Source code for gstools.covmodel.tpl_models

GStools subpackage providing truncated power law covariance models.

.. currentmodule:: gstools.covmodel.tpl_models

The following classes and functions are provided

.. autosummary::

# pylint: disable=C0103, E1101
import warnings

import numpy as np

from gstools.covmodel.base import CovModel
from import AttributeWarning
from import (

__all__ = ["TPLGaussian", "TPLExponential", "TPLStable", "TPLSimple"]

class TPLCovModel(CovModel):
    """Truncated-Power-Law Covariance Model base class for super-position."""

    def len_up(self):
        """:class:`float`: Upper length scale truncation of the model.

        * ``len_up = len_low + len_scale``
        return self.len_low + self.len_scale

    def len_up_rescaled(self):
        """:class:`float`: Upper length scale truncation rescaled.

        * ``len_up_rescaled = (len_low + len_scale) / rescale``
        return self.len_up / self.rescale

    def len_low_rescaled(self):
        """:class:`float`: Lower length scale truncation rescaled.

        * ``len_low_rescaled = len_low / rescale``
        return self.len_low / self.rescale

    def var_factor(self):
        """Factor for C (intensity of variation) to result in variance."""
        return (
            self.len_up_rescaled ** (2 * self.hurst)
            - self.len_low_rescaled ** (2 * self.hurst)
        ) / (2 * self.hurst)

    def cor(self, h):
        """TPL - normalized correlation function."""

    def correlation(self, r):
        """TPL - correlation function."""

# Truncated power law #########################################################

[docs] class TPLGaussian(TPLCovModel): r"""Truncated-Power-Law with Gaussian modes. Notes ----- The truncated power law is given by a superposition of scale-dependent variograms [Federico1997]_: .. math:: \gamma_{\ell_{\mathrm{low}},\ell_{\mathrm{up}}}(r) = \intop_{\ell_{\mathrm{low}}}^{\ell_{\mathrm{up}}} \gamma(r,\lambda) \frac{\rm d \lambda}{\lambda} with `Gaussian` modes on each scale: .. math:: \gamma(r,\lambda) &= \sigma^2(\lambda)\cdot\left(1- \exp\left[- \left(\frac{r}{\lambda}\right)^{2}\right] \right)\\ \sigma^2(\lambda) &= C\cdot\lambda^{2H} This results in: .. math:: \gamma_{\ell_{\mathrm{low}},\ell_{\mathrm{up}}}(r) &= \sigma^2_{\ell_{\mathrm{low}},\ell_{\mathrm{up}}}\cdot\left(1- H \cdot \frac{\ell_{\mathrm{up}}^{2H} \cdot E_{1+H} \left[\left(\frac{r}{\ell_{\mathrm{up}}}\right)^{2}\right] - \ell_{\mathrm{low}}^{2H} \cdot E_{1+H} \left[\left(\frac{r}{\ell_{\mathrm{low}}}\right)^{2}\right]} {\ell_{\mathrm{up}}^{2H}-\ell_{\mathrm{low}}^{2H}} \right) \\ \sigma^2_{\ell_{\mathrm{low}},\ell_{\mathrm{up}}} &= \frac{C\cdot\left(\ell_{\mathrm{up}}^{2H} -\ell_{\mathrm{low}}^{2H}\right)}{2H} The "length scale" of this model is equivalent by the integration range: .. math:: \ell = \ell_{\mathrm{up}} -\ell_{\mathrm{low}} If you want to define an upper scale truncation, you should set ``len_low`` and ``len_scale`` accordingly. The following Parameters occur: * :math:`C>0` : scaling factor from the Power-Law (intensity of variation) This parameter will be calculated internally by the given variance. You can access C directly by ``model.var_raw`` * :math:`0<H<1` : hurst coefficient (``model.hurst``) * :math:`\ell_{\mathrm{low}}\geq 0` : lower length scale truncation of the model (``model.len_low``) * :math:`\ell_{\mathrm{up}}\geq 0` : upper length scale truncation of the model (``model.len_up``) This will be calculated internally by: * ``len_up = len_low + len_scale`` That means, that the ``len_scale`` in this model actually represents the integration range for the truncated power law. * :math:`E_s(x)` is the exponential integral. References ---------- .. [Federico1997] Di Federico, V. and Neuman, S. P., "Scaling of random fields by means of truncated power variograms and associated spectra", Water Resources Research, 33, 1075–1085. (1997) Other Parameters ---------------- hurst : :class:`float`, optional Hurst coefficient of the power law. Standard range: ``(0, 1)``. Default: ``0.5`` len_low : :class:`float`, optional The lower length scale truncation of the model. Standard range: ``[0, inf]``. Default: ``0.0`` """
[docs] def default_opt_arg(self): """Defaults for the optional arguments. * ``{"hurst": 0.5, "len_low": 0.0}`` Returns ------- :class:`dict` Defaults for optional arguments """ return {"hurst": 0.5, "len_low": 0.0}
[docs] def default_opt_arg_bounds(self): """Defaults for boundaries of the optional arguments. * ``{"hurst": [0, 1, "oo"], "len_low": [0, inf, "cc"]}`` Returns ------- :class:`dict` Boundaries for optional arguments """ return {"hurst": (0.1, 1, "oo"), "len_low": (0.0, np.inf, "co")}
[docs] def cor(self, h): """TPL with Gaussian modes - normalized correlation function.""" return tplstable_cor(h, 1.0, self.hurst, 2)
[docs] def correlation(self, r): """TPL with Gaussian modes - correlation function.""" # if lower limit is 0 we use the simplified version (faster) if np.isclose(self.len_low_rescaled, 0.0): return tplstable_cor(r, self.len_rescaled, self.hurst, 2) return ( self.len_up_rescaled ** (2 * self.hurst) * tplstable_cor(r, self.len_up_rescaled, self.hurst, 2) - self.len_low_rescaled ** (2 * self.hurst) * tplstable_cor(r, self.len_low_rescaled, self.hurst, 2) ) / ( self.len_up_rescaled ** (2 * self.hurst) - self.len_low_rescaled ** (2 * self.hurst) )
[docs] def spectral_density(self, k): # noqa: D102 return tpl_gau_spec_dens( k, self.dim, self.len_rescaled, self.hurst, self.len_low_rescaled )
[docs] class TPLExponential(TPLCovModel): r"""Truncated-Power-Law with Exponential modes. Notes ----- The truncated power law is given by a superposition of scale-dependent variograms [Federico1997]_: .. math:: \gamma_{\ell_{\mathrm{low}},\ell_{\mathrm{up}}}(r) = \intop_{\ell_{\mathrm{low}}}^{\ell_{\mathrm{up}}} \gamma(r,\lambda) \frac{\rm d \lambda}{\lambda} with `Exponential` modes on each scale: .. math:: \gamma(r,\lambda) &= \sigma^2(\lambda)\cdot\left(1- \exp\left[- \frac{r}{\lambda}\right] \right)\\ \sigma^2(\lambda) &= C\cdot\lambda^{2H} This results in: .. math:: \gamma_{\ell_{\mathrm{low}},\ell_{\mathrm{up}}}(r) &= \sigma^2_{\ell_{\mathrm{low}},\ell_{\mathrm{up}}}\cdot\left(1- 2H \cdot \frac{\ell_{\mathrm{up}}^{2H} \cdot E_{1+2H}\left[\frac{r}{\ell_{\mathrm{up}}}\right] - \ell_{\mathrm{low}}^{2H} \cdot E_{1+2H}\left[\frac{r}{\ell_{\mathrm{low}}}\right]} {\ell_{\mathrm{up}}^{2H}-\ell_{\mathrm{low}}^{2H}} \right) \\ \sigma^2_{\ell_{\mathrm{low}},\ell_{\mathrm{up}}} &= \frac{C\cdot\left(\ell_{\mathrm{up}}^{2H} -\ell_{\mathrm{low}}^{2H}\right)}{2H} The "length scale" of this model is equivalent by the integration range: .. math:: \ell = \ell_{\mathrm{up}} -\ell_{\mathrm{low}} If you want to define an upper scale truncation, you should set ``len_low`` and ``len_scale`` accordingly. The following Parameters occur: * :math:`C>0` : scaling factor from the Power-Law (intensity of variation) This parameter will be calculated internally by the given variance. You can access C directly by ``model.var_raw`` * :math:`0<H<\frac{1}{2}` : hurst coefficient (``model.hurst``) * :math:`\ell_{\mathrm{low}}\geq 0` : lower length scale truncation of the model (``model.len_low``) * :math:`\ell_{\mathrm{up}}\geq 0` : upper length scale truncation of the model (``model.len_up``) This will be calculated internally by: * ``len_up = len_low + len_scale`` That means, that the ``len_scale`` in this model actually represents the integration range for the truncated power law. * :math:`E_s(x)` is the exponential integral. References ---------- .. [Federico1997] Di Federico, V. and Neuman, S. P., "Scaling of random fields by means of truncated power variograms and associated spectra", Water Resources Research, 33, 1075–1085. (1997) Other Parameters ---------------- hurst : :class:`float`, optional Hurst coefficient of the power law. Standard range: ``(0, 1)``. Default: ``0.5`` len_low : :class:`float`, optional The lower length scale truncation of the model. Standard range: ``[0, inf]``. Default: ``0.0`` """
[docs] def default_opt_arg(self): """Defaults for the optional arguments. * ``{"hurst": 0.25, "len_low": 0.0}`` Returns ------- :class:`dict` Defaults for optional arguments """ return {"hurst": 0.25, "len_low": 0.0}
[docs] def default_opt_arg_bounds(self): """Defaults for boundaries of the optional arguments. * ``{"hurst": [0, 1, "oo"], "len_low": [0, inf, "cc"]}`` Returns ------- :class:`dict` Boundaries for optional arguments """ return {"hurst": (0.1, 1, "oo"), "len_low": (0.0, np.inf, "co")}
[docs] def cor(self, h): """TPL with Exponential modes - normalized correlation function.""" return tplstable_cor(h, 1.0, self.hurst, 1)
[docs] def correlation(self, r): """TPL with Exponential modes - correlation function.""" # if lower limit is 0 we use the simplified version (faster) if np.isclose(self.len_low_rescaled, 0.0): return tplstable_cor(r, self.len_rescaled, self.hurst, 1) return ( self.len_up_rescaled ** (2 * self.hurst) * tplstable_cor(r, self.len_up_rescaled, self.hurst, 1) - self.len_low_rescaled ** (2 * self.hurst) * tplstable_cor(r, self.len_low_rescaled, self.hurst, 1) ) / ( self.len_up_rescaled ** (2 * self.hurst) - self.len_low_rescaled ** (2 * self.hurst) )
[docs] def spectral_density(self, k): # noqa: D102 return tpl_exp_spec_dens( k, self.dim, self.len_rescaled, self.hurst, self.len_low_rescaled )
[docs] class TPLStable(TPLCovModel): r"""Truncated-Power-Law with Stable modes. Notes ----- The truncated power law is given by a superposition of scale-dependent variograms: .. math:: \gamma_{\ell_{\mathrm{low}},\ell_{\mathrm{up}}}(r) = \intop_{\ell_{\mathrm{low}}}^{\ell_{\mathrm{up}}} \gamma(r,\lambda) \frac{\rm d \lambda}{\lambda} with `Stable` modes on each scale: .. math:: \gamma(r,\lambda) &= \sigma^2(\lambda)\cdot\left(1- \exp\left[- \left(\frac{r}{\lambda}\right)^{\alpha}\right] \right)\\ \sigma^2(\lambda) &= C\cdot\lambda^{2H} This results in: .. math:: \gamma_{\ell_{\mathrm{low}},\ell_{\mathrm{up}}}(r) &= \sigma^2_{\ell_{\mathrm{low}},\ell_{\mathrm{up}}}\cdot\left(1- \frac{2H}{\alpha} \cdot \frac{\ell_{\mathrm{up}}^{2H} \cdot E_{1+\frac{2H}{\alpha}} \left[\left(\frac{r}{\ell_{\mathrm{up}}}\right)^{\alpha}\right] - \ell_{\mathrm{low}}^{2H} \cdot E_{1+\frac{2H}{\alpha}} \left[\left(\frac{r}{\ell_{\mathrm{low}}}\right)^{\alpha}\right]} {\ell_{\mathrm{up}}^{2H}-\ell_{\mathrm{low}}^{2H}} \right) \\ \sigma^2_{\ell_{\mathrm{low}},\ell_{\mathrm{up}}} &= \frac{C\cdot\left(\ell_{\mathrm{up}}^{2H} -\ell_{\mathrm{low}}^{2H}\right)}{2H} The "length scale" of this model is equivalent by the integration range: .. math:: \ell = \ell_{\mathrm{up}} -\ell_{\mathrm{low}} If you want to define an upper scale truncation, you should set ``len_low`` and ``len_scale`` accordingly. The following Parameters occur: * :math:`0<\alpha\leq 2` : The shape parameter of the Stable model. * :math:`\alpha=1` : Exponential modes * :math:`\alpha=2` : Gaussian modes * :math:`C>0` : scaling factor from the Power-Law (intensity of variation) This parameter will be calculated internally by the given variance. You can access C directly by ``model.var_raw`` * :math:`0<H<\frac{\alpha}{2}` : hurst coefficient (``model.hurst``) * :math:`\ell_{\mathrm{low}}\geq 0` : lower length scale truncation of the model (``model.len_low``) * :math:`\ell_{\mathrm{up}}\geq 0` : upper length scale truncation of the model (``model.len_up``) This will be calculated internally by: * ``len_up = len_low + len_scale`` That means, that the ``len_scale`` in this model actually represents the integration range for the truncated power law. * :math:`E_s(x)` is the exponential integral. Other Parameters ---------------- hurst : :class:`float`, optional Hurst coefficient of the power law. Standard range: ``(0, 1)``. Default: ``0.5`` alpha : :class:`float`, optional Shape parameter of the stable model. Standard range: ``(0, 2]``. Default: ``1.5`` len_low : :class:`float`, optional The lower length scale truncation of the model. Standard range: ``[0, inf]``. Default: ``0.0`` """
[docs] def default_opt_arg(self): """Defaults for the optional arguments. * ``{"hurst": 0.5, "alpha": 1.5, "len_low": 0.0}`` Returns ------- :class:`dict` Defaults for optional arguments """ return {"hurst": 0.5, "alpha": 1.5, "len_low": 0.0}
[docs] def default_opt_arg_bounds(self): """Defaults for boundaries of the optional arguments. * ``{"hurst": [0, 1, "oo"], "alpha": [0, 2, "oc"], "len_low": [0, inf, "cc"]}`` Returns ------- :class:`dict` Boundaries for optional arguments """ return { "hurst": (0.1, 1, "oo"), "alpha": (0, 2, "oc"), "len_low": (0, np.inf, "co"), }
[docs] def check_opt_arg(self): """Check the optional arguments. Warns ----- alpha If alpha is < 0.3, the model tends to a nugget model and gets numerically unstable. """ if self.alpha < 0.3: warnings.warn( "TPLStable: parameter 'alpha' is < 0.3, " "count with unstable results", AttributeWarning, )
[docs] def cor(self, h): """TPL with Stable modes - normalized correlation function.""" return tplstable_cor(h, 1.0, self.hurst, self.alpha)
[docs] def correlation(self, r): """TPL with Stable modes - correlation function.""" # if lower limit is 0 we use the simplified version (faster) if np.isclose(self.len_low_rescaled, 0.0): return tplstable_cor(r, self.len_rescaled, self.hurst, self.alpha) return ( self.len_up_rescaled ** (2 * self.hurst) * tplstable_cor(r, self.len_up_rescaled, self.hurst, self.alpha) - self.len_low_rescaled ** (2 * self.hurst) * tplstable_cor(r, self.len_low_rescaled, self.hurst, self.alpha) ) / ( self.len_up_rescaled ** (2 * self.hurst) - self.len_low_rescaled ** (2 * self.hurst) )
[docs] class TPLSimple(CovModel): r"""The simply truncated power law model. This model describes a simple truncated power law with a finite length scale. In contrast to other models, this one is not derived from super-positioning modes. Notes ----- This model is given by the following correlation function [Wendland1995]_: .. math:: \rho(r) = \begin{cases} \left(1-s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell}\right)^{\nu} & r<\frac{\ell}{s}\\ 0 & r\geq\frac{\ell}{s} \end{cases} Where the standard rescale factor is :math:`s=1`. :math:`\nu\geq\frac{d+1}{2}` is a shape parameter, which defaults to :math:`\nu=\frac{d+1}{2}`, For :math:`\nu=1` (valid only in d=1) this coincides with the truncated linear model: .. math:: \rho(r) = \begin{cases} 1-s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell} & r<\frac{\ell}{s}\\ 0 & r\geq\frac{\ell}{s} \end{cases} References ---------- .. [Wendland1995] Wendland, H., "Piecewise polynomial, positive definite and compactly supported radial functions of minimal degree.", Advances in computational Mathematics 4.1, 389-396. (1995) Other Parameters ---------------- nu : :class:`float`, optional Shape parameter. Standard range: ``[(dim+1)/2, 50]`` Default: ``dim/2`` """
[docs] def default_opt_arg(self): """Defaults for the optional arguments. * ``{"nu": dim/2}`` Returns ------- :class:`dict` Defaults for optional arguments """ return {"nu": (self.dim + 1) / 2}
[docs] def default_opt_arg_bounds(self): """Defaults for boundaries of the optional arguments. * ``{"nu": [dim/2 - 1, 50.0]}`` Returns ------- :class:`dict` Boundaries for optional arguments """ return {"nu": [(self.dim + 1) / 2, 50.0]}
[docs] def cor(self, h): """TPL Simple - normalized correlation function.""" return np.maximum(1 - np.abs(h, dtype=np.double), 0.0) **