Welcome to welltestpy
welltestpy provides a framework to handle, process, plot and analyse data from well based field campaigns.
You can install the latest version with the following command:
pip install welltestpy
Or from conda
conda install -c conda-forge welltestpy
Documentation for welltestpy
You can find the documentation including tutorials and examples under https://welltestpy.readthedocs.io.
Citing welltestpy
If you are using this package you can cite our Groundwater publication by:
Müller, S., Leven, C., Dietrich, P., Attinger, S. and Zech, A. (2021): How to Find Aquifer Statistics Utilizing Pumping Tests? Two Field Studies Using welltestpy. Groundwater, https://doi.org/10.1111/gwat.13121
To cite the code, please visit the Zenodo page.
Provided Subpackages
welltestpy.data # Subpackage to handle data from field campaigns
welltestpy.estimate # Subpackage to estimate field parameters
welltestpy.process # Subpackage to pre- and post-process data
welltestpy.tools # Subpackage with tools for plotting and triagulation
You can contact us via info@geostat-framework.org.