Tutorial 2: The Covariance Model

One of the core-features of GSTools is the powerful CovModel class, which allows you to easily define arbitrary covariance models by yourself. The resulting models provide a bunch of nice features to explore the covariance models.

Theoretical Backgound

A covariance model is used to characterize the semi-variogram, denoted by \gamma, of a spatial random field. In GSTools, we use the following form for an isotropic and stationary field:


  • \mathrm{cor}(r) is the so called correlation function depending on the distance r
  • \sigma^2 is the variance
  • n is the nugget (subscale variance)


We are not limited to isotropic models. We support anisotropy ratios for length scales in orthogonal transversal directions like:

  • x (main direction)
  • y (1. transversal direction)
  • z (2. transversal direction)

These main directions can also be rotated, but we will come to that later.


Let us start with a short example of a self defined model (Of course, we provide a lot of predefined models [See: gstools.covmodel], but they all work the same way). Therefore we reimplement the Gaussian covariance model by defining just the correlation function:

from gstools import CovModel
import numpy as np
# use CovModel as the base-class
class Gau(CovModel):
    def correlation(self, r):
        return np.exp(-(r/self.len_scale)**2)

Now we can instantiate this model:

model = Gau(dim=2, var=2., len_scale=10)

To have a look at the variogram, let’s plot it:

from gstools.covmodel.plot import plot_variogram

Which gives:



We already used some parameters, which every covariance models has. The basic ones are:

  • dim : dimension of the model
  • var : variance of the model (on top of the subscale variance)
  • len_scale : length scale of the model
  • nugget : nugget (subscale variance) of the model

These are the common parameters used to characterize a covariance model and are therefore used by every model in GSTools. You can also access and reset them:

print(model.dim, model.var, model.len_scale, model.nugget, model.sill)
model.dim = 3
model.var = 1
model.len_scale = 15
model.nugget = 0.1
print(model.dim, model.var, model.len_scale, model.nugget, model.sill)

Which gives:

2 2.0 10 0.0 2.0
3 1.0 15 0.1 1.1


  • The sill of the variogram is calculated by sill = variance + nugget So we treat the variance as everything above the nugget, which is sometimes called partial sill.
  • A covariance model can also have additional parameters.


The internally used (semi-) variogram represents the isotropic case for the model. Nevertheless, you can provide anisotropy ratios by:

model = Gau(dim=3, var=2., len_scale=10, anis=0.5)

Which gives:

[0.5 1. ]
[10.  5. 10.]

As you can see, we defined just one anisotropy-ratio and the second transversal direction was filled up with 1. and you can get the length-scales in each direction by the attribute len_scale_vec. For full control you can set a list of anistropy ratios: anis=[0.5, 0.4].

Alternatively you can provide a list of length-scales:

model = Gau(dim=3, var=2., len_scale=[10, 5, 4])

Which gives:

[0.5 0.4]
[10.  5.  4.]

Rotation Angles

The main directions of the field don’t have to coincide with the spatial directions x, y and z. Therefore you can provide rotation angles for the model:

model = Gau(dim=3, var=2., len_scale=10, angles=2.5)

Which gives:

[2.5 0.  0. ]

Again, the angles were filled up with 0. to match the dimension and you could also provide a list of angles. The number of angles depends on the given dimension:

  • in 1D: no rotation performable
  • in 2D: given as rotation around z-axis
  • in 3D: given by yaw, pitch, and roll (known as Tait–Bryan angles)


The covariance model class CovModel of GSTools provides a set of handy methods.


One of the following functions defines the main characterization of the variogram:

  • variogram : The variogram of the model given by


  • variogram_normed : The normalized variogram of the model given by


  • covariance : The (auto-)covariance of the model given by

    C\left(r\right)= \sigma^2\cdot\mathrm{cor}\left(r\right)

  • correlation : The (auto-)correlation (or normalized covariance) of the model given by


As you can see, it is the easiest way to define a covariance model by giving a correlation function as demonstrated by the above model Gau. If one of the above functions is given, the others will be determined:

model = Gau(dim=3, var=2., len_scale=10, nugget=0.5)

Which gives:


Spectral methods

The spectrum of a covariance model is given by:

S(\mathbf{k}) = \left(\frac{1}{2\pi}\right)^n
\int C(\Vert\mathbf{r}\Vert) e^{i b\mathbf{k}\cdot\mathbf{r}} d^n\mathbf{r}

Since the covariance function C(r) is radially symmetric, we can calculate this by the hankel-transformation:

S(k) = \left(\frac{1}{2\pi}\right)^n \cdot
\int_0^\infty r^{n/2-1} C(r) J_{n/2-1}(bkr) r dr

Where k=\left\Vert\mathbf{k}\right\Vert.

Depending on the spectrum, the spectral-density is defined by:

\tilde{S}(k) = \frac{S(k)}{\sigma^2}

You can access these methods by:

model = Gau(dim=3, var=2., len_scale=10)

Which gives:



The spectral-density is given by the radius of the input phase. But it is not a probability density function for the radius of the phase. To obtain the pdf for the phase-radius, you can use the methods spectral_rad_pdf or ln_spectral_rad_pdf for the logarithm.

The user can also provide a cdf (cumulative distribution function) by defining a method called spectral_rad_cdf and/or a ppf (percent-point function) by spectral_rad_ppf.

The attributes has_cdf and has_ppf will check for that.

Different scales

Besides the length-scale, there are many other ways of characterizing a certain scale of a covariance model. We provide two common scales with the covariance model.

Integral scale

The integral scale of a covariance model is calculated by:

I = \int_0^\infty \mathrm{cor}(r) dr

You can access it by:

model = Gau(dim=3, var=2., len_scale=10)

Which gives:

[8.86226925 8.86226925 8.86226925]

You can also specify integral length scales like the ordinary length scale, and len_scale/anis will be recalculated:

model = Gau(dim=3, var=2., integral_scale=[10, 4, 2])

Which gives:

[0.4 0.2]
[11.28379167  4.51351667  2.25675833]
[10.  4.  2.]

Percentile scale

Another scale characterizing the covariance model, is the percentile scale. It is the distance, where the normalized variogram reaches a certain percentage of its sill.

model = Gau(dim=3, var=2., len_scale=10)

Which gives:



The nugget is neglected by this percentile_scale.

Additional Parameters

Let’s pimp our self-defined model Gau by setting the exponent as an additional parameter:

\mathrm{cor}(r) := \exp\left(-\left(\frac{r}{\ell}\right)^{\alpha}\right)

This leads to the so called stable covariance model and we can define it by

class Stab(CovModel):
    def default_opt_arg(self):
        return {"alpha": 1.5}
    def correlation(self, r):
        return np.exp(-(r/self.len_scale)**self.alpha)

As you can see, we override the method CovModel.default_opt_arg to provide a standard value for the optional argument alpha and we can access it in the correlation function by self.alpha

Now we can instantiate this model:

model1 = Stab(dim=2, var=2., len_scale=10)
model2 = Stab(dim=2, var=2., len_scale=10, alpha=0.5)

Which gives:

Stab(dim=2, var=2.0, len_scale=10, nugget=0.0, anis=[1.], angles=[0.], alpha=1.5)
Stab(dim=2, var=2.0, len_scale=10, nugget=0.0, anis=[1.], angles=[0.], alpha=0.5)


You don’t have to overrid the CovModel.default_opt_arg, but you will get a ValueError if you don’t set it on creation.

Fitting variogram data

The model class comes with a routine to fit the model-parameters to given variogram data. Have a look at the following:

# data
x = [1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0, 11.0]
y = [0.2, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 0.8, 0.9]
# fitting model
model = Stab(dim=2)
# we have to provide boundaries for the parameters
model.set_arg_bounds(alpha=[0, 3])
# fit the model to given data, deselect nugget
results, pcov = model.fit_variogram(x, y, nugget=False)
# show the fitting
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from gstools.covmodel.plot import plot_variogram
plt.scatter(x, y, color="k")

Which gives:

{'var': 1.024575782651677,
 'len_scale': 5.081620691462197,
 'nugget': 0.0,
 'alpha': 0.906705123369987}

As you can see, we have to provide boundaries for the parameters. As a default, the following bounds are set:

  • additional parameters: [0.0, 1000.0]
  • variance: [0.0, 100.0]
  • len_scale: [0.0, 1000.0]
  • nugget: [0.0, 100.0]

Also, you can deselect parameters from fitting, so their predefined values will be kept. In our case, we fixed a nugget of 0.0, which was set by default. You can deselect any standard or optional argument of the covariance model. The second return value pcov is the estimated covariance of popt from the used scipy routine scipy.optimize.curve_fit.

You can use the following methods to manipulate the used bounds:

CovModel.default_opt_arg_bounds() Here you can provide a dictionary with default boundaries for the optional arguments.
CovModel.default_arg_bounds() Here you can provide a dictionary with default boundaries for the standard arguments.
CovModel.set_arg_bounds(**kwargs) Set bounds for the parameters of the model
CovModel.check_arg_bounds() Here the arguments are checked to be within the given bounds

You can override the CovModel.default_opt_arg_bounds to provide standard bounds for your additional parameters.

To access the bounds you can use:

CovModel.var_bounds Bounds for the variance
CovModel.len_scale_bounds Bounds for the lenght scale
CovModel.nugget_bounds Bounds for the nugget
CovModel.opt_arg_bounds Bounds for the optional arguments
CovModel.arg_bounds Bounds for all parameters

Provided Covariance Models

The following standard covariance models are provided by GSTools

Gaussian([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, …]) The Gaussian covariance model
Exponential([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, …]) The Exponential covariance model
Matern([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, anis, …]) The Matérn covariance model
Rational([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, …]) The rational quadratic covariance model
Stable([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, anis, …]) The stable covariance model
Spherical([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, …]) The Spherical covariance model
Linear([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, anis, …]) The bounded linear covariance model
MaternRescal([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, …]) The rescaled Matérn covariance model
SphericalRescal([dim, var, len_scale, …]) The rescaled Spherical covariance model

As a special feature, we also provide truncated power law (TPL) covariance models

TPLGaussian([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, …]) Truncated-Power-Law with Gaussian modes
TPLExponential([dim, var, len_scale, …]) Truncated-Power-Law with Exponential modes
TPLStable([dim, var, len_scale, nugget, …]) Truncated-Power-Law with Stable modes