Source code for gstools.variogram.variogram

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
GStools subpackage providing tools for estimating and fitting variograms.

.. currentmodule:: gstools.variogram.variogram

The following functions are provided

.. autosummary::
# pylint: disable=C0412
import numpy as np

from gstools import config
from import remove_trend_norm_mean
from import (
from gstools.variogram.binning import standard_bins

if config.USE_RUST:  # pragma: no cover
    # pylint: disable=E0401
    from gstools_core import variogram_directional as directional
    from gstools_core import variogram_ma_structured as ma_structured
    from gstools_core import variogram_structured as structured
    from gstools_core import variogram_unstructured as unstructured
    from gstools.variogram.estimator import (

__all__ = [

AXIS = ["x", "y", "z"]
AXIS_DIR = {"x": 0, "y": 1, "z": 2}

def _set_estimator(estimator):
    """Translate the verbose Python estimator identifier to single char."""
    if estimator.lower() == "matheron":
        cython_estimator = "m"
    elif estimator.lower() == "cressie":
        cython_estimator = "c"
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown variogram estimator function: {estimator}")
    return cython_estimator

def _separate_dirs_test(direction, angles_tol):
    """Check if given directions are separated."""
    if direction is None or direction.shape[0] < 2:
        return True
    separate_dirs = True
    for i in range(direction.shape[0] - 1):
        for j in range(i + 1, direction.shape[0]):
            s_prod = np.minimum(np.abs([i], direction[j])), 1)
            separate_dirs &= np.arccos(s_prod) >= 2 * angles_tol
    # gstools-core doesn't like the type `numpy.bool_`
    return bool(separate_dirs)

[docs]def vario_estimate( pos, field, bin_edges=None, sampling_size=None, sampling_seed=None, estimator="matheron", latlon=False, direction=None, angles=None, angles_tol=np.pi / 8, bandwidth=None, no_data=np.nan,, mesh_type="unstructured", return_counts=False, mean=None, normalizer=None, trend=None, fit_normalizer=False, ): r""" Estimates the empirical variogram. The algorithm calculates following equation: .. math:: \gamma(r_k) = \frac{1}{2 N(r_k)} \sum_{i=1}^{N(r_k)} (z(\mathbf x_i) - z(\mathbf x_i'))^2 \; , with :math:`r_k \leq \| \mathbf x_i - \mathbf x_i' \| < r_{k+1}` being the bins. Or if the estimator "cressie" was chosen: .. math:: \gamma(r_k) = \frac{\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{1}{N(r_k)}\sum_{i=1}^{N(r_k)} \left|z(\mathbf x_i) - z(\mathbf x_i')\right|^{0.5}\right)^4} {0.457 + 0.494 / N(r_k) + 0.045 / N^2(r_k)} \; , with :math:`r_k \leq \| \mathbf x_i - \mathbf x_i' \| < r_{k+1}` being the bins. The Cressie estimator is more robust to outliers [Webster2007]_. By providing `direction` vector[s] or angles, a directional variogram can be calculated. If multiple directions are given, a set of variograms will be returned. Directional bining is controlled by a given angle tolerance (`angles_tol`) and an optional `bandwidth`, that truncates the width of the search band around the given direction[s]. To reduce the calculation time, `sampling_size` could be passed to sample down the number of field points. Parameters ---------- pos : :class:`list` the position tuple, containing either the point coordinates (x, y, ...) or the axes descriptions (for mesh_type='structured') field : :class:`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`list` of :class:`numpy.ndarray` The spatially distributed data. Can also be of type :class:`` to use masked values. You can pass a list of fields, that will be used simultaneously. This could be helpful, when there are multiple realizations at the same points, with the same statistical properties. bin_edges : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional the bins on which the variogram will be calculated. If :any:`None` are given, standard bins provided by the :any:`standard_bins` routine will be used. Default: :any:`None` sampling_size : :class:`int` or :any:`None`, optional for large input data, this method can take a long time to compute the variogram, therefore this argument specifies the number of data points to sample randomly Default: :any:`None` sampling_seed : :class:`int` or :any:`None`, optional seed for samples if sampling_size is given. Default: :any:`None` estimator : :class:`str`, optional the estimator function, possible choices: * "matheron": the standard method of moments of Matheron * "cressie": an estimator more robust to outliers Default: "matheron" latlon : :class:`bool`, optional Whether the data is representing 2D fields on earths surface described by latitude and longitude. When using this, the estimator will use great-circle distance for variogram estimation. Note, that only an isotropic variogram can be estimated and a ValueError will be raised, if a direction was specified. Bin edges need to be given in radians in this case. Default: False direction : :class:`list` of :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional directions to evaluate a directional variogram. Angular tolerance is given by `angles_tol`. bandwidth to cut off how wide the search for point pairs should be is given by `bandwidth`. You can provide multiple directions at once to get one variogram for each direction. For a single direction you can also use the `angles` parameter, to provide the direction by its spherical coordinates. Default: :any:`None` angles : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional the angles of the main axis to calculate the variogram for in radians angle definitions from ISO standard 80000-2:2009 for 1d this parameter will have no effect at all for 2d supply one angle which is azimuth :math:`\varphi` (ccw from +x in xy plane) for 3d supply two angles which are azimuth :math:`\varphi` (ccw from +x in xy plane) and inclination :math:`\theta` (cw from +z). Can be used instead of direction. Default: :any:`None` angles_tol : class:`float`, optional the tolerance around the variogram angle to count a point as being within this direction from another point (the angular tolerance around the directional vector given by angles) Default: `np.pi/8` = 22.5° bandwidth : class:`float`, optional bandwidth to cut off the angular tolerance for directional variograms. If None is given, only the `angles_tol` parameter will control the point selection. Default: :any:`None` no_data : :class:`float`, optional Value to identify missing data in the given field. Default: `numpy.nan` mask : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`bool`, optional Mask to deselect data in the given field. Default: :any:`` mesh_type : :class:`str`, optional 'structured' / 'unstructured', indicates whether the pos tuple describes the axis or the point coordinates. Default: `'unstructured'` return_counts: :class:`bool`, optional if set to true, this function will also return the number of data points found at each lag distance as a third return value Default: False mean : :class:`float`, optional mean value used to shift normalized input data. Can also be a callable. The default is None. normalizer : :any:`None` or :any:`Normalizer`, optional Normalizer to be applied to the input data to gain normality. The default is None. trend : :any:`None` or :class:`float` or :any:`callable`, optional A callable trend function. Should have the signature: f(x, [y, z, ...]) If no normalizer is applied, this behaves equal to 'mean'. The default is None. fit_normalizer : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to fit the data-normalizer to the given (detrended) field. Default: False Returns ------- bin_center : (n), :class:`numpy.ndarray` The bin centers. gamma : (n) or (d, n), :class:`numpy.ndarray` The estimated variogram values at bin centers. Is stacked if multiple `directions` (d>1) are given. counts : (n) or (d, n), :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional The number of point pairs found for each bin. Is stacked if multiple `directions` (d>1) are given. Only provided if `return_counts` is True. normalizer : :any:`Normalizer`, optional The fitted normalizer for the given data. Only provided if `fit_normalizer` is True. Notes ----- Internally uses double precision and also returns doubles. References ---------- .. [Webster2007] Webster, R. and Oliver, M. A. "Geostatistics for environmental scientists.", John Wiley & Sons. (2007) """ if bin_edges is not None: bin_edges = np.array(bin_edges, ndmin=1, dtype=np.double, copy=False) bin_centres = (bin_edges[:-1] + bin_edges[1:]) / 2.0 # allow multiple fields at same positions (ndmin=2: first axis -> field ID) # need to convert to ma.array, since list of ma.array is not recognised field =, ndmin=2, dtype=np.double, copy=True) masked = or np.any(mask) # catch special case if everything is masked if masked and np.all(mask): bin_centres = np.empty(0) if bin_edges is None else bin_centres estimates = np.zeros_like(bin_centres) if return_counts: return bin_centres, estimates, np.zeros_like(estimates, dtype=int) return bin_centres, estimates if not masked: field = field.filled() # check mesh shape if mesh_type != "unstructured": pos, __, dim = format_struct_pos_shape( pos, field.shape, check_stacked_shape=True ) pos = generate_grid(pos) else: pos, __, dim = format_unstruct_pos_shape( pos, field.shape, check_stacked_shape=True ) if latlon and dim != 2: raise ValueError("Variogram: given field needs to be 2D for lat-lon.") # prepare the field pnt_cnt = len(pos[0]) field = field.reshape((-1, pnt_cnt)) # apply mask if wanted if masked: # if fields have different masks, take the minimal common mask # given mask will be applied in addition # selected region is the inverted masked (unmasked values) if np.size(mask) > 1: # not only select = np.invert( np.logical_or( np.reshape(mask, pnt_cnt), np.all(field.mask, axis=0) ) ) else: select = np.invert(np.all(field.mask, axis=0)) pos = pos[:, select] field.fill_value = np.nan # use no-data val. for remaining masked vals field = field[:, select].filled() # convert to ndarray select = mask = None # free space # set no_data values if not np.isnan(no_data): field[np.isclose(field, float(no_data))] = np.nan # set directions dir_no = 0 if direction is not None and dim > 1: direction = np.array(direction, ndmin=2, dtype=np.double, copy=False) if len(direction.shape) > 2: raise ValueError(f"Can't interpret directions: {direction}") if direction.shape[1] != dim: raise ValueError(f"Can't interpret directions: {direction}") dir_no = direction.shape[0] # convert given angles to direction vector if angles is not None and direction is None and dim > 1: direction = ang2dir(angles=angles, dtype=np.double, dim=dim) dir_no = direction.shape[0] # prepare directional variogram if dir_no > 0: if latlon: raise ValueError("Directional variogram not allowed for lat-lon.") norms = np.linalg.norm(direction, axis=1) if np.any(np.isclose(norms, 0)): raise ValueError(f"Zero length directions: {direction}") # only unit-vectors for directions direction = np.divide(direction, norms[:, np.newaxis]) # negative bandwidth to turn it off bandwidth = float(bandwidth) if bandwidth is not None else -1.0 angles_tol = float(angles_tol) # prepare sampled variogram if sampling_size is not None and sampling_size < pnt_cnt: sampled_idx = np.random.RandomState(sampling_seed).choice( np.arange(pnt_cnt), sampling_size, replace=False ) field = field[:, sampled_idx] pos = pos[:, sampled_idx] # create bining if not given if bin_edges is None: bin_edges = standard_bins(pos, dim, latlon) bin_centres = (bin_edges[:-1] + bin_edges[1:]) / 2.0 # normalize field norm_field_out = remove_trend_norm_mean( *(pos, field, mean, normalizer, trend), check_shape=False, stacked=True, fit_normalizer=fit_normalizer, ) field = norm_field_out[0] if fit_normalizer else norm_field_out norm_out = (norm_field_out[1],) if fit_normalizer else () # select variogram estimator cython_estimator = _set_estimator(estimator) # run if dir_no == 0: # "h"aversine or "e"uclidean distance type distance_type = "h" if latlon else "e" estimates, counts = unstructured( field, bin_edges, pos, estimator_type=cython_estimator, distance_type=distance_type, ) else: estimates, counts = directional( field, bin_edges, pos, direction, angles_tol, bandwidth, separate_dirs=_separate_dirs_test(direction, angles_tol), estimator_type=cython_estimator, ) if dir_no == 1: estimates, counts = estimates[0], counts[0] est_out = (estimates, counts) return (bin_centres,) + est_out[: 2 if return_counts else 1] + norm_out
[docs]def vario_estimate_axis( field, direction="x", estimator="matheron", no_data=np.nan ): r"""Estimates the variogram along array axis. The indices of the given direction are used for the bins. Uniform spacings along the given axis are assumed. The algorithm calculates following equation: .. math:: \gamma(r_k) = \frac{1}{2 N(r_k)} \sum_{i=1}^{N(r_k)} (z(\mathbf x_i) - z(\mathbf x_i'))^2 \; , with :math:`r_k \leq \| \mathbf x_i - \mathbf x_i' \| < r_{k+1}` being the bins. Or if the estimator "cressie" was chosen: .. math:: \gamma(r_k) = \frac{\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{1}{N(r_k)}\sum_{i=1}^{N(r_k)} \left|z(\mathbf x_i) - z(\mathbf x_i')\right|^{0.5}\right)^4} {0.457 + 0.494 / N(r_k) + 0.045 / N^2(r_k)} \; , with :math:`r_k \leq \| \mathbf x_i - \mathbf x_i' \| < r_{k+1}` being the bins. The Cressie estimator is more robust to outliers [Webster2007]_. Parameters ---------- field : :class:`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`` the spatially distributed data (can be masked) direction : :class:`str` or :class:`int` the axis over which the variogram will be estimated (x, y, z) or (0, 1, 2, ...) estimator : :class:`str`, optional the estimator function, possible choices: * "matheron": the standard method of moments of Matheron * "cressie": an estimator more robust to outliers Default: "matheron" no_data : :class:`float`, optional Value to identify missing data in the given field. Default: `numpy.nan` Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` the estimated variogram along the given direction. Warnings -------- It is assumed that the field is defined on an equidistant Cartesian grid. Notes ----- Internally uses double precision and also returns doubles. References ---------- .. [Webster2007] Webster, R. and Oliver, M. A. "Geostatistics for environmental scientists.", John Wiley & Sons. (2007) """ missing_mask = ( np.isnan(field) if np.isnan(no_data) else np.isclose(field, no_data) ) missing = np.any(missing_mask) masked = or missing if masked: field =, ndmin=1, dtype=np.double) if missing: field.mask = np.logical_or(field.mask, missing_mask) mask = if not config.USE_RUST: mask = np.asarray(mask, dtype=np.int32) else: field = np.array(field, ndmin=1, dtype=np.double, copy=False) missing_mask = None # free space axis_to_swap = AXIS_DIR[direction] if direction in AXIS else int(direction) # desired axis first, convert to 2D array afterwards field = field.swapaxes(0, axis_to_swap) field = field.reshape((field.shape[0], -1)) if masked: mask = mask.swapaxes(0, axis_to_swap) mask = mask.reshape((mask.shape[0], -1)) cython_estimator = _set_estimator(estimator) if masked: return ma_structured(field, mask, cython_estimator) return structured(field, cython_estimator)
# for backward compatibility vario_estimate_unstructured = vario_estimate vario_estimate_structured = vario_estimate_axis