
GStools subpackage providing a set of handy covariance models.


base GStools subpackage providing the base class for covariance models.
models GStools subpackage providing different covariance models.
tpl_models GStools subpackage providing truncated power law covariance models.
plot GStools subpackage providing plotting routines for the covariance models.

Covariance Base-Class

Class to construct user defined covariance models

CovModel([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, …]) Base class for the GSTools covariance models

Covariance Models

Standard Covariance Models

Gaussian([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, …]) The Gaussian covariance model
Exponential([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, …]) The Exponential covariance model
Matern([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, anis, …]) The Matérn covariance model
Rational([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, …]) The rational quadratic covariance model
Stable([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, anis, …]) The stable covariance model
Spherical([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, …]) The Spherical covariance model
Linear([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, anis, …]) The bounded linear covariance model
MaternRescal([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, …]) The rescaled Matérn covariance model
SphericalRescal([dim, var, len_scale, …]) The rescaled Spherical covariance model

Truncated Power Law Covariance Models

TPLGaussian([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, …]) Truncated-Power-Law with Gaussian modes
TPLExponential([dim, var, len_scale, …]) Truncated-Power-Law with Exponential modes
TPLStable([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, …]) Truncated-Power-Law with Stable modes