
GeoStatTools is a library providing geostatistical tools for random field generation and variogram estimation based on a list of provided or even user-defined covariance models.

The following functionalities are directly provided on module-level.


covmodel GStools subpackage providing a set of handy covariance models.
field GStools subpackage providing tools for spatial random fields.
variogram GStools subpackage providing tools for estimating and fitting variograms.
random GStools subpackage for random number generation.
tools GStools subpackage providing miscellaneous tools.


Spatial Random Field

Class for random field generation

SRF(model[, mean, upscaling, generator]) A class to generate spatial random fields (SRF).

Covariance Base-Class

Class to construct user defined covariance models

CovModel([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, …]) Base class for the GSTools covariance models

Covariance Models

Standard Covariance Models

Gaussian([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, …]) The Gaussian covariance model
Exponential([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, …]) The Exponential covariance model
Matern([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, anis, …]) The Matérn covariance model
Rational([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, …]) The rational quadratic covariance model
Stable([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, anis, …]) The stable covariance model
Spherical([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, …]) The Spherical covariance model
Linear([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, anis, …]) The bounded linear covariance model
MaternRescal([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, …]) The rescaled Matérn covariance model
SphericalRescal([dim, var, len_scale, …]) The rescaled Spherical covariance model

Truncated Power Law Covariance Models

TPLGaussian([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, …]) Truncated-Power-Law with Gaussian modes
TPLExponential([dim, var, len_scale, …]) Truncated-Power-Law with Exponential modes
TPLStable([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, …]) Truncated-Power-Law with Stable modes



Routines to export fields to the vtk format

vtk_export(filename, pos, field[, …]) Export a field to vtk
vtk_export_structured(filename, pos, field) Export a field to vtk structured rectilinear grid file
vtk_export_unstructured(filename, pos, field) Export a field to vtk structured rectilinear grid file

variogram estimation

Estimate the variogram of a given field

vario_estimate_structured(field[, direction]) Estimates the variogram on a regular grid.
vario_estimate_unstructured(pos, field, …) Estimates the variogram on a unstructured grid.