Source code for gstools.field.generator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
GStools subpackage providing generators for spatial random fields.

.. currentmodule:: gstools.field.generator

The following classes are provided

.. autosummary::
# pylint: disable=C0103, W0222, C0412, W0231
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from copy import deepcopy as dcp

import numpy as np

from gstools import config
from gstools.covmodel.base import CovModel
from gstools.random.rng import RNG

if config.USE_RUST:  # pragma: no cover
    # pylint: disable=E0401
    from gstools_core import summate, summate_incompr
    from gstools.field.summator import summate, summate_incompr

__all__ = ["Generator", "RandMeth", "IncomprRandMeth"]

SAMPLING = ["auto", "inversion", "mcmc"]

[docs]class Generator(ABC): """ Abstract generator class. Parameters ---------- model : :any:`CovModel` Covariance model **kwargs Placeholder for keyword-args """ @abstractmethod def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def update(self, model=None, seed=np.nan): """Update the model and the seed. If model and seed are not different, nothing will be done. Parameters ---------- model : :any:`CovModel` or :any:`None`, optional covariance model. Default: :any:`None` seed : :class:`int` or :any:`None` or :any:`numpy.nan`, optional the seed of the random number generator. If :any:`None`, a random seed is used. If :any:`numpy.nan`, the actual seed will be kept. Default: :any:`numpy.nan` """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_nugget(self, shape): """ Generate normal distributed values for the nugget simulation. Parameters ---------- shape : :class:`tuple` the shape of the summed modes Returns ------- nugget : :class:`numpy.ndarray` the nugget in the same shape as the summed modes """
[docs] @abstractmethod def __call__(self, pos, add_nugget=True): """ Generate the field. Parameters ---------- pos : (d, n), :class:`numpy.ndarray` the position tuple with d dimensions and n points. add_nugget : :class:`bool` Whether to add nugget noise to the field. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` the random modes """
@property @abstractmethod def value_type(self): """:class:`str`: Type of the field values (scalar, vector).""" @property def name(self): """:class:`str`: Name of the generator.""" return self.__class__.__name__
[docs]class RandMeth(Generator): r"""Randomization method for calculating isotropic random fields. Parameters ---------- model : :any:`CovModel` Covariance model mode_no : :class:`int`, optional Number of Fourier modes. Default: ``1000`` seed : :class:`int` or :any:`None`, optional The seed of the random number generator. If "None", a random seed is used. Default: :any:`None` verbose : :class:`bool`, optional Be chatty during the generation. Default: :any:`False` sampling : :class:`str`, optional Sampling strategy. Either * "auto": select best strategy depending on given model * "inversion": use inversion method * "mcmc": use mcmc sampling **kwargs Placeholder for keyword-args Notes ----- The Randomization method is used to generate isotropic spatial random fields characterized by a given covariance model. The calculation looks like [Hesse2014]_: .. math:: u\left(x\right)= \sqrt{\frac{\sigma^{2}}{N}}\cdot \sum_{i=1}^{N}\left( Z_{1,i}\cdot\cos\left(\left\langle k_{i},x\right\rangle \right)+ Z_{2,i}\cdot\sin\left(\left\langle k_{i},x\right\rangle \right) \right) where: * :math:`N` : fourier mode number * :math:`Z_{j,i}` : random samples from a normal distribution * :math:`k_i` : samples from the spectral density distribution of the covariance model References ---------- .. [Hesse2014] Heße, F., Prykhodko, V., Schlüter, S., and Attinger, S., "Generating random fields with a truncated power-law variogram: A comparison of several numerical methods", Environmental Modelling & Software, 55, 32-48., (2014) """ def __init__( self, model, mode_no=1000, seed=None, verbose=False, sampling="auto", **kwargs, ): if kwargs: warnings.warn("gstools.RandMeth: **kwargs are ignored") # initialize attributes self._mode_no = int(mode_no) self._verbose = bool(verbose) # initialize private attributes self._model = None self._seed = None self._rng = None self._z_1 = None self._z_2 = None self._cov_sample = None self._value_type = "scalar" # set sampling strategy self._sampling = None self.sampling = sampling # set model and seed self.update(model, seed)
[docs] def __call__(self, pos, add_nugget=True): """Calculate the random modes for the randomization method. This method calls the `summate_*` Cython methods, which are the heart of the randomization method. Parameters ---------- pos : (d, n), :class:`numpy.ndarray` the position tuple with d dimensions and n points. add_nugget : :class:`bool` Whether to add nugget noise to the field. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` the random modes """ pos = np.asarray(pos, dtype=np.double) summed_modes = summate(self._cov_sample, self._z_1, self._z_2, pos) nugget = self.get_nugget(summed_modes.shape) if add_nugget else 0.0 return np.sqrt(self.model.var / self._mode_no) * summed_modes + nugget
[docs] def get_nugget(self, shape): """ Generate normal distributed values for the nugget simulation. Parameters ---------- shape : :class:`tuple` the shape of the summed modes Returns ------- nugget : :class:`numpy.ndarray` the nugget in the same shape as the summed modes """ if self.model.nugget > 0: nugget = np.sqrt(self.model.nugget) * self._rng.random.normal( size=shape ) else: nugget = 0.0 return nugget
[docs] def update(self, model=None, seed=np.nan): """Update the model and the seed. If model and seed are not different, nothing will be done. Parameters ---------- model : :any:`CovModel` or :any:`None`, optional covariance model. Default: :any:`None` seed : :class:`int` or :any:`None` or :any:`numpy.nan`, optional the seed of the random number generator. If :any:`None`, a random seed is used. If :any:`numpy.nan`, the actual seed will be kept. Default: :any:`numpy.nan` """ # check if a new model is given if isinstance(model, CovModel): if self.model != model: self._model = dcp(model) if seed is None or not np.isnan(seed): self.reset_seed(seed) else: self.reset_seed(self._seed) # just update the seed, if its a new one elif seed is None or not np.isnan(seed): self.seed = seed # or just update the seed, when no model is given elif model is None and (seed is None or not np.isnan(seed)): if isinstance(self._model, CovModel): self.seed = seed else: raise ValueError( "gstools.field.generator.RandMeth: no 'model' given" ) # if the user tries to trick us, we beat him! elif model is None and np.isnan(seed): if ( isinstance(self._model, CovModel) and self._z_1 is not None and self._z_2 is not None and self._cov_sample is not None ): if self.verbose: print("RandMeth.update: Nothing will be done...") else: raise ValueError( "gstools.field.generator.RandMeth: " "neither 'model' nor 'seed' given!" ) # wrong model type else: raise ValueError( "gstools.field.generator.RandMeth: 'model' is not an " "instance of 'gstools.CovModel'" )
[docs] def reset_seed(self, seed=np.nan): """ Recalculate the random amplitudes and wave numbers with the given seed. Parameters ---------- seed : :class:`int` or :any:`None` or :any:`numpy.nan`, optional the seed of the random number generator. If :any:`None`, a random seed is used. If :any:`numpy.nan`, the actual seed will be kept. Default: :any:`numpy.nan` Notes ----- Even if the given seed is the present one, modes will be recalculated. """ if seed is None or not np.isnan(seed): self._seed = seed self._rng = RNG(self._seed) # normal distributed samples for randmeth self._z_1 = self._rng.random.normal(size=self._mode_no) self._z_2 = self._rng.random.normal(size=self._mode_no) # sample uniform on a sphere sphere_coord = self._rng.sample_sphere(self.model.dim, self._mode_no) # sample radii according to radial spectral density of the model if self.sampling == "inversion" or ( self.sampling == "auto" and self.model.has_ppf ): pdf, cdf, ppf = self.model.dist_func rad = self._rng.sample_dist( size=self._mode_no, pdf=pdf, cdf=cdf, ppf=ppf, a=0 ) else: rad = self._rng.sample_ln_pdf( ln_pdf=self.model.ln_spectral_rad_pdf, size=self._mode_no, sample_around=1.0 / self.model.len_rescaled, ) # get fully spatial samples by multiplying sphere samples and radii self._cov_sample = rad * sphere_coord
@property def sampling(self): """:class:`str`: Sampling strategy.""" return self._sampling @sampling.setter def sampling(self, sampling): if sampling not in ["auto", "inversion", "mcmc"]: raise ValueError(f"RandMeth: sampling not in {SAMPLING}.") self._sampling = sampling @property def seed(self): """:class:`int`: Seed of the master RNG. Notes ----- If a new seed is given, the setter property not only saves the new seed, but also creates new random modes with the new seed. """ return self._seed @seed.setter def seed(self, new_seed): if new_seed is not self._seed: self.reset_seed(new_seed) @property def model(self): """:any:`CovModel`: Covariance model of the spatial random field.""" return self._model @model.setter def model(self, model): self.update(model) @property def mode_no(self): """:class:`int`: Number of modes in the randomization method.""" return self._mode_no @mode_no.setter def mode_no(self, mode_no): if int(mode_no) != self._mode_no: self._mode_no = int(mode_no) self.reset_seed(self._seed) @property def verbose(self): """:class:`bool`: Verbosity of the generator.""" return self._verbose @verbose.setter def verbose(self, verbose): self._verbose = bool(verbose) @property def value_type(self): """:class:`str`: Type of the field values (scalar, vector).""" return self._value_type def __repr__(self): """Return String representation.""" return ( f"{}(model={self.model}, " f"mode_no={self._mode_no}, seed={self.seed})" )
[docs]class IncomprRandMeth(RandMeth): r"""RandMeth for incompressible random vector fields. Parameters ---------- model : :any:`CovModel` covariance model mean_velocity : :class:`float`, optional the mean velocity in x-direction mode_no : :class:`int`, optional number of Fourier modes. Default: ``1000`` seed : :class:`int` or :any:`None`, optional the seed of the random number generator. If "None", a random seed is used. Default: :any:`None` verbose : :class:`bool`, optional State if there should be output during the generation. Default: :any:`False` sampling : :class:`str`, optional Sampling strategy. Either * "auto": select best strategy depending on given model * "inversion": use inversion method * "mcmc": use mcmc sampling **kwargs Placeholder for keyword-args Notes ----- The Randomization method is used to generate isotropic spatial incompressible random vector fields characterized by a given covariance model. The equation is [Kraichnan1970]_: .. math:: u_i\left(x\right)= \bar{u_i} \delta_{i1} + \bar{u_i}\sqrt{\frac{\sigma^{2}}{N}}\cdot \sum_{j=1}^{N}p_i(k_{j})\left( Z_{1,j}\cdot\cos\left(\left\langle k_{j},x\right\rangle \right)+ Z_{2,j}\cdot\sin\left(\left\langle k_{j},x\right\rangle \right) \right) where: * :math:`\bar u` : mean velocity in :math:`e_1` direction * :math:`N` : fourier mode number * :math:`Z_{k,j}` : random samples from a normal distribution * :math:`k_j` : samples from the spectral density distribution of the covariance model * :math:`p_i(k_j) = e_1 - \frac{k_i k_1}{k^2}` : the projector ensuring the incompressibility References ---------- .. [Kraichnan1970] Kraichnan, R. H., "Diffusion by a random velocity field.", The physics of fluids, 13(1), 22-31., (1970) """ def __init__( self, model, mean_velocity=1.0, mode_no=1000, seed=None, verbose=False, sampling="auto", **kwargs, ): if model.dim < 2 or model.dim > 3: raise ValueError( "Only 2D and 3D incompressible fields can be generated." ) super().__init__(model, mode_no, seed, verbose, sampling, **kwargs) self.mean_u = mean_velocity self._value_type = "vector"
[docs] def __call__(self, pos, add_nugget=True): """Calculate the random modes for the randomization method. This method calls the `summate_incompr_*` Cython methods, which are the heart of the randomization method. In this class the method contains a projector to ensure the incompressibility of the vector field. Parameters ---------- pos : (d, n), :class:`numpy.ndarray` the position tuple with d dimensions and n points. add_nugget : :class:`bool` Whether to add nugget noise to the field. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` the random modes """ pos = np.asarray(pos, dtype=np.double) summed_modes = summate_incompr( self._cov_sample, self._z_1, self._z_2, pos ) nugget = self.get_nugget(summed_modes.shape) if add_nugget else 0.0 e1 = self._create_unit_vector(summed_modes.shape) return ( self.mean_u * e1 + self.mean_u * np.sqrt(self.model.var / self._mode_no) * summed_modes + nugget )
def _create_unit_vector(self, broadcast_shape, axis=0): """Create a unit vector. Can be multiplied with a vector of shape broadcast_shape Parameters ---------- broadcast_shape : :class:`tuple` the shape of the array with which the unit vector is to be multiplied axis : :class:`int`, optional the direction of the unit vector. Default: ``0`` Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` the unit vector """ shape = np.ones(len(broadcast_shape), dtype=int) shape[0] = self.model.dim e1 = np.zeros(shape) e1[axis] = 1.0 return e1