Source code for

GStools subpackage providing geometric tools.

.. currentmodule::

The following functions are provided

.. autosummary::

# pylint: disable=C0103
import numpy as np

__all__ = [

# Geometric functions #########################################################

[docs] def set_angles(dim, angles): """Set the angles for the given dimension. Parameters ---------- dim : :class:`int` spatial dimension angles : :class:`float` or :class:`list` the angles of the SRF Returns ------- angles : :class:`float` the angles fitting to the dimension Notes ----- If too few angles are given, they are filled up with `0`. """ out_angles = np.asarray(angles, dtype=np.double) out_angles = np.atleast_1d(out_angles)[: no_of_angles(dim)] # fill up the rotation angle array with zeros out_angles = np.pad( out_angles, (0, no_of_angles(dim) - len(out_angles)), "constant", constant_values=0.0, ) return out_angles
[docs] def set_anis(dim, anis): """Set the anisotropy ratios for the given dimension. Parameters ---------- dim : :class:`int` spatial dimension anis : :class:`list` of :class:`float` the anisotropy of length scales along the transversal directions Returns ------- anis : :class:`list` of :class:`float` the anisotropy of length scales fitting the dimensions Notes ----- If too few anisotropy ratios are given, they are filled up with `1`. """ out_anis = np.asarray(anis, dtype=np.double) out_anis = np.atleast_1d(out_anis)[: dim - 1] if len(out_anis) < dim - 1: # fill up the anisotropies with ones, such that len()==dim-1 out_anis = np.pad( out_anis, (dim - len(out_anis) - 1, 0), "constant", constant_values=1.0, ) return out_anis
[docs] def no_of_angles(dim): """Calculate number of rotation angles depending on the dimension. Parameters ---------- dim : :class:`int` spatial dimension Returns ------- :class:`int` Number of angles. """ return (dim * (dim - 1)) // 2
[docs] def rotation_planes(dim): """Get all 2D sub-planes for rotation. Parameters ---------- dim : :class:`int` spatial dimension Returns ------- :class:`list` of :class:`tuple` of :class:`int` All 2D sub-planes for rotation. """ return [(i, j) for j in range(1, dim) for i in range(j)]
[docs] def givens_rotation(dim, plane, angle): """Givens rotation matrix in arbitrary dimensions. Parameters ---------- dim : :class:`int` spatial dimension plane : :class:`list` of :class:`int` the plane to rotate in, given by the indices of the two defining axes. For example the xy plane is defined by `(0,1)` angle : :class:`float` or :class:`list` the rotation angle in the given plane Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Rotation matrix. """ result = np.eye(dim, dtype=np.double) result[plane[0], plane[0]] = np.cos(angle) result[plane[1], plane[1]] = np.cos(angle) result[plane[0], plane[1]] = -np.sin(angle) result[plane[1], plane[0]] = np.sin(angle) return result
[docs] def matrix_rotate(dim, angles): """Create a matrix to rotate points to the target coordinate-system. Parameters ---------- dim : :class:`int` spatial dimension angles : :class:`float` or :class:`list` the rotation angles of the target coordinate-system Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Rotation matrix. """ angles = set_angles(dim, angles) planes = rotation_planes(dim) result = np.eye(dim, dtype=np.double) for i, (angle, plane) in enumerate(zip(angles, planes)): # angles have alternating signs to match tait-bryan result = np.matmul( givens_rotation(dim, plane, (-1) ** i * angle), result ) return result
[docs] def matrix_derotate(dim, angles): """Create a matrix to derotate points to the initial coordinate-system. Parameters ---------- dim : :class:`int` spatial dimension angles : :class:`float` or :class:`list` the rotation angles of the target coordinate-system Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Rotation matrix. """ # derotating by taking negative angles angles = -set_angles(dim, angles) planes = rotation_planes(dim) result = np.eye(dim, dtype=np.double) for i, (angle, plane) in enumerate(zip(angles, planes)): # angles have alternating signs to match tait bryan result = np.matmul( result, givens_rotation(dim, plane, (-1) ** i * angle) ) return result
[docs] def matrix_isotropify(dim, anis): """Create a stretching matrix to make things isotrope. Parameters ---------- dim : :class:`int` spatial dimension anis : :class:`list` of :class:`float` the anisotropy of length scales along the transversal directions Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Stretching matrix. """ anis = set_anis(dim, anis) return np.diag(np.concatenate(([1.0], 1.0 / anis)))
[docs] def matrix_anisotropify(dim, anis): """Create a stretching matrix to make things anisotrope. Parameters ---------- dim : :class:`int` spatial dimension anis : :class:`list` of :class:`float` the anisotropy of length scales along the transversal directions Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Stretching matrix. """ anis = set_anis(dim, anis) return np.diag(np.concatenate(([1.0], anis)))
[docs] def matrix_isometrize(dim, angles, anis): """Create a matrix to derotate points and make them isotrope. Parameters ---------- dim : :class:`int` spatial dimension angles : :class:`float` or :class:`list` the rotation angles of the target coordinate-system anis : :class:`list` of :class:`float` the anisotropy of length scales along the transversal directions Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Transformation matrix. """ return np.matmul( matrix_isotropify(dim, anis), matrix_derotate(dim, angles) )
[docs] def matrix_anisometrize(dim, angles, anis): """Create a matrix to rotate points and make them anisotrope. Parameters ---------- dim : :class:`int` spatial dimension angles : :class:`float` or :class:`list` the rotation angles of the target coordinate-system anis : :class:`list` of :class:`float` the anisotropy of length scales along the transversal directions Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Transformation matrix. """ return np.matmul( matrix_rotate(dim, angles), matrix_anisotropify(dim, anis) )
[docs] def rotated_main_axes(dim, angles): """Create list of the main axis defined by the given system rotations. Parameters ---------- dim : :class:`int` spatial dimension angles : :class:`float` or :class:`list` the rotation angles of the target coordinate-system Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Main axes of the target coordinate-system. """ return matrix_rotate(dim, angles).T
# grid routines ###############################################################
[docs] def generate_grid(pos): """ Generate grid from a structured position tuple. Parameters ---------- pos : :class:`tuple` of :class:`numpy.ndarray` The structured position tuple. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Unstructured position tuple. """ return np.asarray( np.meshgrid(*pos, indexing="ij"), dtype=np.double ).reshape((len(pos), -1))
[docs] def generate_st_grid(pos, time, mesh_type="unstructured"): """ Generate spatio-temporal grid from a position tuple and time array. Parameters ---------- pos : :class:`tuple` of :class:`numpy.ndarray` The (un-)structured position tuple. time : :any:`iterable` The time array. mesh_type : :class:`str`, optional 'structured' / 'unstructured' Default: `"unstructured"` Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Unstructured spatio-temporal point tuple. Notes ----- Time dimension will be the last one. """ time = np.asarray(time, dtype=np.double).reshape(-1) if mesh_type != "unstructured": pos = generate_grid(pos) else: pos = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray(pos, dtype=np.double)) out = [np.repeat(p.reshape(-1), np.size(time)) for p in pos] out.append(np.tile(time, np.size(pos[0]))) return np.asarray(out, dtype=np.double)
# conversion ################################################################## def format_struct_pos_dim(pos, dim): """ Format a structured position tuple with given dimension. Parameters ---------- pos : :any:`iterable` Position tuple, containing main direction and transversal directions. dim : :class:`int` Spatial dimension. Raises ------ ValueError When position tuple doesn't match the given dimension. Returns ------- pos : :class:`tuple` of :class:`numpy.ndarray` The formatted structured position tuple. shape : :class:`tuple` Shape of the resulting field. """ if dim == 1: pos = (np.asarray(pos, dtype=np.double).reshape(-1),) elif len(pos) != dim: raise ValueError("Formatting: position tuple doesn't match dimension.") else: pos = tuple(np.asarray(p, dtype=np.double).reshape(-1) for p in pos) shape = tuple(len(p) for p in pos) return pos, shape def format_struct_pos_shape(pos, shape, check_stacked_shape=False): """ Format a structured position tuple with given shape. Shape could be stacked, when multiple fields are given. Parameters ---------- pos : :any:`iterable` Position tuple, containing main direction and transversal directions. shape : :class:`tuple` Shape of the input field. check_stacked_shape : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to check if given shape comes from stacked fields. Default: False. Raises ------ ValueError When position tuple doesn't match the given dimension. Returns ------- pos : :class:`tuple` of :class:`numpy.ndarray` The formatted structured position tuple. shape : :class:`tuple` Shape of the resulting field. dim : :class:`int` Spatial dimension. """ # some help from the given shape shape_size = stacked_shape_size =[1:]) wrong_shape = False # now we try to be smart try: # if this works we have either: # - a 1D array # - nD array where all axes have same length (corner case) check_pos = np.array(pos, dtype=np.double, ndmin=2) except ValueError: # if it doesn't work, we have a tuple of differently sized axes (easy) dim = len(pos) pos, pos_shape = format_struct_pos_dim(pos, dim) # determine if we have a stacked field if wanted if check_stacked_shape and stacked_shape_size == shape = (shape[0],) + pos_shape # check if we have a single field with matching size elif shape_size == shape = (1,) + pos_shape if check_stacked_shape else pos_shape # if nothing works, we raise an error else: wrong_shape = True else: struct_size =[p.size for p in check_pos]) # case: 1D unstacked if check_pos.size == shape_size: dim = 1 pos, pos_shape = format_struct_pos_dim(check_pos, dim) shape = (1,) + pos_shape if check_stacked_shape else pos_shape # case: 1D and stacked elif check_pos.size == stacked_shape_size: dim = 1 pos, pos_shape = format_struct_pos_dim(check_pos, dim) cnt = shape[0] shape = (cnt,) + pos_shape wrong_shape = not check_stacked_shape # case: nD unstacked elif struct_size == shape_size: dim = len(check_pos) pos, pos_shape = format_struct_pos_dim(pos, dim) shape = (1,) + pos_shape if check_stacked_shape else pos_shape # case: nD and stacked elif struct_size == stacked_shape_size: dim = len(check_pos) pos, pos_shape = format_struct_pos_dim(pos, dim) cnt = shape[0] shape = (cnt,) + pos_shape wrong_shape = not check_stacked_shape # if nothing works, we raise an error else: wrong_shape = True # if shape was wrong at one point we raise an error if wrong_shape: raise ValueError("Formatting: position tuple doesn't match dimension.") return pos, shape, dim def format_unstruct_pos_shape(pos, shape, check_stacked_shape=False): """ Format an unstructured position tuple with given shape. Shape could be stacked, when multiple fields were given. Parameters ---------- pos : :any:`iterable` Position tuple, containing point coordinates. shape : :class:`tuple` Shape of the input field. check_stacked_shape : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to check if given shape comes from stacked fields. Default: False. Raises ------ ValueError When position tuple doesn't match the given dimension. Returns ------- pos : :class:`tuple` of :class:`numpy.ndarray` The formatted structured position tuple. shape : :class:`tuple` Shape of the resulting field. dim : :class:`int` Spatial dimension. """ # some help from the given shape shape_size = stacked_shape_size =[1:]) wrong_shape = False # now we try to be smart pre_len = len(np.atleast_1d(pos)) # care about 1D: pos can be given as 1D array here -> convert to 2D array pos = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray(pos, dtype=np.double)) post_len = len(pos) # first array dimension should be spatial dimension (1D is special case) dim = post_len if pre_len == post_len else 1 pnt_cnt = pos[0].size # case: 1D unstacked if dim == 1 and pos.size == shape_size: shape = (1, pos.size) if check_stacked_shape else (pos.size,) # case: 1D and stacked elif dim == 1 and pos.size == stacked_shape_size: shape = (shape[0], pos.size) wrong_shape = not check_stacked_shape # case: nD unstacked elif pnt_cnt == shape_size: shape = (1, pnt_cnt) if check_stacked_shape else pnt_cnt # case: nD and stacked elif pnt_cnt == stacked_shape_size: shape = (shape[0], pnt_cnt) wrong_shape = not check_stacked_shape # if nothing works, we raise an error else: wrong_shape = True # if shape was wrong at one point we raise an error if wrong_shape: raise ValueError("Formatting: position tuple doesn't match dimension.") pos = pos.reshape((dim, -1)) return pos, shape, dim
[docs] def ang2dir(angles, dtype=np.double, dim=None): """Convert n-D spherical coordinates to Euclidean direction vectors. Parameters ---------- angles : :class:`list` of :class:`numpy.ndarray` spherical coordinates given as angles. dtype : data-type, optional The desired data-type for the array. If not given, then the type will be determined as the minimum type required to hold the objects in the sequence. Default: None dim : :class:`int`, optional Cut of information above the given dimension. Otherwise, dimension is determined by number of angles Default: None Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` the array of direction vectors """ pre_dim = np.asanyarray(angles).ndim angles = np.atleast_2d(np.asarray(angles, dtype=dtype)) if len(angles.shape) > 2: raise ValueError(f"Can't interpret angles array {angles}") dim = angles.shape[1] + 1 if dim is None else dim if dim == 2 and angles.shape[0] == 1 and pre_dim < 2: # fix for 2D where only one angle per direction is given angles = angles.T # can't be interpreted if dim=None is given if dim != angles.shape[1] + 1 or dim == 1: raise ValueError(f"Wrong dim. ({dim}) for angles {angles}") vec = np.empty((angles.shape[0], dim), dtype=dtype) vec[:, 0] =, axis=1) for i in range(1, dim): vec[:, i] =[:, i:]), axis=1) # empty prod = 1 vec[:, i] *= np.cos(angles[:, (i - 1)]) if dim in [2, 3]: vec[:, [0, 1]] = vec[:, [1, 0]] # to match convention in 2D and 3D return vec
def latlon2pos( latlon, radius=1.0, dtype=np.double, temporal=False, time_scale=1.0 ): """Convert lat-lon geo coordinates to 3D position tuple. Parameters ---------- latlon : :class:`list` of :class:`numpy.ndarray` latitude and longitude given in degrees. May includes an appended time axis if `time=True`. radius : :class:`float`, optional Sphere radius. Default: `1.0` dtype : data-type, optional The desired data-type for the array. If not given, then the type will be determined as the minimum type required to hold the objects in the sequence. Default: None temporal : :class:`bool`, optional Whether latlon includes an appended time axis. Default: False time_scale : :class:`float`, optional Scaling factor (e.g. anisotropy) for the time axis. Default: `1.0` Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` the 3D position array """ latlon = np.asarray(latlon, dtype=dtype).reshape( (3 if temporal else 2, -1) ) lat, lon = np.deg2rad(latlon[:2]) pos_tuple = ( radius * np.cos(lat) * np.cos(lon), radius * np.cos(lat) * np.sin(lon), radius * np.sin(lat) * np.ones_like(lon), ) if temporal: return np.array(pos_tuple + (latlon[2] / time_scale,), dtype=dtype) return np.array(pos_tuple, dtype=dtype) def pos2latlon( pos, radius=1.0, dtype=np.double, temporal=False, time_scale=1.0 ): """Convert 3D position tuple from sphere to lat-lon geo coordinates. Parameters ---------- pos : :class:`list` of :class:`numpy.ndarray` The position tuple containing points on a unit-sphere. May includes an appended time axis if `time=True`. radius : :class:`float`, optional Sphere radius. Default: `1.0` dtype : data-type, optional The desired data-type for the array. If not given, then the type will be determined as the minimum type required to hold the objects in the sequence. Default: None temporal : :class:`bool`, optional Whether latlon includes an appended time axis. Default: False time_scale : :class:`float`, optional Scaling factor (e.g. anisotropy) for the time axis. Default: `1.0` Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` the 3D position array """ pos = np.asarray(pos, dtype=dtype).reshape((4 if temporal else 3, -1)) # prevent numerical errors in arcsin lat = np.arcsin(np.maximum(np.minimum(pos[2] / radius, 1.0), -1.0)) lon = np.arctan2(pos[1], pos[0]) latlon = np.rad2deg((lat, lon), dtype=dtype) if temporal: return np.array( (latlon[0], latlon[1], pos[3] * time_scale), dtype=dtype ) return latlon def chordal_to_great_circle(dist, radius=1.0): """ Calculate great circle distance corresponding to given chordal distance. Parameters ---------- dist : array_like Chordal distance of two points on the sphere. radius : :class:`float`, optional Sphere radius. Default: `1.0` Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Great circle distance corresponding to given chordal distance. Notes ----- If given values are not in [0, 2 * radius], they will be truncated. """ diameter = 2 * radius return diameter * np.arcsin( np.maximum(np.minimum(np.divide(dist, diameter), 1), 0) ) def great_circle_to_chordal(dist, radius=1.0): """ Calculate chordal distance corresponding to given great circle distance. Parameters ---------- dist : array_like Great circle distance of two points on the sphere. radius : :class:`float`, optional Sphere radius. Default: `1.0` Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Chordal distance corresponding to given great circle distance. """ diameter = 2 * radius return diameter * np.sin(np.divide(dist, diameter))