Source code for gstools.field.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
GStools subpackage providing a base class for spatial fields.

.. currentmodule:: gstools.field.base

The following classes are provided

.. autosummary::
# pylint: disable=C0103
from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function

from functools import partial

import numpy as np

from gstools.covmodel.base import CovModel
from import to_vtk, vtk_export
from import _get_select

__all__ = ["Field"]

[docs]class Field(object): """A field base class for random and kriging fields ect. Parameters ---------- model : :any:`CovModel` Covariance Model related to the field. mean : :class:`float`, optional Mean value of the field. """ def __init__(self, model, mean=0.0): # initialize attributes self.pos = None self.mesh_type = None self.field = None # initialize private attributes self._mean = mean self._model = None self.model = model self._value_type = None
[docs] def __call__(*args, **kwargs): """Generate the field.""" pass
[docs] def structured(self, *args, **kwargs): """Generate a field on a structured mesh. See :any:`Field.__call__` """ call = partial(self.__call__, mesh_type="structured") return call(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def unstructured(self, *args, **kwargs): """Generate a field on an unstructured mesh. See :any:`Field.__call__` """ call = partial(self.__call__, mesh_type="unstructured") return call(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def mesh( self, mesh, points="centroids", direction="xyz", name="field", **kwargs ): """Generate a field on a given meshio or ogs5py mesh. Parameters ---------- mesh : meshio.Mesh or ogs5py.MSH The given meshio or ogs5py mesh points : :class:`str`, optional The points to evaluate the field at. Either the "centroids" of the mesh cells (calculated as mean of the cell vertices) or the "points" of the given mesh. Default: "centroids" direction : :class:`str`, optional Here you can state which direction should be choosen for lower dimension. For example, if you got a 2D mesh in xz direction, you have to pass "xz" Default: "xyz" name : :class:`str`, optional Name to store the field in the given mesh as point_data or cell_data. Default: "field" **kwargs Keyword arguments forwareded to `Field.__call__`. Notes ----- This will store the field in the given mesh under the given name, if a meshio mesh was given. See: See: :any:`Field.__call__` """ select = _get_select(direction) if len(select) < self.model.dim: raise ValueError( "Field.mesh: need at least {} direction(s), got '{}'".format( self.model.dim, direction ) ) if hasattr(mesh, "centroids_flat"): if points == "centroids": pnts = mesh.centroids_flat.T[select] else: pnts = mesh.NODES.T[select] out = self.unstructured(pos=pnts, **kwargs) else: if points == "centroids": # define unique order of cells cells = list(mesh.cells) offset = [] length = [] pnts = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=np.double) for cell in cells: pnt = np.mean(mesh.points[mesh.cells[cell]], axis=1) offset.append(pnts.shape[0]) length.append(pnt.shape[0]) pnts = np.vstack((pnts, pnt)) # generate pos for __call__ pnts = pnts.T[select] out = self.unstructured(pos=pnts, **kwargs) if isinstance(out, np.ndarray): field = out else: # if multiple values are returned, take the first one field = out[0] field_dict = {} for i, cell in enumerate(cells): field_dict[cell] = field[offset[i] : offset[i] + length[i]] mesh.cell_data[name] = field_dict else: out = self.unstructured(pos=mesh.points.T[select], **kwargs) if isinstance(out, np.ndarray): field = out else: # if multiple values are returned, take the first one field = out[0] mesh.point_data[name] = field return out
def _to_vtk_helper( self, filename=None, field_select="field", fieldname="field" ): # pragma: no cover """Create a VTK/PyVista grid of the field or save it as a VTK file. This is an internal helper that will handle saving or creating objects Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` Filename of the file to be saved, including the path. Note that an ending (.vtr or .vtu) will be added to the name. If ``None`` is passed, a PyVista dataset of the appropriate type will be returned. field_select : :class:`str`, optional Field that should be stored. Can be: "field", "raw_field", "krige_field", "err_field" or "krige_var". Default: "field" fieldname : :class:`str`, optional Name of the field in the VTK file. Default: "field" """ if self.value_type is None: raise ValueError( "Field value type not set! " + "Specify 'scalar' or 'vector' before plotting." ) elif self.value_type == "vector": if hasattr(self, field_select): field = getattr(self, field_select) else: field = None if not ( self.pos is None or field is None or self.mesh_type is None ): suf = ["_X", "_Y", "_Z"] fields = {} for i in range(self.model.dim): fields[fieldname + suf[i]] = field[i] if filename is None: return to_vtk(self.pos, fields, self.mesh_type) else: return vtk_export( filename, self.pos, fields, self.mesh_type ) elif self.value_type == "scalar": if hasattr(self, field_select): field = getattr(self, field_select) else: field = None if not ( self.pos is None or field is None or self.mesh_type is None ): if filename is None: return to_vtk(self.pos, {fieldname: field}, self.mesh_type) else: return vtk_export( filename, self.pos, {fieldname: field}, self.mesh_type ) else: print( "Field.to_vtk: No " + field_select + " stored in the class." ) else: raise ValueError( "Unknown field value type: {}".format(self.value_type) )
[docs] def to_pyvista( self, field_select="field", fieldname="field" ): # pragma: no cover """Create a VTK/PyVista grid of the stored field. Parameters ---------- field_select : :class:`str`, optional Field that should be stored. Can be: "field", "raw_field", "krige_field", "err_field" or "krige_var". Default: "field" fieldname : :class:`str`, optional Name of the field in the VTK file. Default: "field" """ grid = self._to_vtk_helper( filename=None, field_select=field_select, fieldname=fieldname ) return grid
[docs] def vtk_export( self, filename, field_select="field", fieldname="field" ): # pragma: no cover """Export the stored field to vtk. Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` Filename of the file to be saved, including the path. Note that an ending (.vtr or .vtu) will be added to the name. field_select : :class:`str`, optional Field that should be stored. Can be: "field", "raw_field", "krige_field", "err_field" or "krige_var". Default: "field" fieldname : :class:`str`, optional Name of the field in the VTK file. Default: "field" """ if not isinstance(filename, str): raise TypeError("Please use a string filename.") return self._to_vtk_helper( filename=filename, field_select=field_select, fieldname=fieldname )
[docs] def plot(self, field="field", fig=None, ax=None): # pragma: no cover """ Plot the spatial random field. Parameters ---------- field : :class:`str`, optional Field that should be plotted. Can be: "field", "raw_field", "krige_field", "err_field" or "krige_var". Default: "field" fig : :class:`Figure` or :any:`None` Figure to plot the axes on. If `None`, a new one will be created. Default: `None` ax : :class:`Axes` or :any:`None` Axes to plot on. If `None`, a new one will be added to the figure. Default: `None` """ # just import if needed; matplotlib is not required by setup from gstools.field.plot import plot_field, plot_vec_field if self.value_type is None: raise ValueError( "Field value type not set! " + "Specify 'scalar' or 'vector' before plotting." ) elif self.value_type == "scalar": r = plot_field(self, field, fig, ax) elif self.value_type == "vector": if self.model.dim == 2: r = plot_vec_field(self, field, fig, ax) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Streamflow plotting only supported for 2d case." ) else: raise ValueError( "Unknown field value type: {}".format(self.value_type) ) return r
@property def mean(self): """:class:`float`: The mean of the field.""" return self._mean @mean.setter def mean(self, mean): self._mean = float(mean) @property def model(self): """:any:`CovModel`: The covariance model of the field.""" return self._model @model.setter def model(self, model): if isinstance(model, CovModel): self._model = model else: raise ValueError( "Field: 'model' is not an instance of 'gstools.CovModel'" ) @property def value_type(self): """:class:`str`: Type of the field values (scalar, vector).""" return self._value_type def __str__(self): """Return String representation.""" return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): """Return String representation.""" return "Field(model={0}, mean={1})".format(self.model, self.mean)
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover import doctest doctest.testmod()