get_lap_inv(func, method='stehfest', method_dict=None, arg_dict=None, **kwargs)[source]

Callable Laplace inversion.

Get the Laplace inversion of a given function as a callable function.

  • func (callable) – function in laplace-space that shall be inverted. The first argument needs to be the laplace-variable: func(s, **kwargs)

    func should be capable of taking numpy arrays as input for s and the first shape component of the output of func should match the shape of s.

  • method (str) – Method that should be used to calculate the inverse. One can choose between

    • "stehfest": for the stehfest algorithm

    Default: "stehfest"

  • method_dict (dict or None, optional) – Keyword arguments for the used method.

  • arg_dict (dict or None, optional) – Keyword-arguments given as a dictionary that are forwarded to the function given in func. Will be merged with **kwargs This is designed for overlapping keywords. Default: None

  • **kwargs – Keyword-arguments that are forwarded to the function given in func. Will be merged with arg_dict.


The Laplace inverse of the given function.

Return type

