Source code for gstools.transform.field

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
GStools subpackage providing field transformations.

.. currentmodule:: gstools.transform.field

The following functions are provided

.. autosummary::
# pylint: disable=C0103
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import erf, erfinv

__all__ = [

[docs]def binary(fld, divide=None, upper=None, lower=None): """ Binary transformation. After this transformation, the field only has two values. Parameters ---------- fld : :any:`Field` Spatial Random Field class containing a generated field. Field will be transformed inplace. divide : :class:`float`, optional The dividing value. Default: ``fld.mean`` upper : :class:`float`, optional The resulting upper value of the field. Default: ``mean + sqrt(fld.model.sill)`` lower : :class:`float`, optional The resulting lower value of the field. Default: ``mean - sqrt(fld.model.sill)`` """ if fld.field is None: print("binary: no field stored in SRF class.") else: divide = fld.mean if divide is None else divide upper = fld.mean + np.sqrt(fld.model.sill) if upper is None else upper lower = fld.mean - np.sqrt(fld.model.sill) if lower is None else lower discrete(fld, [lower, upper], thresholds=[divide])
[docs]def discrete(fld, values, thresholds="arithmetic"): """ Discrete transformation. After this transformation, the field has only `len(values)` discrete values. Parameters ---------- fld : :any:`Field` Spatial Random Field class containing a generated field. Field will be transformed inplace. values : :any:`numpy.ndarray` The discrete values the field will take thresholds : :class:`str` or :any:`numpy.ndarray`, optional the thresholds, where the value classes are separated possible values are: * "arithmetic": the mean of the 2 neighbouring values * "equal": devide the field into equal parts * an array of explicitly given thresholds Default: "arithmetic" """ if fld.field is None: print("discrete: no field stored in SRF class.") else: if thresholds == "arithmetic": # just in case, sort the values values = np.sort(values) thresholds = (values[1:] + values[:-1]) / 2 elif thresholds == "equal": values = np.array(values) n = len(values) p = np.arange(1, n) / n # n-1 equal subdivisions of [0, 1] rescale = np.sqrt(fld.model.sill * 2) # use quantile of the normal distribution to get equal ratios thresholds = fld.mean + rescale * erfinv(2 * p - 1) else: if len(values) != len(thresholds) + 1: raise ValueError( "discrete transformation: " "len(values) != len(thresholds) + 1" ) values = np.array(values) thresholds = np.array(thresholds) # check thresholds if not np.all(thresholds[:-1] < thresholds[1:]): raise ValueError( "discrete transformation: thresholds need to be ascending." ) # use a separate result so the intermediate results are not affected result = np.empty_like(fld.field) # handle edge cases result[fld.field <= thresholds[0]] = values[0] result[fld.field > thresholds[-1]] = values[-1] for i, value in enumerate(values[1:-1]): result[ np.logical_and( thresholds[i] < fld.field, fld.field <= thresholds[i + 1] ) ] = value # overwrite the field fld.field = result
[docs]def boxcox(fld, lmbda=1, shift=0): """ (Inverse) Box-Cox transformation to denormalize data. After this transformation, the again Box-Cox transformed field is normal distributed. See: Parameters ---------- fld : :any:`Field` Spatial Random Field class containing a generated field. Field will be transformed inplace. lmbda : :class:`float`, optional The lambda parameter of the Box-Cox transformation. For ``lmbda=0`` one obtains the log-normal transformation. Default: ``1`` shift : :class:`float`, optional The shift parameter from the two-parametric Box-Cox transformation. The field will be shifted by that value before transformation. Default: ``0`` """ if fld.field is None: print("Box-Cox: no field stored in SRF class.") else: fld.mean += shift fld.field += shift if np.isclose(lmbda, 0): normal_to_lognormal(fld) if np.min(fld.field) < -1 / lmbda: warn("Box-Cox: Some values will be cut off!") fld.field = (np.maximum(lmbda * fld.field + 1, 0)) ** (1 / lmbda)
[docs]def zinnharvey(fld, conn="high"): """ Zinn and Harvey transformation to connect low or high values. After this transformation, the field is still normal distributed. Parameters ---------- fld : :any:`Field` Spatial Random Field class containing a generated field. Field will be transformed inplace. conn : :class:`str`, optional Desired connectivity. Either "low" or "high". Default: "high" """ if fld.field is None: print("zinnharvey: no field stored in SRF class.") else: fld.field = _zinnharvey(fld.field, conn, fld.mean, fld.model.sill)
[docs]def normal_force_moments(fld): """ Force moments of a normal distributed field. After this transformation, the field is still normal distributed. Parameters ---------- fld : :any:`Field` Spatial Random Field class containing a generated field. Field will be transformed inplace. """ if fld.field is None: print("normal_force_moments: no field stored in SRF class.") else: fld.field = _normal_force_moments(fld.field, fld.mean, fld.model.sill)
[docs]def normal_to_lognormal(fld): """ Transform normal distribution to log-normal distribution. After this transformation, the field is log-normal distributed. Parameters ---------- fld : :any:`Field` Spatial Random Field class containing a generated field. Field will be transformed inplace. """ if fld.field is None: print("normal_to_lognormal: no field stored in SRF class.") else: fld.field = _normal_to_lognormal(fld.field)
[docs]def normal_to_uniform(fld): """ Transform normal distribution to uniform distribution on [0, 1]. After this transformation, the field is uniformly distributed on [0, 1]. Parameters ---------- fld : :any:`Field` Spatial Random Field class containing a generated field. Field will be transformed inplace. """ if fld.field is None: print("normal_to_uniform: no field stored in SRF class.") else: fld.field = _normal_to_uniform(fld.field, fld.mean, fld.model.sill)
[docs]def normal_to_arcsin(fld, a=None, b=None): """ Transform normal distribution to the bimodal arcsin distribution. See: After this transformation, the field is arcsin-distributed on [a, b]. Parameters ---------- fld : :any:`Field` Spatial Random Field class containing a generated field. Field will be transformed inplace. a : :class:`float`, optional Parameter a of the arcsin distribution (lower bound). Default: keep mean and variance b : :class:`float`, optional Parameter b of the arcsin distribution (upper bound). Default: keep mean and variance """ if fld.field is None: print("normal_to_arcsin: no field stored in SRF class.") else: a = fld.mean - np.sqrt(2.0 * fld.model.sill) if a is None else a b = fld.mean + np.sqrt(2.0 * fld.model.sill) if b is None else b fld.field = _normal_to_arcsin( fld.field, fld.mean, fld.model.sill, a, b ) fld.mean = (a + b) / 2.0
[docs]def normal_to_uquad(fld, a=None, b=None): """ Transform normal distribution to U-quadratic distribution. See: After this transformation, the field is U-quadratic-distributed on [a, b]. Parameters ---------- fld : :any:`Field` Spatial Random Field class containing a generated field. Field will be transformed inplace. a : :class:`float`, optional Parameter a of the U-quadratic distribution (lower bound). Default: keep mean and variance b : :class:`float`, optional Parameter b of the U-quadratic distribution (upper bound). Default: keep mean and variance """ if fld.field is None: print("normal_to_uquad: no field stored in SRF class.") else: a = fld.mean - np.sqrt(5.0 / 3.0 * fld.model.sill) if a is None else a b = fld.mean + np.sqrt(5.0 / 3.0 * fld.model.sill) if b is None else b fld.field = _normal_to_uquad(fld.field, fld.mean, fld.model.sill, a, b) fld.mean = (a + b) / 2.0
# low level functions def _zinnharvey(field, conn="high", mean=None, var=None): """ Zinn and Harvey transformation to connect low or high values. Parameters ---------- field : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Spatial Random Field with normal distributed values. As returned by SRF. conn : :class:`str`, optional Desired connectivity. Either "low" or "high". Default: "high" mean : :class:`float` or :any:`None`, optional Mean of the given field. If None is given, the mean will be calculated. Default: :any:`None` var : :class:`float` or :any:`None`, optional Variance of the given field. If None is given, the mean will be calculated. Default: :any:`None` Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Transformed field. """ if mean is None: mean = np.mean(field) if var is None: var = np.var(field) field = np.abs((field - mean) / np.sqrt(var)) field = 2 * erf(field / np.sqrt(2)) - 1 field = np.sqrt(2) * erfinv(field) if conn == "high": field = -field return field * np.sqrt(var) + mean def _normal_force_moments(field, mean=0, var=1): """ Force moments of a normal distributed field. Parameters ---------- field : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Spatial Random Field with normal distributed values. As returned by SRF. mean : :class:`float`, optional Desired mean of the field. Default: 0 var : :class:`float` or :any:`None`, optional Desired variance of the field. Default: 1 Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Transformed field. """ var_in = np.var(field) mean_in = np.mean(field) rescale = np.sqrt(var / var_in) return rescale * (field - mean_in) + mean def _normal_to_lognormal(field): """ Transform normal distribution to log-normal distribution. Parameters ---------- field : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Spatial Random Field with normal distributed values. As returned by SRF. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Transformed field. """ return np.exp(field) def _normal_to_uniform(field, mean=None, var=None): """ Transform normal distribution to uniform distribution on [0, 1]. Parameters ---------- field : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Spatial Random Field with normal distributed values. As returned by SRF. mean : :class:`float` or :any:`None`, optional Mean of the given field. If None is given, the mean will be calculated. Default: :any:`None` var : :class:`float` or :any:`None`, optional Variance of the given field. If None is given, the mean will be calculated. Default: :any:`None` Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Transformed field. """ if mean is None: mean = np.mean(field) if var is None: var = np.var(field) return 0.5 * (1 + erf((field - mean) / np.sqrt(2 * var))) def _normal_to_arcsin(field, mean=None, var=None, a=0, b=1): """ Transform normal distribution to arcsin distribution. See: Parameters ---------- field : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Spatial Random Field with normal distributed values. As returned by SRF. mean : :class:`float` or :any:`None`, optional Mean of the given field. If None is given, the mean will be calculated. Default: :any:`None` var : :class:`float` or :any:`None`, optional Variance of the given field. If None is given, the mean will be calculated. Default: :any:`None` a : :class:`float`, optional Parameter a of the arcsin distribution. Default: 0 b : :class:`float`, optional Parameter b of the arcsin distribution. Default: 1 Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Transformed field. """ return _uniform_to_arcsin(_normal_to_uniform(field, mean, var), a, b) def _normal_to_uquad(field, mean=None, var=None, a=0, b=1): """ Transform normal distribution to U-quadratic distribution. See: Parameters ---------- field : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Spatial Random Field with normal distributed values. As returned by SRF. mean : :class:`float` or :any:`None`, optional Mean of the given field. If None is given, the mean will be calculated. Default: :any:`None` var : :class:`float` or :any:`None`, optional Variance of the given field. If None is given, the mean will be calculated. Default: :any:`None` a : :class:`float`, optional Parameter a of the U-quadratic distribution. Default: 0 b : :class:`float`, optional Parameter b of the U-quadratic distribution. Default: 1 Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Transformed field. """ return _uniform_to_uquad(_normal_to_uniform(field, mean, var), a, b) def _uniform_to_arcsin(field, a=0, b=1): """ PPF of your desired distribution. The PPF is the inverse of the CDF and is used to sample a distribution from uniform distributed values on [0, 1] in this case: the arcsin distribution See: """ return (b - a) * np.sin(np.pi * 0.5 * field) ** 2 + a def _uniform_to_uquad(field, a=0, b=1): """ PPF of your desired distribution. The PPF is the inverse of the CDF and is used to sample a distribution from uniform distributed values on [0, 1] in this case: the U-quadratic distribution See: """ al = 12 / (b - a) ** 3 be = (a + b) / 2 ga = (a - b) ** 3 / 8 y_raw = 3 * field / al + ga out = np.zeros_like(y_raw) out[y_raw > 0] = y_raw[y_raw > 0] ** (1 / 3) out[y_raw < 0] = -((-y_raw[y_raw < 0]) ** (1 / 3)) return out + be