Source code for gstools.field.generator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
GStools subpackage providing generators for spatial random fields.

.. currentmodule:: gstools.field.generator

The following classes are provided

.. autosummary::
# pylint: disable=C0103, W0222
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy as dcp
import numpy as np
from gstools.covmodel.base import CovModel
from gstools.random.rng import RNG
from gstools.field.summator import summate, summate_incompr

__all__ = ["RandMeth", "IncomprRandMeth"]

SAMPLING = ["auto", "inversion", "mcmc"]

[docs]class RandMeth: r"""Randomization method for calculating isotropic random fields. Parameters ---------- model : :any:`CovModel` Covariance model mode_no : :class:`int`, optional Number of Fourier modes. Default: ``1000`` seed : :class:`int` or :any:`None`, optional The seed of the random number generator. If "None", a random seed is used. Default: :any:`None` verbose : :class:`bool`, optional Be chatty during the generation. Default: :any:`False` sampling : :class:`str`, optional Sampling strategy. Either * "auto": select best strategy depending on given model * "inversion": use inversion method * "mcmc": use mcmc sampling **kwargs Placeholder for keyword-args Notes ----- The Randomization method is used to generate isotropic spatial random fields characterized by a given covariance model. The calculation looks like [Hesse2014]_: .. math:: u\left(x\right)= \sqrt{\frac{\sigma^{2}}{N}}\cdot \sum_{i=1}^{N}\left( Z_{1,i}\cdot\cos\left(\left\langle k_{i},x\right\rangle \right)+ Z_{2,i}\cdot\sin\left(\left\langle k_{i},x\right\rangle \right) \right) where: * :math:`N` : fourier mode number * :math:`Z_{j,i}` : random samples from a normal distribution * :math:`k_i` : samples from the spectral density distribution of the covariance model References ---------- .. [Hesse2014] Heße, F., Prykhodko, V., Schlüter, S., and Attinger, S., "Generating random fields with a truncated power-law variogram: A comparison of several numerical methods", Environmental Modelling & Software, 55, 32-48., (2014) """ def __init__( self, model, mode_no=1000, seed=None, verbose=False, sampling="auto", **kwargs, ): if kwargs: warnings.warn("gstools.RandMeth: **kwargs are ignored") # initialize atributes self._mode_no = int(mode_no) self._verbose = bool(verbose) # initialize private atributes self._model = None self._seed = None self._rng = None self._z_1 = None self._z_2 = None self._cov_sample = None self._value_type = "scalar" # set sampling strategy self._sampling = None self.sampling = sampling # set model and seed self.update(model, seed)
[docs] def __call__(self, pos, add_nugget=True): """Calculate the random modes for the randomization method. This method calls the `summate_*` Cython methods, which are the heart of the randomization method. Parameters ---------- pos : (d, n), :class:`numpy.ndarray` the position tuple with d dimensions and n points. add_nugget : :class:`bool` Whether to add nugget noise to the field. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` the random modes """ pos = np.array(pos, dtype=np.double) summed_modes = summate(self._cov_sample, self._z_1, self._z_2, pos) nugget = self.get_nugget(summed_modes.shape) if add_nugget else 0.0 return np.sqrt(self.model.var / self._mode_no) * summed_modes + nugget
[docs] def get_nugget(self, shape): """ Generate normal distributed values for the nugget simulation. Parameters ---------- shape : :class:`tuple` the shape of the summed modes Returns ------- nugget : :class:`numpy.ndarray` the nugget in the same shape as the summed modes """ if self.model.nugget > 0: nugget = np.sqrt(self.model.nugget) * self._rng.random.normal( size=shape ) else: nugget = 0.0 return nugget
[docs] def update(self, model=None, seed=np.nan): """Update the model and the seed. If model and seed are not different, nothing will be done. Parameters ---------- model : :any:`CovModel` or :any:`None`, optional covariance model. Default: :any:`None` seed : :class:`int` or :any:`None` or :any:`numpy.nan`, optional the seed of the random number generator. If :any:`None`, a random seed is used. If :any:`numpy.nan`, the actual seed will be kept. Default: :any:`numpy.nan` """ # check if a new model is given if isinstance(model, CovModel): if self.model != model: self._model = dcp(model) if seed is None or not np.isnan(seed): self.reset_seed(seed) else: self.reset_seed(self._seed) # just update the seed, if its a new one elif seed is None or not np.isnan(seed): self.seed = seed # or just update the seed, when no model is given elif model is None and (seed is None or not np.isnan(seed)): if isinstance(self._model, CovModel): self.seed = seed else: raise ValueError( "gstools.field.generator.RandMeth: no 'model' given" ) # if the user tries to trick us, we beat him! elif model is None and np.isnan(seed): if ( isinstance(self._model, CovModel) and self._z_1 is not None and self._z_2 is not None and self._cov_sample is not None ): if self.verbose: print("RandMeth.update: Nothing will be done...") else: raise ValueError( "gstools.field.generator.RandMeth: " "neither 'model' nor 'seed' given!" ) # wrong model type else: raise ValueError( "gstools.field.generator.RandMeth: 'model' is not an " "instance of 'gstools.CovModel'" )
[docs] def reset_seed(self, seed=np.nan): """ Recalculate the random amplitudes and wave numbers with the given seed. Parameters ---------- seed : :class:`int` or :any:`None` or :any:`numpy.nan`, optional the seed of the random number generator. If :any:`None`, a random seed is used. If :any:`numpy.nan`, the actual seed will be kept. Default: :any:`numpy.nan` Notes ----- Even if the given seed is the present one, modes will be recalculated. """ if seed is None or not np.isnan(seed): self._seed = seed self._rng = RNG(self._seed) # normal distributed samples for randmeth self._z_1 = self._rng.random.normal(size=self._mode_no) self._z_2 = self._rng.random.normal(size=self._mode_no) # sample uniform on a sphere sphere_coord = self._rng.sample_sphere(self.model.dim, self._mode_no) # sample radii acording to radial spectral density of the model if self.sampling == "inversion" or ( self.sampling == "auto" and self.model.has_ppf ): pdf, cdf, ppf = self.model.dist_func rad = self._rng.sample_dist( size=self._mode_no, pdf=pdf, cdf=cdf, ppf=ppf, a=0 ) else: rad = self._rng.sample_ln_pdf( ln_pdf=self.model.ln_spectral_rad_pdf, size=self._mode_no, sample_around=1.0 / self.model.len_rescaled, ) # get fully spatial samples by multiplying sphere samples and radii self._cov_sample = rad * sphere_coord
@property def sampling(self): """:class:`str`: Sampling strategy.""" return self._sampling @sampling.setter def sampling(self, sampling): if sampling not in ["auto", "inversion", "mcmc"]: raise ValueError(f"RandMeth: sampling not in {SAMPLING}.") self._sampling = sampling @property def seed(self): """:class:`int`: Seed of the master RNG. Notes ----- If a new seed is given, the setter property not only saves the new seed, but also creates new random modes with the new seed. """ return self._seed @seed.setter def seed(self, new_seed): if new_seed is not self._seed: self.reset_seed(new_seed) @property def model(self): """:any:`CovModel`: Covariance model of the spatial random field.""" return self._model @model.setter def model(self, model): self.update(model) @property def mode_no(self): """:class:`int`: Number of modes in the randomization method.""" return self._mode_no @mode_no.setter def mode_no(self, mode_no): if int(mode_no) != self._mode_no: self._mode_no = int(mode_no) self.reset_seed(self._seed) @property def verbose(self): """:class:`bool`: Verbosity of the generator.""" return self._verbose @verbose.setter def verbose(self, verbose): self._verbose = bool(verbose) @property def name(self): """:class:`str`: Name of the generator.""" return self.__class__.__name__ @property def value_type(self): """:class:`str`: Type of the field values (scalar, vector).""" return self._value_type def __repr__(self): """Return String representation.""" return "RandMeth(model={0}, mode_no={1}, seed={2})".format( self.model, self._mode_no, self.seed )
[docs]class IncomprRandMeth(RandMeth): r"""RandMeth for incompressible random vector fields. Parameters ---------- model : :any:`CovModel` covariance model mean_velocity : :class:`float`, optional the mean velocity in x-direction mode_no : :class:`int`, optional number of Fourier modes. Default: ``1000`` seed : :class:`int` or :any:`None`, optional the seed of the random number generator. If "None", a random seed is used. Default: :any:`None` verbose : :class:`bool`, optional State if there should be output during the generation. Default: :any:`False` sampling : :class:`str`, optional Sampling strategy. Either * "auto": select best strategy depending on given model * "inversion": use inversion method * "mcmc": use mcmc sampling **kwargs Placeholder for keyword-args Notes ----- The Randomization method is used to generate isotropic spatial incompressible random vector fields characterized by a given covariance model. The equation is [Kraichnan1970]_: .. math:: u_i\left(x\right)= \bar{u_i} \delta_{i1} + \bar{u_i}\sqrt{\frac{\sigma^{2}}{N}}\cdot \sum_{j=1}^{N}p_i(k_{j})\left( Z_{1,j}\cdot\cos\left(\left\langle k_{j},x\right\rangle \right)+ Z_{2,j}\cdot\sin\left(\left\langle k_{j},x\right\rangle \right) \right) where: * :math:`\bar u` : mean velocity in :math:`e_1` direction * :math:`N` : fourier mode number * :math:`Z_{k,j}` : random samples from a normal distribution * :math:`k_j` : samples from the spectral density distribution of the covariance model * :math:`p_i(k_j) = e_1 - \frac{k_i k_1}{k^2}` : the projector ensuring the incompressibility References ---------- .. [Kraichnan1970] Kraichnan, R. H., "Diffusion by a random velocity field.", The physics of fluids, 13(1), 22-31., (1970) """ def __init__( self, model, mean_velocity=1.0, mode_no=1000, seed=None, verbose=False, sampling="auto", **kwargs, ): if model.dim < 2 or model.dim > 3: raise ValueError( "Only 2D and 3D incompressible fields can be generated." ) super().__init__(model, mode_no, seed, verbose, sampling, **kwargs) self.mean_u = mean_velocity self._value_type = "vector"
[docs] def __call__(self, pos): """Calculate the random modes for the randomization method. This method calls the `summate_incompr_*` Cython methods, which are the heart of the randomization method. In this class the method contains a projector to ensure the incompressibility of the vector field. Parameters ---------- pos : (d, n), :class:`numpy.ndarray` the position tuple with d dimensions and n points. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` the random modes """ pos = np.array(pos, dtype=np.double) summed_modes = summate_incompr( self._cov_sample, self._z_1, self._z_2, pos ) nugget = self.get_nugget(summed_modes.shape) e1 = self._create_unit_vector(summed_modes.shape) return ( self.mean_u * e1 + self.mean_u * np.sqrt(self.model.var / self._mode_no) * summed_modes + nugget )
def _create_unit_vector(self, broadcast_shape, axis=0): """Create a unit vector. Can be multiplied with a vector of shape broadcast_shape Parameters ---------- broadcast_shape : :class:`tuple` the shape of the array with which the unit vector is to be multiplied axis : :class:`int`, optional the direction of the unit vector. Default: ``0`` Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` the unit vector """ shape = np.ones(len(broadcast_shape), dtype=int) shape[0] = self.model.dim e1 = np.zeros(shape) e1[axis] = 1.0 return e1