Source code for gstools.covmodel.models

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
GStools subpackage providing different covariance models.

.. currentmodule:: gstools.covmodel.models

The following classes are provided

.. autosummary::
# pylint: disable=C0103, E1101, R0201
import warnings
import numpy as np
from scipy import special as sps
from import AttributeWarning
from gstools.covmodel.base import CovModel

__all__ = [

[docs]class Gaussian(CovModel): r"""The Gaussian covariance model. Notes ----- This model is given by the following variogram [Webster2007]_: .. math:: \gamma(r)= \sigma^{2} \left(1-\exp\left(-\left(s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell}\right)^{2}\right)\right)+n Where the standard rescale factor is :math:`s=\frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2}`. References ---------- .. [Webster2007] Webster, R. and Oliver, M. A. "Geostatistics for environmental scientists.", John Wiley & Sons. (2007) """
[docs] def cor(self, h): """Gaussian normalized correlation function.""" return np.exp(-(h ** 2))
[docs] def default_rescale(self): """Gaussian rescaling factor to result in integral scale.""" return np.sqrt(np.pi) / 2.0
[docs] def spectral_density(self, k): # noqa: D102 k = np.array(k, dtype=np.double) return (self.len_rescaled / 2.0 / np.sqrt(np.pi)) ** self.dim * np.exp( -((k * self.len_rescaled / 2.0) ** 2) )
[docs] def spectral_rad_cdf(self, r): """Gaussian radial spectral cdf.""" r = np.array(r, dtype=np.double) if self.dim == 1: return sps.erf(r * self.len_rescaled / 2.0) if self.dim == 2: return 1.0 - np.exp(-((r * self.len_rescaled / 2.0) ** 2)) if self.dim == 3: return sps.erf( r * self.len_rescaled / 2.0 ) - r * self.len_rescaled / np.sqrt(np.pi) * np.exp( -((r * self.len_rescaled / 2.0) ** 2) ) return None # pragma: no cover
[docs] def spectral_rad_ppf(self, u): """Gaussian radial spectral ppf. Notes ----- Not defined for 3D. """ u = np.array(u, dtype=np.double) if self.dim == 1: return 2.0 / self.len_rescaled * sps.erfinv(u) if self.dim == 2: return 2.0 / self.len_rescaled * np.sqrt(-np.log(1.0 - u)) return None # pragma: no cover
def _has_cdf(self): return self.dim in [1, 2, 3] def _has_ppf(self): return self.dim in [1, 2]
[docs] def calc_integral_scale(self): # noqa: D102 return self.len_rescaled * np.sqrt(np.pi) / 2.0
[docs]class Exponential(CovModel): r"""The Exponential covariance model. Notes ----- This model is given by the following variogram [Webster2007]_: .. math:: \gamma(r)= \sigma^{2} \left(1-\exp\left(-s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell}\right)\right)+n Where the standard rescale factor is :math:`s=1`. References ---------- .. [Webster2007] Webster, R. and Oliver, M. A. "Geostatistics for environmental scientists.", John Wiley & Sons. (2007) """
[docs] def cor(self, h): """Exponential normalized correlation function.""" return np.exp(-h)
[docs] def spectral_density(self, k): # noqa: D102 k = np.array(k, dtype=np.double) return ( self.len_rescaled ** self.dim * sps.gamma((self.dim + 1) / 2.0) / (np.pi * (1.0 + (k * self.len_rescaled) ** 2)) ** ((self.dim + 1) / 2.0) )
[docs] def spectral_rad_cdf(self, r): """Exponential radial spectral cdf.""" r = np.array(r, dtype=np.double) if self.dim == 1: return np.arctan(r * self.len_rescaled) * 2.0 / np.pi if self.dim == 2: return 1.0 - 1.0 / np.sqrt(1.0 + (r * self.len_rescaled) ** 2) if self.dim == 3: return ( ( np.arctan(r * self.len_rescaled) - r * self.len_rescaled / (1.0 + (r * self.len_rescaled) ** 2) ) * 2.0 / np.pi ) return None # pragma: no cover
[docs] def spectral_rad_ppf(self, u): """Exponential radial spectral ppf. Notes ----- Not defined for 3D. """ u = np.array(u, dtype=np.double) if self.dim == 1: return np.tan(np.pi / 2 * u) / self.len_rescaled if self.dim == 2: u_power = np.divide( 1, u ** 2, out=np.full_like(u, np.inf), where=np.logical_not(np.isclose(u, 0)), ) return np.sqrt(u_power - 1.0) / self.len_rescaled return None # pragma: no cover
def _has_cdf(self): return self.dim in [1, 2, 3] def _has_ppf(self): return self.dim in [1, 2]
[docs] def calc_integral_scale(self): # noqa: D102 return self.len_rescaled
[docs]class Stable(CovModel): r"""The stable covariance model. Notes ----- This model is given by the following correlation function [Wackernagel2003]_: .. math:: \rho(r) = \exp\left(- \left(s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell}\right)^{\alpha}\right) Where the standard rescale factor is :math:`s=1`. :math:`\alpha` is a shape parameter with :math:`\alpha\in(0,2]` References ---------- .. [Wackernagel2003] Wackernagel, H. "Multivariate geostatistics", Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2003) Other Parameters ---------------- alpha : :class:`float`, optional Shape parameter. Standard range: ``(0, 2]`` Default: ``1.5`` """
[docs] def default_opt_arg(self): """Defaults for the optional arguments. * ``{"alpha": 1.5}`` Returns ------- :class:`dict` Defaults for optional arguments """ return {"alpha": 1.5}
[docs] def default_opt_arg_bounds(self): """Defaults for boundaries of the optional arguments. * ``{"alpha": [0, 2, "oc"]}`` Returns ------- :class:`dict` Boundaries for optional arguments """ return {"alpha": [0, 2, "oc"]}
[docs] def check_opt_arg(self): """Check the optional arguments. Warns ----- alpha If alpha is < 0.3, the model tends to a nugget model and gets numerically unstable. """ if self.alpha < 0.3: warnings.warn( "Stable: parameter 'alpha' is < 0.3, " "count with unstable results", AttributeWarning, )
[docs] def cor(self, h): r"""Stable normalized correlation function.""" return np.exp(-np.power(h, self.alpha))
[docs] def calc_integral_scale(self): # noqa: D102 return self.len_rescaled * sps.gamma(1.0 + 1.0 / self.alpha)
[docs]class Matern(CovModel): r"""The Matérn covariance model. Notes ----- This model is given by the following correlation function [Rasmussen2003]_: .. math:: \rho(r) = \frac{2^{1-\nu}}{\Gamma\left(\nu\right)} \cdot \left(\sqrt{\nu}\cdot s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell}\right)^{\nu} \cdot \mathrm{K}_{\nu}\left(\sqrt{\nu}\cdot s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell}\right) Where the standard rescale factor is :math:`s=1`. :math:`\Gamma` is the gamma function and :math:`\mathrm{K}_{\nu}` is the modified Bessel function of the second kind. :math:`\nu` is a shape parameter and should be >= 0.2. If :math:`\nu > 20`, a gaussian model is used, since it represents the limiting case: .. math:: \rho(r) = \exp\left(-\left(s\cdot\frac{r}{2\ell}\right)^2\right) References ---------- .. [Rasmussen2003] Rasmussen, C. E., "Gaussian processes in machine learning." Summer school on machine learning. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, (2003) Other Parameters ---------------- nu : :class:`float`, optional Shape parameter. Standard range: ``[0.2, 30]`` Default: ``1.0`` """
[docs] def default_opt_arg(self): """Defaults for the optional arguments. * ``{"nu": 1.0}`` Returns ------- :class:`dict` Defaults for optional arguments """ return {"nu": 1.0}
[docs] def default_opt_arg_bounds(self): """Defaults for boundaries of the optional arguments. * ``{"nu": [0.2, 30.0, "cc"]}`` Returns ------- :class:`dict` Boundaries for optional arguments """ return {"nu": [0.2, 30.0, "cc"]}
[docs] def cor(self, h): """Matérn normalized correlation function.""" h = np.array(np.abs(h), dtype=np.double) # for nu > 20 we just use the gaussian model if > 20.0: return np.exp(-((h / 2.0) ** 2)) # calculate by log-transformation to prevent numerical errors h_gz = h[h > 0.0] res = np.ones_like(h) res[h > 0.0] = np.exp( (1.0 - * np.log(2) - sps.loggamma( + * np.log(np.sqrt( * h_gz) ) * sps.kv(, np.sqrt( * h_gz) # if nu >> 1 we get errors for the farfield, there 0 is approached res[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(res))] = 0.0 # covariance is positiv res = np.maximum(res, 0.0) return res
[docs] def spectral_density(self, k): # noqa: D102 k = np.array(k, dtype=np.double) # for nu > 20 we just use an approximation of the gaussian model if > 20.0: return ( (self.len_rescaled / np.sqrt(np.pi)) ** self.dim * np.exp(-((k * self.len_rescaled) ** 2)) * ( 1 + ( ((k * self.len_rescaled) ** 2 - self.dim / 2.0) ** 2 - self.dim / 2.0 ) / ) ) return (self.len_rescaled / np.sqrt(np.pi)) ** self.dim * np.exp( -( + self.dim / 2.0) * np.log(1.0 + (k * self.len_rescaled) ** 2 / + sps.loggamma( + self.dim / 2.0) - sps.loggamma( - self.dim * np.log(np.sqrt( )
[docs] def calc_integral_scale(self): # noqa: D102 return ( self.len_rescaled * np.pi / np.sqrt( / sps.beta(, 0.5) )
[docs]class Rational(CovModel): r"""The rational quadratic covariance model. Notes ----- This model is given by the following correlation function [Rasmussen2003]_: .. math:: \rho(r) = \left(1 + \frac{1}{\alpha} \cdot \left(s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell}\right)^2\right)^{-\alpha} Where the standard rescale factor is :math:`s=1`. :math:`\alpha` is a shape parameter and should be > 0.5. For :math:`\alpha\to\infty` this model converges to the Gaussian model: .. math:: \rho(r)= \exp\left(-\left(s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell}\right)^{2}\right) References ---------- .. [Rasmussen2003] Rasmussen, C. E., "Gaussian processes in machine learning." Summer school on machine learning. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, (2003) Other Parameters ---------------- alpha : :class:`float`, optional Shape parameter. Standard range: ``[0.5, 50]`` Default: ``1.0`` """
[docs] def default_opt_arg(self): """Defaults for the optional arguments. * ``{"alpha": 1.0}`` Returns ------- :class:`dict` Defaults for optional arguments """ return {"alpha": 1.0}
[docs] def default_opt_arg_bounds(self): """Defaults for boundaries of the optional arguments. * ``{"alpha": [0.5, 50.0]}`` Returns ------- :class:`dict` Boundaries for optional arguments """ return {"alpha": [0.5, 50.0]}
[docs] def cor(self, h): """Rational normalized correlation function.""" return np.power(1 + h ** 2 / self.alpha, -self.alpha)
[docs] def calc_integral_scale(self): # noqa: D102 return ( self.len_rescaled * np.sqrt(np.pi * self.alpha) * sps.gamma(self.alpha - 0.5) / sps.gamma(self.alpha) / 2.0 )
[docs]class Cubic(CovModel): r"""The Cubic covariance model. A model with reverse curvature near the origin and a finite range of correlation. Notes ----- This model is given by the following correlation function [Chiles2009]_: .. math:: \rho(r) = \begin{cases} 1- 7 \left(s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell}\right)^{2} + \frac{35}{4} \left(s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell}\right)^{3} - \frac{7}{2} \left(s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell}\right)^{5} + \frac{3}{4} \left(s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell}\right)^{7} & r<\frac{\ell}{s}\\ 0 & r\geq\frac{\ell}{s} \end{cases} Where the standard rescale factor is :math:`s=1`. References ---------- .. [Chiles2009] Chiles, J. P., & Delfiner, P., "Geostatistics: modeling spatial uncertainty" (Vol. 497), John Wiley & Sons. (2009) """
[docs] def cor(self, h): """Spherical normalized correlation function.""" h = np.minimum(np.abs(h, dtype=np.double), 1.0) return 1.0 - 7 * h ** 2 + 8.75 * h ** 3 - 3.5 * h ** 5 + 0.75 * h ** 7
[docs]class Linear(CovModel): r"""The bounded linear covariance model. This model is derived from the relative intersection area of two lines in 1D, where the middle points have a distance of :math:`r` and the line lengths are :math:`\ell`. Notes ----- This model is given by the following correlation function [Webster2007]_: .. math:: \rho(r) = \begin{cases} 1-s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell} & r<\frac{\ell}{s}\\ 0 & r\geq\frac{\ell}{s} \end{cases} Where the standard rescale factor is :math:`s=1`. References ---------- .. [Webster2007] Webster, R. and Oliver, M. A. "Geostatistics for environmental scientists.", John Wiley & Sons. (2007) """
[docs] def cor(self, h): """Linear normalized correlation function.""" return np.maximum(1 - np.abs(h, dtype=np.double), 0.0)
[docs] def check_dim(self, dim): """Linear model is only valid in 1D.""" return dim < 2
[docs]class Circular(CovModel): r"""The circular covariance model. This model is derived as the relative intersection area of two discs in 2D, where the middle points have a distance of :math:`r` and the diameters are given by :math:`\ell`. Notes ----- This model is given by the following correlation function [Webster2007]_: .. math:: \rho(r) = \begin{cases} \frac{2}{\pi}\cdot \left( \cos^{-1}\left(s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell}\right) - s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell}\cdot\sqrt{1-\left(s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell}\right)^{2}} \right) & r<\frac{\ell}{s}\\ 0 & r\geq\frac{\ell}{s} \end{cases} Where the standard rescale factor is :math:`s=1`. References ---------- .. [Webster2007] Webster, R. and Oliver, M. A. "Geostatistics for environmental scientists.", John Wiley & Sons. (2007) """
[docs] def cor(self, h): """Circular normalized correlation function.""" h = np.array(np.abs(h), dtype=np.double) res = np.zeros_like(h) # arccos is instable around h=1 h_l1 = h < 1.0 h_low = h[h_l1] res[h_l1] = ( 2 / np.pi * (np.arccos(h_low) - h_low * np.sqrt(1 - h_low ** 2)) ) return res
[docs] def check_dim(self, dim): """Circular model is only valid in 1D and 2D.""" return dim < 3
[docs]class Spherical(CovModel): r"""The Spherical covariance model. This model is derived from the relative intersection area of two spheres in 3D, where the middle points have a distance of :math:`r` and the diameters are given by :math:`\ell`. Notes ----- This model is given by the following correlation function [Webster2007]_: .. math:: \rho(r) = \begin{cases} 1-\frac{3}{2}\cdot s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell} + \frac{1}{2}\cdot\left(s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell}\right)^{3} & r<\frac{\ell}{s}\\ 0 & r\geq\frac{\ell}{s} \end{cases} Where the standard rescale factor is :math:`s=1`. References ---------- .. [Webster2007] Webster, R. and Oliver, M. A. "Geostatistics for environmental scientists.", John Wiley & Sons. (2007) """
[docs] def cor(self, h): """Spherical normalized correlation function.""" h = np.minimum(np.abs(h, dtype=np.double), 1.0) return 1.0 - 1.5 * h + 0.5 * h ** 3
[docs] def check_dim(self, dim): """Spherical model is only valid in 1D, 2D and 3D.""" return dim < 4
[docs]class HyperSpherical(CovModel): r"""The Hyper-Spherical covariance model. This model is derived from the relative intersection area of two d-dimensional hyperspheres, where the middle points have a distance of :math:`r` and the diameters are given by :math:`\ell`. In 1D this is the Linear model, in 2D the Circular model and in 3D the Spherical model. Notes ----- This model is given by the following correlation function [Matern1960]_: .. math:: \rho(r) = \begin{cases} 1-s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell}\cdot\frac{ _{2}F_{1}\left(\frac{1}{2},-\frac{d-1}{2},\frac{3}{2}, \left(s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell}\right)^{2}\right)} {_{2}F_{1}\left(\frac{1}{2},-\frac{d-1}{2},\frac{3}{2},1\right)} & r<\frac{\ell}{s}\\ 0 & r\geq\frac{\ell}{s} \end{cases} Where the standard rescale factor is :math:`s=1`. :math:`d` is the dimension. References ---------- .. [Matern1960] Matern B., "Spatial Variation", Swedish National Institute for Forestry Research, (1960) """
[docs] def cor(self, h): """Hyper-Spherical normalized correlation function.""" h = np.array(h, dtype=np.double) res = np.zeros_like(h) h_l1 = h < 1 nu = (self.dim - 1.0) / 2.0 fac = 1.0 / sps.hyp2f1(0.5, -nu, 1.5, 1) res[h_l1] = 1 - h[h_l1] * fac * sps.hyp2f1(0.5, -nu, 1.5, h[h_l1] ** 2) return res
[docs] def spectral_density(self, k): # noqa: D102 k = np.array(k, dtype=np.double) res = np.empty_like(k) kl = k * self.len_rescaled kl_gz = np.logical_not(np.isclose(k, 0)) res[kl_gz] = sps.gamma(self.dim / 2 + 1) / np.sqrt(np.pi) ** self.dim res[kl_gz] *= sps.jv(self.dim / 2, kl[kl_gz] / 2) ** 2 res[kl_gz] /= k[kl_gz] ** self.dim res[np.logical_not(kl_gz)] = ( (self.len_rescaled / 4) ** self.dim / sps.gamma(self.dim / 2 + 1) / np.sqrt(np.pi) ** self.dim ) return res
[docs]class SuperSpherical(CovModel): r"""The Super-Spherical covariance model. This model is derived from the relative intersection area of two d-dimensional hyperspheres, where the middle points have a distance of :math:`r` and the diameters are given by :math:`\ell`. It is than valid in all lower dimensions. By default it coincides with the Hyper-Spherical model. Notes ----- This model is given by the following correlation function [Matern1960]_: .. math:: \rho(r) = \begin{cases} 1-s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell}\cdot\frac{ _{2}F_{1}\left(\frac{1}{2},-\nu,\frac{3}{2}, \left(s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell}\right)^{2}\right)} {_{2}F_{1}\left(\frac{1}{2},-\nu,\frac{3}{2},1\right)} & r<\frac{\ell}{s}\\ 0 & r\geq\frac{\ell}{s} \end{cases} Where the standard rescale factor is :math:`s=1`. :math:`\nu\geq\frac{d-1}{2}` is a shape parameter. References ---------- .. [Matern1960] Matern B., "Spatial Variation", Swedish National Institute for Forestry Research, (1960) Other Parameters ---------------- nu : :class:`float`, optional Shape parameter. Standard range: ``[(dim-1)/2, 50]`` Default: ``(dim-1)/2`` """
[docs] def default_opt_arg(self): """Defaults for the optional arguments. * ``{"nu": (dim-1)/2}`` Returns ------- :class:`dict` Defaults for optional arguments """ return {"nu": (self.dim - 1) / 2}
[docs] def default_opt_arg_bounds(self): """Defaults for boundaries of the optional arguments. * ``{"nu": [(dim-1)/2, 50.0]}`` Returns ------- :class:`dict` Boundaries for optional arguments """ return {"nu": [(self.dim - 1) / 2, 50.0]}
[docs] def cor(self, h): """Super-Spherical normalized correlation function.""" h = np.array(h, dtype=np.double) res = np.zeros_like(h) h_l1 = h < 1 fac = 1.0 / sps.hyp2f1(0.5,, 1.5, 1.0) res[h_l1] = 1.0 - h[h_l1] * fac * sps.hyp2f1( 0.5,, 1.5, h[h_l1] ** 2 ) return res
[docs]class JBessel(CovModel): r"""The J-Bessel hole model. This covariance model is a valid hole model, meaning it has areas of negative correlation but a valid spectral density. Notes ----- This model is given by the following correlation function [Chiles2009]_: .. math:: \rho(r) = \Gamma(\nu+1) \cdot \frac{\mathrm{J}_{\nu}\left(s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell}\right)} {\left(s\cdot\frac{r}{2\ell}\right)^{\nu}} Where the standard rescale factor is :math:`s=1`. :math:`\Gamma` is the gamma function and :math:`\mathrm{J}_{\nu}` is the Bessel functions of the first kind. :math:`\nu\geq\frac{d}{2}-1` is a shape parameter, which defaults to :math:`\nu=\frac{d}{2}`, since the spectrum of the model gets instable for :math:`\nu\to\frac{d}{2}-1`. For :math:`\nu=\frac{1}{2}` (valid in d=1,2,3) we get the so-called 'Wave' model: .. math:: \rho(r) = \frac{\sin\left(s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell}\right)}{s\cdot\frac{r}{\ell}} References ---------- .. [Chiles2009] Chiles, J. P., & Delfiner, P., "Geostatistics: modeling spatial uncertainty" (Vol. 497), John Wiley & Sons. (2009) Other Parameters ---------------- nu : :class:`float`, optional Shape parameter. Standard range: ``[dim/2 - 1, 50]`` Default: ``dim/2`` """
[docs] def default_opt_arg(self): """Defaults for the optional arguments. * ``{"nu": dim/2}`` Returns ------- :class:`dict` Defaults for optional arguments """ return {"nu": self.dim / 2}
[docs] def default_opt_arg_bounds(self): """Defaults for boundaries of the optional arguments. * ``{"nu": [dim/2 - 1, 50.0]}`` Returns ------- :class:`dict` Boundaries for optional arguments """ return {"nu": [self.dim / 2 - 1, 50.0]}
[docs] def check_opt_arg(self): """Check the optional arguments. Warns ----- nu If nu is close to dim/2 - 1, the model tends to get unstable. """ if abs( - self.dim / 2 + 1) < 0.01: warnings.warn( "JBessel: parameter 'nu' is close to d/2-1, " "count with unstable results", AttributeWarning, )
[docs] def cor(self, h): """J-Bessel correlation.""" h = np.array(h, dtype=np.double) h_gz = np.logical_not(np.isclose(h, 0)) hh = h[h_gz] res = np.ones_like(h) nu = res[h_gz] = sps.gamma(nu + 1) * sps.jv(nu, hh) / (hh / 2.0) ** nu return res
[docs] def spectral_density(self, k): # noqa: D102 k = np.array(k, dtype=np.double) k_ll = k < 1.0 / self.len_rescaled kk = k[k_ll] res = np.zeros_like(k) # the model is degenerated for nu=d/2-1, so we tweak the spectral pdf # and cut of the divisor at nu-(d/2-1)=0.01 (gamma(0.01) about 100) res[k_ll] = ( (self.len_rescaled / np.sqrt(np.pi)) ** self.dim * sps.gamma( + 1.0) / np.minimum(sps.gamma( - self.dim / 2 + 1), 100.0) * (1.0 - (kk * self.len_rescaled) ** 2) ** ( - self.dim / 2) ) return res