0.0, -0.0 res = 2 * ((a * b) ** 2 + (a * c) ** 2 + (b * c) ** 2) res -= a ** 4 + b ** 4 + c ** 4 # in case of numerical errors set res to 0 (hope you check validty before) res = max(res, 0.0) res = np.sqrt(res) res /= 2 * c return res, -res def _rotate(res): """ Rotate all solutions in res. So that p0 is at the origin and p1 is on the positive x-axes. """ rotres = dcopy(res) for rot_i, rot_e in enumerate(rotres): g = _affinef(*_tranmat(rot_e[0], rot_e[1])) for rot_e_j, rot_e_e in enumerate(rot_e): rotres[rot_i][rot_e_j] = g(rot_e_e) return rotres def _tranmat(a, b): """ Get the coefficents for the affine-linear function f(x)=Ax+s. Which fullfills that A is a rotation-matrix, f(a) = [0,0] and f(b) = [|b-a|,0]. """ A = np.zeros((2, 2)) A[0, 0] = b[0] - a[0] A[1, 1] = b[0] - a[0] A[1, 0] = -(b[1] - a[1]) A[0, 1] = +(b[1] - a[1]) A /= _dist(a, b) s =, a) return A, s def _invtranmat(A, s): """ Get the coefficents for the affine-linear function g(x)=Bx+t. which is inverse to f(x)=Ax+s """ B = np.linalg.inv(A) t =, s) return B, t def _affinef(A, s): """Get an affine-linear function f(x) = Ax+s.""" def func(x): """Affine-linear function func(x) = Ax+s.""" return, x) + s return func def _affinef_pnt(a1, a2, b1, b2, prec=0.01): """ Get an affine-linear function that maps f(ai) = bi. if |a2-a1| == |b2-b1| with respect to the given precision """ if not abs(_dist(a1, a2) - _dist(b1, b2)) < prec: raise ValueError("Points are not in isometric relation") func_a = _affinef(*_tranmat(a1, a2)) func_b = _affinef(*_invtranmat(*_tranmat(b1, b2))) def func(x): """Affine-linear function func(ai) = bi.""" return func_b(func_a(x)) return func def _dist(v, w): """Get the distance between two given point vectors v and w.""" return np.linalg.norm(np.array(v) - np.array(w))
[docs]def sym(A): """Get the symmetrized version of a lower or upper triangle-matrix A.""" return A + A.T - np.diag(A.diagonal())